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Inside The Hits
Every episode takes a classic pop song from the past 50 years and dissects its creative process - telling the story of how it was written, produced and recorded and playing demos, outtakes and individual elements from the multitrack recording.
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Recent Episodes
With the record company not believing it was single material, the third single from the band's third album would need a remix from Nile Rodgers before it was not only good enough - but would go no.1 in the UK.
Published 07/26/21
A huge global hit from Sweden and one of the 1990s' most memorable tunes. But it would never have happened, had a tape not got stuck on a car... Hear the story behind this song.
Published 06/05/21
Starting out as a riff in a punk track and many recordings later (and at least three releases) it's become one of the most recognisable songs of the 80s. Hear its story and a break down of the recording, putting attention on Morten's incredible vocal.
Published 05/17/21
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