Do you ever get stuck in a scarcity mindset? The belief that money, friends, and material goods are a limited resource that you must use and enjoy sparingly?  In this episode, I share my experiences with scarcity thinking and how my misguided desire to protect what I believed to be limited resources like shoes, designer toddler dresses, and even friends, was keeping me from enjoying the very things I was coveting. When we recognize and allow our abundant nature, we can enjoy and savor all of...
Published 05/21/24
Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? In this episode, I welcome my friend and colleague, Rev Uki MacIsaac who shares about how a life-threatening illness in her 30’s, and then a near-death experience later in life launched her on her spiritual path and connected her with her soul’s mission and purpose.  During this fascinating conversation, Uki shares her profound experiences while comatose and how not all NDEs are wholly positive and pleasant.  She also shares how she...
Published 05/14/24
Published 05/14/24
Our children do not come with instruction manuals, but they do come to earth with their unique soul’s path and parents are an essential part of that journey.  In this episode, Jen came for an intuitive reading to connect with the soul of her soon-to-be-born child, Oliver.   In the reading, Oliver and Jen’s guides shared his intentions for this incarnation and how Jen could best support him on his soul’s path.  They also shared about a recent past lifetime where Jen and Oliver were brothers,...
Published 05/07/24
In a world that's constantly teaching us to push, do, and force, how do we learn to relax, so we can receive? So many of us identify with our doing, and feel if we aren’t productive, we aren’t enough. What if, all we really need to do is take a step back, let go, and trust in ourselves and the great flow of life? In this episode we explore the ways in which our compulsive activity and overthinking can actually block us from manifesting what we truly desire.  When we learn to quiet our minds...
Published 04/30/24
Many spiritual traditions support the idea that our souls choose our parents before conception.  This belief can be helpful when it empowers us in recognizing that life is not happening to us at random and that we are always co-creating our human experiences.  However, the idea of choosing our parents can also be triggering to those who experienced painful upbringings, and falsely believe that their bad experiences are the result of their own poor choices.  In this episode, I welcome back my...
Published 04/23/24
Ready to deepen your connection with your spiritual gifts? This week’s guest, Stephanie, left a high demand religion to reclaim her spiritual sovereignty and rediscover her own unique spiritual gifts.  From Reiki to channeling, Stephanie is seeking support and validation on how to strengthen her connection with her own inner wisdom.  Tune in as the guides share about the importance of following our intuition in developing our spiritual gifts, the benefits and limitations of participating in...
Published 04/16/24
Intuition is our spiritual GPS that keeps us aligned with our highest selves. Following our intuition is the surest path towards greater joy, purpose and enlightenment.  Our inner wisdom often comes in the form of subtle nudges and inklings, rather than complete sentences, and this is exactly as it should be!  In this episode we explore what it means to follow your intuition, and I share my story of how I followed my inner guidance, even when it didn’t always make sense to my mind, to create...
Published 04/09/24
Wondering about how the upcoming eclipses and other astrological events will affect you personally?  Astrology is a spiritual tool of the ancients that can help us understand our individual rhythms so we can flow with life, and realize our full potential.  In this episode, I had the joy of connecting with astrologer Laurie Rivers to explore her unique perspective on the power of astrology, as well as some of the potential pitfalls when astrological “predictions” are used to reinforce our...
Published 04/02/24
Loss is an inevitable part of life. Although our souls are eternal, our human selves are not.  In this episode I share about my own experiences connecting with my deceased parents, both of whom left their bodies last year.  These communications have not only been deeply helpful to my grieving process, but have also shed light on my process as a medium and have provided deep insights into how we can all learn to deepen the connection with those who have crossed over.  Our deceased loved ones...
Published 03/26/24
In this episode Maeve joins us for an intuitive reading to explore long standing issues around her health, as well as some questions about whether or not she should relocate.  The guides share that Maeve’s health concerns stem from her early relationship with her mother, and continue, in part, due to her own fears of making changes in her life such as letting go of a romantic relationship, and moving to a dream location.  This was one of those readings where I honestly didn’t know where the...
Published 03/19/24
In this episode, we welcome back celebrity psychic and creative entrepreneur Laura Powers for a fantabulous discussion of all things intuition and more!  We discuss the special relationship between intuition and creativity, the importance of following our intuitive nudges, and the power of following our joy.  We also share about the law of attraction and how when you are energetically aligned with your highest self and your desires, your manifestations can be instantaneous and...
Published 03/12/24
Ever wondered who your spirit guides are and how to get connected with them?  In this episode, we address a listener's questions about whether or not our guides choose us as their “clients,” and if so, what are the criteria?  The guides share about how we are all matched together via the law of attraction and how any desire for support can attract guides that are ready, willing and able to be of service.  We also all have at least one primary guide who is devoted to our life’s journey from...
