In this episode, I share about my experience learning to muscle test. Muscle testing is a technique that allows us to tap into the intuitive wisdom of the body. It relies on the fact that your muscles typically go weak when something is not in alignment. Learning this technique did not come easily for me. I am not entirely comfortable asking definitive, “yes or no” questions, which is necessary with muscle testing. I also discovered I was surprisingly nervous about making mistakes! Learning...
Published 11/28/23
Many of us have learned that certain emotions are more acceptable than others. Anger, in particular, often gets a bum rap, and is often judged as “bad” or even unspiritual. But our anger, just like all of our emotions, offers valuable feedback as to how we are interpreting events and experiences in our lives, and perhaps more importantly how aligned we are with our highest selves. It's not wrong to be misaligned, it’s part of life. And learning to work with and allow the full expression of...
Published 11/21/23
In this episode I had the honor and joy of connecting with Ian Haycroft, whose Clear Mind process of energetic and emotional healing work combines techniques from Kinesiology with his unique style. Ian’s mission is to assist people in the discovery of who they really are and to bring that discovery into their everyday life. One of the tools Ian uses is muscle testing, which taps into the wisdom of our bodies and minds. We had a great conversation around the power of muscle testing in...
Published 11/14/23
How do we manage a world where everyone has different perspectives, ideas, and beliefs? Do we rail against those whose beliefs we perceive to be dangerous to us, or do we look at our own belief systems to change our world from the inside out? Thanks to the law of attraction, we are creating our own reality based on our beliefs and where we are choosing to focus our energy and attention. This means that other people’s beliefs can’t hurt us, unless we give them that power. Oftentimes we judge...
Published 11/07/23
Alison DeNicola joins us in this episode to talk about two of my favorite topics: oracle cards and spiritual signs! Alison is an author, card deck creator, inspirational teacher, yoga and meditation instructor, energy healer and retreat leader. Tune in as she shares her journey in discovering her life’s purpose, tapping into her intuition and creating fabulous oracle card decks, including the highly acclaimed Mudra’s for Awakening the Energy Body. We also talk about the different types of...
Published 10/31/23
In this episode I had the honor and joy of connecting with Samantha Leah. Samantha is a pop artist who uplifts and empowers her audience through music. Her lyrics encompass high vibe themes such as manifestation, consciousness, affirmations, self love and healing. Although she started singing at only 4 years old, her youth was spent in theater and auditioning for plays where she learned to equate her self-esteem with the roles she acquired. After attending an Abraham Hicks workshop in...
Published 10/24/23
Jo came seeking guidance on whether or not to re-establish a relationship with her mother after a decades-long separation. The guides shared heartfelt perspectives from her mother’s highest self, while reassuring Jo that her reservations are valid and that the reconnection needs to be on her own terms.This episode explores the power and parameters of forgiveness, the importance of honoring our personal boundaries even in what should be our closest family relationships, and why it is important...
Published 10/17/23
I spent years stressing over all of my decisions–big or small, wanting to ensure that I was making the “right” choices. But what if there is no objective right or wrong? What if every choice you make simply brings you to a new point of focus, with fresh new opportunities to choose your next steps? In this episode, we explore the notion of free will, why it is so fundamental to this human experience, and how we can honor ourselves and our ability to choose with joy rather than judgment. Every...
Published 10/10/23
Intuition is not the same as omniscience. Nor would we want it to be. Our intuition is our guidance system for navigating through the unknown, but it will not and cannot provide all the answers, because we are actually here to learn through the experience of living!  This episode explores the true purpose of our intuition and why the beauty of this life is in the not knowing. Intuition helps you feel into the most aligned choice for you in the present moment. This usually has nothing to do...
Published 10/03/23
In this episode, our guest Avril joins us for an intuitive reading and is seeking guidance on the next steps towards finding her life’s purpose. Avril learns from the guides that life doesn’t have to be so serious and that the most direct path towards your purpose is to follow your joy. The guides also share the importance of healing and loving your inner child in order to hear the whispers of your soul’s guidance with greater ease and clarity. This episode will resonate with any and all...
Published 09/26/23
Intuition is our spiritual GPS…our direct line to the soul. But how does intuition connect with our physical being? And what is the relationship between intuition and the human brain? In this episode, neuropsychologist turned spiritual guru Chris Niebauer joins us again to explore the topics of intuition, consciousness and the limits of the thinking mind. We also share about Chris’ teachings, including his upcoming event at Cactus Blossom Retreat. Join us for this consciousness expanding...
Published 09/19/23
There are many ways our intuition may speak to us, and no two people are alike in how they tune into their inner wisdom! Lynda Samphire joins me in this episode to explore the ways in which we can experience our intuition beyond words or concepts by tuning into the felt sense. We also discuss what can block our intuition, practices that help connect you to your unique gifts, and the importance of grounding and integration in the Earth realm.  Lynda has worked in the healing arts for over 15...
Published 09/12/23
This episode is inspired by a post I saw online that said, “you know someone’s true character by how they respond when they don’t get what they want.” It got me thinking about how we often assume that our true character is bad, and when we show that side, we’re showing who we really are. This is not your true colors, my friend. That’s your ego reacting, and we all have one! Your true self, your soul self, is a beautiful emanation of the divine! Tune in as the guides and I explore the...
