# 366 - How to Become Truly Selfless! Do you understand what it means to truly be selfless? Most people don't. They'll tell you being selfless is all about contributing to other people when they require assistance... This is the trap that most people fall into that is actually counterproductive to life. In order to be selfless... In order to serve... In order to set an example... In order to contribute to others... You must first be SELFISH. Not many people will understand this... ...
Published 06/06/21
Published 06/06/21
# 365 - Thanks For The Challenge Russell Brunson - Completed! Well its done... Episode # 365... 365 episodes in a row... A full year without missing a day! This time last year I was doing Russell Brunson's One Funnel Away Challenge and he gave me a choice of doing a Facebook Live, a blog post or a podcast every day for a year. And I chose the podcast... And I finished it! Yay me! It was tough though... Make no mistake... There were days I wanted to give up... That is why I did...
Published 05/28/21
# 364 - Find Your Passion Then Go Live It! What gets you excited? What is the one thing that you would do everyday even if you were tired and weren't getting paid for it? What is the thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning smiling? What fuels your soul? What is the thing that makes you feel complete? What is your REAL PASSION? If you don't know... You need to figure it out. If you can turn passion into an avenue that helps other people... You have the potential to make...
Published 05/27/21
# 363 - Put Pressure On Yourself And Rise To The Top! Learn how to put yourself under pressure even when there isn’t any. These high-pressure environments are where you are forging the skills and character traits you need to reach your dreams and set yourself up for a much easier life in the future. Most people are comfortable working a 40 hour work week with a set income that is "safe"... But because they are choosing to live a life that is easy and risk-free... They never break out of...
Published 05/26/21
# 362 - When You Raise Your Standards You Raise Your Lifestyle! Would you like to earn more money? I’m assuming the answer is yes... Most people think that the amount of money you earn has to do with what your profession is... Who the Government of the day is... The current state of the economy... What their boss thinks of them... Or any other fake factor they can think of. But the truth is this... Your income is directly tied to your standards. High Standards = High Income. Low...
Published 05/25/21
# 361 - Do The Work Today And Reap The Rewards Tomorrow! Words by Andy Frisella. Thanks Andy! Take a second and imagine this... What if everything you did today... Every action... Every decision... Every last drop of effort... Directly shaped what your life is going to look like tomorrow. What would you do? I bet you'd work your ass off today... You'd dedicate all your time and attention to producing the absolute best result possible. What if I told you this is actually the truth? ...
Published 05/24/21
# 360 - Stop Being Average! (Thanks Andy Frisella!) Quit looking for a pat on the back every time you do something good. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK HARD. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A GREAT TEAM PLAYER. If you're seeking acknowledgement for that... You will be very disappointed. Average does not deserve recognition. Listen in for more... ------------------------------------------------------------- Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery...
Published 05/23/21
# 359 - How Bad Do You Want It? So... You want the nice car… You want the big new house… You want the holidays in beautiful places... I know you do… Or else you probably wouldn't be listening to my podcast… But here's the truth... When it comes to your personal success... You may SAY you want it... But are you willing to suffer, feel the pain, cry the tears and pay the price to get it? I can guarantee you that it's going to be 100x more difficult than you think. Are you willing to...
Published 05/23/21
# 358 - Is Your Life Active or Passive? Are you living your life actively or passively? Are you running your day, or is your day running you? Are you in control, or are you giving up control? Are you paddling your boat in the direction you want to go, or are you letting the stream take you where you don't want to go? Winners live an active life... They go into every single day with a plan to win the day. They're organized. They take their big goals and deconstruct them into small...
Published 05/21/21
# 357 - How To Survive When You Lose It All! If you ask any REAL entrepreneur if they fear losing everything they own... Their companies... Their connections... Their wealth... Their answer will be: Not at all! Highly successful people understand that it's not about what they have... It's all about what they know... As long as they have the skills and knowledge they've developed through the journey... They will always be successful. On the other hand... Have you ever wondered why...
Published 05/20/21
# 356 - How To Confront Your Own Mortality! We are all going to die... Period... No one escapes this life alive... Yet life and death are inextricably linked but we shun death... No one talks about it... 50 Cent was shot 9 times at close range but survived... This is a quote from him... "WHEN I NEARLY DIED IT MADE ME THINK?THIS CAN HAPPEN AGAIN ANY SECOND. I BETTER HURRY AND DO WHAT I WANT. I STARTED TO LIVE LIKE I NEVER LIVED BEFORE. WHEN THE FEAR OF DEATH IS GONE, THEN...
Published 05/19/21
# 355 - Why You Were Born To Win! What happens when you give a basketball to a 3 year old and ask them to put it in the basket? They get ecstatic once the ball goes in. They hardly know how to speak... They don't know what basketball is... And they haven’t been taught anything about winning… But they still celebrate their victory. Every single one of us was born to win... As humans, we are innately programmed to compete... It's in our DNA. Whether you choose to win or not is up to...
