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Jon Hayes
Inside Tips
Gain insight into the music industry with your host Jon Hayes. Jon is an up and coming artist and is working his way through the topics that every music entrepreneur must work through. With the industry being so connections-based it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the question "How do I start?" Once a band or artist gets started they are then followed up with an even harder question "What do I do now?" Tune in to "Inside Tips" and learn alongside Jon in almost real-time as he interviews and expounds on topics including recording, marketing, brand development, gear and more. Getting...
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So often, as independent artists, we strive and long for the day we "make it" in music.  This vague goal is usually tied to the dream of having a record label offer us the holy grail of "musiciandom": the hallowed RECORD DEAL.  Yet, the life of a signed...
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