It's here: the FIRST Robotics World Championships!
Published 05/21/12
Published 05/21/12
Day 3 Our three teams take on the elimination rounds of the St. Louis Regional Competition
Published 05/21/12
Showdown in St. Louis: Day 2 the competition begins.
Published 04/27/12
Showdown in St. Louis
Published 04/27/12
With regional competition just days away, teams tweak small parts of their robot's reserved elements and finalize their team spirit schwag.
Published 04/27/12
Bag and tag time has arrived.
Published 04/27/12
With chassis built and robots driving, it's time for our local teams to add the shooting mechanism to their robot structure and test, test, test their ability to target, shoot, and swish.
Published 04/27/12
Driving and Balancing.
Published 03/15/12
As our FIRST Robotics Competition teams continue to finalize their shooting mechanisms this week we ask the question: what good is a shooting mechanism if there's no robot chassis to mount it on?
Published 03/15/12
This year's Rebound Rumble challenge pushes our FIRST Robotics teams to think in a wide variety of ways as they design and build a robot to meet a wide variety of tasks. First up, how to shoot those little basketballs into those three-tiered hoops.
Published 03/15/12
Teams develop strategy for Rebound Rumble.
Published 02/22/12
Teams develop strategy for Rebound Rumble.
Published 02/22/12
A new challenge!
Published 02/13/12
A new challenge!
Published 02/13/12
The results are in!
Published 02/02/12
The results are in!
Published 02/02/12
Let the games begin!
Published 02/02/12
Let the games begin!
Published 02/02/12
For our First Tech Challenge Teams, all the innovation comes down to this--The 11th Hour--one final day before competition. Are they ready?
Published 01/18/12
For our First Tech Challenge Teams, all the innovation comes down to this--The 11th Hour--one final day before competition. Are they ready?
Published 01/18/12
For all innovators patience and perseverance aren't just buzz words they are every day realities, and that's certainly true of our FIRST Tech Challenge teams as the clock ticks toward the competition.
Published 01/06/12
For all innovators patience and perseverance aren't just buzz words they are every day realities, and that's certainly true of our FIRST Tech Challenge teams as the clock ticks toward the competition.
Published 01/06/12
The pace is really picking up for our First Tech Challenge Teams now. With the competition just a few weeks away, student minds are reeling with ways to re-design, re-build, and re-create as they get their robots ready.
Published 01/03/12
The seven teams are deeply involved now, aiming to meet multiple challenges of design and implementation, persevering and innovating every step of the way.
Published 01/03/12