Published 05/18/21
# 354 - What Is The 100 Days To Self Mastery Challenge? I went for a run yesterday and it was freezing cold, raining and I thought it may snow... But I kept going... My soft voice didn't even show up... The 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge will alter your mindset... Doing this run I realised how far I had come... My mind now rules my body... Not the other way around... Come and join the challenge and turn your life around... Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery...
Published 05/17/21
# 353 - How To Appreciate the Simple Things In Life! When you're constantly pursuing your potential and your biggest goals... Don't forget to appreciate the simple things in life. We can get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks, that we lose sight of the things that make us feel fulfilled right now. Enjoy the time with your family... Enjoy the time with your pets... Enjoy the hobbies you have... Enjoy, appreciate and be grateful the lifestyle you currently live... Take a few moments...
Published 05/16/21
# 352 - How To Win Regardless of Your Circumstances! The people who REALLY want to accomplish great things in life will always take massive action to do so... It doesn't matter what the conditions are... It doesn't matter what the circumstances are... What obstacles or challenges stand in the way... What resources they have or don't have... They will get it done. The people who just SAY they want to accomplish great things in their life will never execute. They will create excuses to...
Published 05/15/21
# 351 - How Helping Others Helps You! Helping other people is the best way to find your own  success & happiness in life. But there’s another layer to that… People NEVER FORGET when you help them in times of need. Try to remember a time in your life when you were down and out... When you felt defeated... When you felt down on yourself... When you felt like the entire world was against you… When you felt like giving up... But there was someone who gave you the help and support to...
Published 05/14/21
# 350 - How Making A Decision Can Change Your Life! We all make decisions everyday... But how many people are brave enough to make decisions that will change their lives? Not many... Listen in today to understand just how powerful making a life changing decision can be and how to commit to it and make it happen! Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge here: https://100daystoselfmasterychallenge.com ...you are just one habit away! ✅. SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!...
Published 05/13/21
# 349 - The One Habit That Will Change Your Life! Nearly everyone wants to change their life... This one habit is the most important for any lasting change... Tune in to hear what it is... Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge here: https://100daystoselfmasterychallenge.com ...you are just one habit away! ✅. SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Help Shrink your Prostate with PROSTATE PLUS Supplements here https://turmericheals.com/thaprilpost ✅ Follow and subscribe to...
Published 05/12/21
# 348 - Why You Need to Slow Down Adjust and Become Aware! A lot of people like speed and doing things fast... But sometimes if we are not careful, obstacles in our path will knock us down because we don't see them... Listen in today to hear how I slow myself down, become aware and adjust accordingly... Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast... Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge here: https://100daystoselfmasterychallenge.com ...you are just one habit...
Published 05/11/21
# 347 - How To Handle Your Failures And Succeed In Life! You're going to fail... A LOT... Everyone does... Including me. In fact, I fail more often than the average person because I'm willing to get out of my comfort zone everyday and take more risks... This is important to understand... It's not about how many times you fail... It's about what YOU DO when you fail! How you react to your failures will define you... Listen to todays podcast for deep understanding of this...
Published 05/10/21
The Own Your Future Challenge! You know what you spend 60% of your life doing?    No, it’s not sleeping…   It’s your career.    So with that in mind… are you happy with yours?   Or are you spending 60% (over HALF) of your time doing something that doesn’t… Give you financial stability and freedom Align with your passion Make an impact on the world Make you excited every single morning You know deep down in your soul that you only have ONE life.   So right now I want to challenge...
Published 05/09/21
# 345 - Be Patient Disciplined And Take Massive Action! NOTHING truly worth while can be manifested overnight. EVERYTHING that means something to you and is worth while takes time... Effort... Perseverance... Consistency... Discipline and Massive action... Snake oil salesmen tell you that you can make a million dollars in a week...... B******t... When you're young in your journey... It sounds very appealing... But you have to understand this... No product... No course... No...
Published 05/08/21
# 344 - No More Excuses Time to Take Responsibility! There are so many people in the world these days who make excuses and take no responsibility... Are you one of them? Look at what is happening in the US... George Floyd gets justice but still BLM and Antifa go around destroying cities... And of course they will have an excuse but they certainly don't take responsibility... Stop making excuses, be responsible and take massive action to better yourself! Get your 7 day FREE trial to the...
Published 05/07/21
# 343 - How To Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life! Toxic people are everywhere... And when they start interfering in your future it's time to eliminate them... They can be friends, family like parents, siblings and children... Protect your positive energy... Listen in to hear how you can get rid of those toxic people with toxic energy and make it a win win situation... Get your 7 day FREE trial to the 100 Days to Self Mastery Challenge here: https://100daystoselfmasterychallenge.com ...
Published 05/07/21