We need to do all we can for ourselves We need to learn to ask for and accept help when we need it. I need to learn to weigh the risks vs the benefits of doing things myself. I don’t need to apologize for my illness. I need to see the accomplishments I’ve made instead […]
Published 01/11/21
I don’t have to explain, validate, or justify my illness to those who don’t understand it. Most people do care. Those who don’t aren’t your problem. A smile opens many doors to communication. We are each so much more than a diagnosis. If I am willing to educate people on how I want to be […]
Published 01/08/21
By simply adding a description of praise when we introduce others we can greatly influence their day, our own attitude, and that of the person making the acquaintance. We have the power to use our words to build people up or tear them down – lets build them up!
Published 10/05/20
A friend recently pointed out to me that often I seem to be so preoccupied with my phone that it feels like I’m not present. That it feels like the conversation around me isn’t enough to be focused on. I apparently made my friend feel like what he/she was telling me was not my priority. […]
Published 09/21/20
We all face times where we are sure we aren’t enough. It can take effort to remind ourselves that we are, each of us is, enough. The basis for today’s talk is from a quote I found from Holstee. It reads: Hello, I don’t know everything about you, but I know what you are not.You […]
Published 09/17/20
It’s been quite a week! From falling again, to knowing I needed to make a huge change in an interpersonal relationship of mine, to connecting with a friend, getting a new knee, learning again how vital my friends, family, and others are to me and just all in all making my way through a week […]
Published 07/15/20
Today is a shout out to all the people who show up, do what they do, do it to the best of their ability and make a difference. No matter what you do, where you are, or who you are there are things you can do that are going to impact someone else’s life for […]
Published 07/10/20
Today would be my dad’s 79th birthday. He loved his work. He loved he people, the challenges, the places, and the success it brought into his life. Whether we work at a job we love or not, we have the choice to love what we do, and to do what we love in life. How […]
Published 07/08/20
I fell a few days ago. This experience reminded me of how easy it is to talk about a good attitude and to promote positive thinking but how hard it is to put into practice when life throws us a curve. I was challenged to reassess my attitude and reflect on the many reasons I […]
Published 07/06/20
Last post for the challenge! Acknowledge something you’ve done that was hard but you achieved it. Something you once, perhaps, couldn’t do and now you can. Acknowledge how good growth feels! Be thankful for your personal growth and celebrate it!
Published 06/26/20
The challenges for days 28 and 29 are very similar. Plan a coffee Date with a friend: It’s easy to get busy but we never want people to feel like we are to busy to their friend. Taking that time for a friend to go out and visit reminds us how much we love each […]
Published 06/25/20
Children wear their hearts for the whole world to see! Watch a happy kid, learn from the joy of children. When we embark on a journey to celebrate the little things like a child does we automatically become more grateful. Today’s challenge is to think like a child, to feel the awareness of joy like […]
Published 06/24/20
So often when things go wrong we catastophize over it and make it into a huge deal. Then, with the passing of time we can look back and realize all the good that came of it, how it helped us grow, it shaped us, and how it enabled us to become stronger people. Sometimes things […]
Published 06/23/20
Campfires are among my happy places. They are soothing, and they bring people together. Some of my best memories have been made around a campfire. Today’s challenge is to build a campfire, or do something that speaks to your heart in a similar way, and reflect on, and celebrate the good that is in your […]
Published 06/23/20
Pause to give thanks before a meal. The challenge is to offer up thanks for the food, the preparation, the kitchen it was prepared in. Give thanks for the farmer who grew the food, the animal who supplied food, or gave his life for us to eat. Give thanks for the environment where we can […]
Published 06/19/20
Do Someone a favor. Do favors for the people you love and who help you. Then challenge yourself to do a favor for someone who isn’t quite on your list of favorite people. You’ll be as blessed as they are.
Published 06/18/20
Invite people over!
Published 06/17/20
Paying it forward or performing a random act of kindness is today’s challenge. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking: Pay for the person behind you in the drive through line. Mow someone’s grass. Pick up a shut in person’s mail or groceries. Deliver some baking to a new neighbor’s house. Walk a […]
Published 06/16/20
Stand up for others. Standing up for others can mean defending them when they are wrongfully accused, standing beside them when they make mistakes, protecting their dignity, defending their honor, believing in them…. There’s so much we can do to stand up for others and it starts right here, in our own hearts.
Published 06/15/20
Lets go into the weekend speaking kindness! Build someone up. Share a pleasant thought. Tell someone what you appreciate. Speak truth. Speak gently. Speak kindness!
Published 06/12/20
When we choose to be part of another person’s support system we impart knowledge, empathy and strength. We build relationships that are strong in both the good and bad times. While sharing in another person’s life struggles and victories we continue to build stronger healthier relationships and communities.
Published 06/11/20
Share another person’s praise! Build your team up, share the joy they’ve helped you create! Spread good words about each other! Acknowledge publicly that we all need each other and that the contributions of many people go into making our success stories! If you would like to reach out to me I’d love to hear […]
Published 06/10/20
When we celebrate the victories of others it creates joy in both our own life, and theirs. By being happy for another person when he/she achieves something great we eliminate the contest mentality and we can live in the moment of joy that comes from celebrating with another. If you would like to reach out […]
Published 06/09/20