Published 03/05/24
Do you ever wonder how I work with my spirit guides to create this podcast?  In honor of our 200th episode and in response to a listener’s question, in this episode I share all about my creative process.  I explain the different ways in which I connect with the guides, and how it’s not just my own personal guides who’s wisdom flows through in these episodes, but yours, dear listeners, too!  I also reflect a bit on the creative process in general and why I am so grateful not only to my...
Published 02/27/24
Animal messengers have been a part of my journey since the beginning of my intuitive awakening.  Hawks flying overhead at just the right moment.  Dolphins splashing nearby for messages of hope and affirmation.  And then there was that one time when the pig walked up my driveway in Suburban Connecticut.  For years, whenever I encountered an animal messenger I would look up the meaning in the book, Animal Spirit Guides, by this week’s guest, Steven Farmer. Like me, Steven is a classically...
Published 02/20/24
According to this week’s guest, your relationship with yourself informs all of your other relationships.  This is one of the many reasons why self-love is the most important love.  It’s not selfish.  It is essential.  In this episode, I welcome back love activist Scott Stabile, who shares wisdom from his brilliant new book, Enough As You Are.  Join us as we discuss the power of presence, intuition, self-love and so much more.  This is one of my all time favorite conversations ever on this...
Published 02/13/24
Teachings on living joyously make it sound so easy, and it really can be!  The trick is to allow our own joyous nature to shine through, rather than “trying” to be happy.  Toxic positivity arises when we try to force our emotions into submission, rather than living in the now, and releasing attachment to how we think we should be. In this episode, I share a recent experience that reminded me how the true path to joy comes from embracing the full range of emotional experiences with love and...
Published 02/06/24
When we think about the law of attraction, we typically think about manifesting material things and getting what we want in the 3-D world. But the Law of Attraction is so much more than that! And the greatest gifts, both materially and otherwise, come when we learn to align with, and create from our soul and to allow our material creations to be expressions of our own inner divinity. In this episode we explore the law of attraction from a more soul-based perspective, understanding that while...
Published 01/30/24
In this episode, our guest,Tracy, came in for a reading to discuss the next steps in her career. She was feeling some frustrations with the development of a new venture. During the reading the guides pointed out how the current situation was triggering some old childhood belief patterns. So often in life our early childhood experiences play out in our lives again and again until we are able to recognize and release them. In this case, simply recognizing the pattern was enough to help Tracy...
Published 01/23/24
This week’s guest, Asil Toksal, is a prime example of the Law of Attraction at work. A short time after learning about his fascinating work traveling to sacred sites across the globe to heal and support our personal and planetary evolution, his team reached out to see if I wanted to have him as a guest on my show. Of course, my answer was a big yes! Asil Toksal is an energy healer and channel, who receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual...
Published 01/16/24
Are you pushing the river of life? One of the most reliable ways to lead a joyful and fulfilling life is to learn to go with the flow. Letting go of the need to control can feel scary at first, but the payoff is well worth that leap of faith. In this episode, I share a personal experience with a situation that initially provoked some overthinking, and how the happy ending emerged easily and effortlessly when I got my ego out of the way, and followed the flow.   Connect with your soul tribe...
Published 01/09/24
When we think about the Law of Attraction, we often think about things we can do like vision boards, visualization techniques, and affirmations. But the LOA is more than a set of tools for getting what you want; it is a fundamental law of the universe.  And when we can learn to live in alignment with our natural state of joy and abundance that is where the real magic starts to flow.  In this episode, I share a story of manifestation that had nothing to do with vision boards and everything to...
Published 01/02/24
Sometimes we feel like the universe has forsaken us. We feel unloved and uncared for, and we unwittingly project it back on the spirit world. While our human relationships can sometimes be fickle and complicated, our relationship with our spirit guides never falters: Our guides love and support us always and forever, no matter what. In this episode, Steph asked for a reading to strengthen her relationship with her spirit guides, and to remember that she is always loved and...
Published 12/12/23
In this episode, I had the honor of chatting with Kute Blackson, a transformational teacher and the best selling author of The Magic of Surrender. We discussed the ins and outs of letting go, and how it relates not just to our personal development, but how we connect with others, and even world peace! Kute shares the importance of learning to question our beliefs, and how this can help us understand and respect different perspectives during this time of conflict and polarization facing our...
Published 12/05/23
In this episode, I share about my experience learning to muscle test. Muscle testing is a technique that allows us to tap into the intuitive wisdom of the body. It relies on the fact that your muscles typically go weak when something is not in alignment. Learning this technique did not come easily for me. I am not entirely comfortable asking definitive, “yes or no” questions, which is necessary with muscle testing. I also discovered I was surprisingly nervous about making mistakes! Learning...
Published 11/28/23