Published 12/31/23
Published 12/31/23
Merry Christmas, ICA! Today we hear from P. Ed sharing about a short song sung by the whole angelic choir as the good news of Christ’s birth was announced to the shepherds. We celebrate the birth of our saviour, and the reality that we are no longer alienated from God, but we can now be in relationship with him through what Christ has done. 
Published 12/24/23
Published 12/17/23
What are some of the songs of Christmas in the Bible? The songs of Mary, Elizabeth, and the Angels clearly present the good news of Jesus Christ. God has also put a song of praise in our hearts this Christmas!
Published 12/10/23
Paul lands his letter in a position of joy and thanksgiving, sharing how he has learned the secret of facing all situations - through the strength of Christ. In every area where we are facing lack, the Lord abundantly supplies. As we surrender whatever anxieties we have and set our minds on Christ, we can find joy in all circumstances. 
Published 12/03/23
Despite being in prison, Paul is determined to press on towards the goal of knowing Christ more intimately and becoming more like him. We can find joy and fulfilment not in our worldly success but in what lies ahead - the hope of transformation, our citizenship in heaven and the promise of Christ’s return. Check out this message as P. Ed shares how we can find joy in letting go of things that have gone before, and embrace things that are to come. 
Published 11/26/23
The “Christ Hymn” is core to this letter and sums up in a nutshell what the gospel is, the very thing Paul finds joy in and is willing to die for. This passage depicts the humility of Jesus, His sacrifice, and ultimately His exaltation. The exaltation of Christ as Lord signifies His sovereignty and fulfilment of God’s plan for redemption, which is a source of great joy for all those who place their faith in Him. 
Published 11/19/23
Paul did not see his challenging circumstances as suffering but rather as an opportunity for the Gospel to advance. His focus on Christ and the proclamation of the Gospel served as a constant source of joy and purpose for him. He longed to see Christ magnified through his life, whether in life or death. From Paul’s example, we learn how to find joy in times of afflictions and see our setbacks as divine opportunities for Jesus to come through. 
Published 11/12/23
Tommy Ip concludes our Above the Clouds series with a message that delves into the symbolism of clouds representing the irretrievability of confessed sins. Through this imagery, we confront the reality of our wrongdoing and the weight of guilt that can linger in our lives. Listen as we explore how God's mercy and grace can transform our lives, lifting the clouds of guilt and bringing us into a place of freedom, restoration, and renewed relationship with Him.
Published 11/05/23
In this message, Tim Yung shares about the symbolism of clouds as a place where God conceals Himself while conveying His glory. Through the imagery of clouds, we unravel the profound mystery of God's presence and His desire to reveal Himself to humanity. Join us as we explore the ways in which God chooses to reveal Himself through the clouds and how we can position ourselves to experience His glorious presence in our lives. 
Published 10/29/23
We're getting ever closer to our 50th Anniversary celebrations. This last weekend before the big day, we welcome Kenneth Chow to share the Word with a message about the significance of clouds as Christ's seat of authority. This message invites us to reflect on the majesty and glory of our saviour, whose presence is likened to the clouds, and how we can align our lives with His purposes.
Published 10/15/23
Throughout Exodus, clouds play a significant role in illustrating the tangible manifestation of God's glory, guidance, and protection. As we explore the profound symbolism of clouds in Exodus, we will delve into the essential truth that God's presence is real and transformative. In this sermon, LH Koh shares how clouds symbolise God's presence in our lives.
Published 10/08/23
Published 09/24/23
Darcy and Leanne McAllister close our Sent series by preaching on the story of the widow from Mark 12. Despite giving very little compared to others, the widow's remarkable act catches Jesus' attention; demonstrating deep sacrifice and trust as she offers her entire life. Her example teaches us that there are profound rewards when we trust Him and give ourselves away!
Published 09/17/23
In John 4, Jesus models our mission by engaging with a Samaritan woman at a well. He ministers in the community, initiates dialogue, breaks cultural biases, operates in the Spirit without judgment, and reveals His identity. This approach opens doors for the community to know Him. Reflect on your community involvement, the role of spiritual gifts in your mission, and how biases might limit your work. "Open your eyes, the harvest is ready," as there are many eager to meet Jesus around us.
Published 09/03/23
In Hosea 2, we see a beautiful portrayal of God’s redeeming love in the relationship between Hosea and Gomer. Just as Hosea renews the wedding vows in spite of Gomer’s unfaithfulness, God does not give up on us and we are NOT to give up on humanity either. The picture of God’s covenantal relationship with humanity is described in verses 19-20 as righteousness, justice, unfailing love, compassion, and faithfulness.  As each word is defined, God’s heart for us becomes clearer and so does our...
Published 08/20/23
God’s mission is to redeem all of creation in Christ as seen in Col 1:20, and through the overarching meta-narrative of Scripture which includes Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation. God’s purpose is to draw all humanity into a relationship with Himself through Christ. Often as believers, we think we “have a mission” when in reality, we join God in His mission. God is a sending God and He is sending each of us. God is already at work and invites us to participate in what He is doing....
Published 08/13/23
Join us as we explore the fascinating story of Esther, a flawed yet favoured heroine. Though it seemed she lived a compromising life, using her beauty to become queen and marrying a pagan king, God chose her to become an advocate for her people. In the same way, God adopts us as His children and makes us beautiful to reveal His love to the world. Let us be bold and wise like Esther to fulfil our calling as the church, the bride of Christ. Don't miss this powerful message of faith and courage...
Published 08/06/23
Join us for a compelling story of heroism in the book of Esther. Mordecai, the hero of the story, stood up to threats and hostility, prompting Esther to recognize her opportunity to make a difference. God can use us at critical times and we all have a sphere of influence, so let us be like Mordecai and challenge and motivate others to follow God's plan for their lives. Don't miss out on this inspiring message from P. Ed about turning sorrow into joy and experiencing the rewards of following...
Published 07/30/23
Join us for a compelling story of heroism in the book of Esther. Mordecai, the hero of the story, stood up to threats and hostility, prompting Esther to recognize her opportunity to make a difference. God can use us at critical times and we all have a sphere of influence, so let us be like Mordecai and challenge and motivate others to follow God's plan for their lives. Don't miss out on this inspiring message from P. Ed about turning sorrow into joy and experiencing the rewards of following...
Published 07/30/23
Discover the story of Haman, the ultimate villain in the book of Esther. His hatred and pride led to self-destruction, a cautionary tale for us all. What drives you in life? What triggers your anger or pride? Join us as we explore how Jesus, who humbly died on the cross, can heal and deliver us from these destructive forces. Don't miss out on this powerful message from John Dulip this weekend at Church Online 
Published 07/23/23
Here we discover the incredible story of King Ahasuerus. As the ruler of 127 provinces, he epitomizes authority, wealth, and power, yet he is a weak leader who couldn't even control his own wife. King Ahasuerus's lack of control stands in stark contrast to God's sovereignty and control. Even though worldly power may fade away, God's power always prevails. Watch and discover how God's sovereign plan culminates in Jesus Christ, the true King. 
Published 07/16/23