Published 09/05/23
In this episode, Melanie Horton joins us to discuss the Akashic Records, astrology, and how they beautifully intertwine when tuning into the energy of one’s soul. The Akashic Records are considered to be a metaphysical library that consists of the past, present and future possibilities of a soul. When combined with an astrological chart, Melanie is able to access a soul’s potential and so much more. We also discuss what it means to create a life that feels like a love letter to yourself, and...
Published 08/29/23
This episode is all about the Law of Attraction, and the signs we receive all the time that confirm the universe is responding to our desires. Since we are powerful creators and everything is energy, we are attracting and creating everything in our world based on the energy we’re putting out there. When we start to follow the signs and manifest more consciously and intentionally, we are able to see the miracles in everything as our manifestations come to fruition! As you appreciate even the...
Published 08/22/23
Darrell devoted the last 20 years of his life to writing a book. He poured all his time and resources into this creation, and now that it is complete he is wondering, “what next?” In this episode, Victoria and the guides explore both the act of creation and the value of letting go. Darrell learns that creating is powerful in and of itself, regardless of outcome, and often the best way to realize a desired outcome is to let it go and focus your energy and attention on areas of your life that...
Published 08/15/23
Joy is your birthright! It’s what everyone truly wants, yet is often overlooked. We tend to focus on the problems; finding our dream job or life partner, losing weight, getting more money, relieving our misery… When in essence, the real reason why we want these things is because we think they will bring us joy! Focusing on the negatives creates an endless supply of problems to be solved, but is it the path to joy? In this episode, I reconnect with my soul sister Lisa McCourt to discuss her...
Published 08/08/23
Does change and growth really have to be uncomfortable? So many of us have learned that we must struggle in order to thrive, and that seeking out things that make us uncomfortable is the best path to personal development. The truth is that all your soul wants from you is to experience wellbeing; this is your birthright. And while growth and change can sometimes feel a little uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to result in suffering! In this episode we explore the value in expanding your comfort...
Published 08/01/23
We live in a world where fear so often takes the lead, and grabs for our attention, while the voice of our soul is often more subtle. Part of learning to listen more deeply to your inner wisdom is learning to distinguish those inner nudges from all the noise of our fearful minds. In this episode, anxiety expert and bestselling author, Amber Trueblood, joins me to explore the different ways in which anxiety manifests in our lives, and how we can learn to discern the difference between...
Published 07/25/23
We always talk about inner healing, but what about healing our relationship to life itself? Summer McStravick joins me to unpack what it means to truly dance with the non-physical as we find the heaps of support we’ve been lacking for so long. Learn how to fully trust the process of life and find the gift in all of your experiences whether they appear to be seemingly good, bad, and everything in between.  Summer is a Personal Growth Coach, Author, Podcaster, Creator of Flowdreaming: a mind...
Published 07/18/23
So, you ask your spirit guides for a sign, and you get it…big time. Now what do you do? In this episode, our guest Heather asked her guides to show her the next steps in her career and got the strong message that it was time to take a big leap. The only problem is she’s not sure that she’s ready to follow their guidance. Tune in as the guides support Heather in learning to listen more deeply to her own spirit guides and trust herself more in navigating this life changing decision.   Key...
Published 07/11/23
Fear is a natural part of being human, but it does not have to be a guiding force in our lives. In this episode, I share about my newfound passion for barefoot hiking, and how I learned to let go of my fears and embrace the freedom and joy of trusting myself and the process of life. When we follow our joy, our fears naturally fall away, and we begin to live with more ease, purpose and grace. Connect with your soul tribe in the Intuitive Connection Premier Community! Enjoy 30% off with code...
Published 07/04/23
Intuition, inspiration and joy all emerge naturally when we learn to quiet the mind. Mediation is a valuable tool for learning to still the mind and become more present with ourselves and our experiences. In this episode, I discuss the power of meditation and so much more with my guest Chris Cirak. Chris is a graduate of the Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening, a certified Meditation Teacher by the World Yoga Alliance, and the author of Be You: The Journey of Self-Realization.  Tune in as we...
Published 06/27/23
It’s always fun to offer intuitive reading to other highly psychic peeps, as I find that tuning into their psychic gifts enhances my own. In this episode I had the opportunity to reconnect with Celebrity Psychic, Actress, Singer and podcast host Laura Michelle Powers to offer some intuitive guidance on her burgeoning acting and singing career. Tune in to hear more about the fascinating past lives that came through and how they relate to her current challenges and longings, and also the many...
Published 06/20/23
In honor of Father’s Day and the recent passing of my own father, this episode is dedicated to sharing the gifts he gave me and my personal reflections on processing grief, loss, and the eternal nature of our souls. I also share some wisdom from the guides and my dad (in spirit) around life, death, and the experiences our soul’s may have after crossing over.   Key Takeaways: The human experience is temporary, but the soul is eternal. Even though someone’s human form has transitioned, their...
Published 06/13/23