Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, we conclude the story of the OG ufologist, Major Donald Keyhoe! We get to the bottom of the "big question" - was Keyhoe silenced for speaking UFO truths, or is there something else fishy going on? We talk UFO lecture circuits, book deals, movie consultations, television appearances, and so much more!
Published 05/06/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Kyle talks with Nile about some of the earliest days of ufology with the story of the prototypical ufologist, Donald Keyhoe. How did Charles Lindbergh's aide in the world's first cross-Atlantic solo flight become the world's most famous ufologist of the 1950s? What UFO theories does Keyhoe develop with early ufology? How did he become the director of NICAP? We discuss all this and much more!
Published 04/29/24
Published 04/29/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week friend of the show Jules joins the Weird Boys to discuss the paranormal phenomenon known as "ghost trains." When Lincoln died and all his fans around the US gathered to mourn him as his corpse rode around on a train, did the collective anguish create a ghostly spirit train? What about the train disasters around Britain? How can Jules bring Harold Ramis into the conversation as often as possible? We discuss all this and more!
Published 04/22/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we travel down south to the Florida / Alabama border to talk about the monstrous and possibly indestructible Two-Toed Tom! Does a red-eyed, gargantuan, evil gator stalk the swamps of the Panhandle looking for human prey? Is he 14 feet long or 24 feet long? Does this beast of a lizard have a gator harem, on top of all that other stuff?! We discuss all this and much more!
Published 04/16/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we once again get to examine another angle of the infamous Roswell UFO crash. If a crack, covert squad of secret crash saucer retrieval agents salvaged the UFO at Roswell, wouldn't it follow that the alien technology would end up utilized for human-based technology? Can we explain big leaps in technology with the acquisition of extraterrestrial tech? A certain UFO researcher seems to think so...we discuss all this and much more!
Published 04/07/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! It's episode 400, and you know what that means - we're doing a new kind of Campfire Stories! Garrett and Jules join our co-hosts to roleplay through a scenario filled with cryptids, aliens, ghosts, and conspiracies! Join us for our milestone celebration!
Published 04/01/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we return to our documentary series - "FYD" - to discuss 2022's "Shock Docs" Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill. It's been many years since our discussion of the story of the infamous abduction of the Hills, so we hope that this new(ish) documentary series could teach us something new. Is this story experiencing a renaissance? Are the Hills the first case of true alien abduction? What new information is uncovered about the Hills? All this and more!
Published 03/24/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we take a trip to Illinois and work our way along the Mississippi River to uncover the bizarre story and history of a cryptid known as the Piasa Bird! What is the Piasa Bird and what are its origins? As it turns out, the story is a lot more complicated and confused than much of the internet assumes it to be. We unravel the historical mystery surrounding this creature and much more!
Published 03/18/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile tells Kyle all about the various ghosts of murdered wives haunting the Hampton Court Palace in London! Who are these "restless royals" and what drove them to haunt the halls, galleries, and staircases of the palace? Our guess: the really crappy husbands they had in life. We discuss candlestick spirits, ghostly queens, and extramarital affairs - all this and more!
Published 03/10/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we conclude the story of Debbie Jordan-Kauble and the Copley Woods Incident! Budd Hopkins concludes his investigation of the strange, extraterrestrial happenings surrounding Debbie, but Debbie continues on the path of ufology. She also begins to incorporate more Fortean subjects into her purview, especially the paranormal. All this and more!
Published 03/03/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we get into part two of the so-called "Copley Woods Incident," a strange UFO encounter that left a small-town Indiana woman with memory loss, missing time, and bizarre illness. Ufologist Budd Hopkins is on the scene helping Debbie uncover her lost memories and interpret the strange phenomenon that seems to be happening around her. As the memories are teased out, so is a mythology - a mythology of aliens intervening with human life. All this and more!
Published 02/26/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we begin the story of Debbie Jordan-Kauble and the so-called Copley Woods incident! When ufologist Budd Hopkins receives a letter from a distraught Debbie about her bizarre encounter in small-town Indiana, a three year investigation begins to uncover the truth. We also talk local pizza places, magic spells, bugs under rocks, and so much more!
Published 02/19/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile investigates a cryptid surprisingly close to podcasting headquarters: the Maryland Goatman! How did a terrifying and murderous goatman wind up living under a paranormal Crybaby Bridge? How many has he killed in his murderous rage over lost sheep? And how exactly does one "cruise" for Goatmen? We discuss all this and more!
Published 02/12/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week friend of the show Jules joins Nile and Kyle for a discussion about two fascinating sea monsters. Our appetizer begins with the Barmouth Monster, a Welsh cryptid that supposedly lives in the Menai Strait. Is it a plesiosaur? A monstrous alligator? For our main course we talk Bobo! That's right, we're talking Bobo, the legendary monster lurking in Monterey Bay. We also get quizzed super hard by Jules on some UK comedians and musicians. All this and more!
Published 02/05/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile investigates the claims made by a man who goes by Robert Morning Sky in his earth-shattering text, the Terra Papers! What can we learn about extraterrestrial races through these Terra Papers, and what qualifications does Morning Sky have to back up this story? Turns out, maybe not a lot. We talk the secret alien races, take a little dip into some New Age-y beliefs, and so much more!
Published 01/29/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we conclude the story of Pat Price, the psychic extraordinaire who may or may not have been killed for his incredible abilities. What weird beliefs was Price bringing to the Stanford Research Institute? Was it the KGB or the CIA who killed him? Or did Pat's heart simply give out? We discuss all this and more in the final episode of the so-called greatest psychic and remote viewer who ever lived!
Published 01/22/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, we tell the story of Stanford Research Institute's "true" psychic star, Pat Price! After dabbling in mayoral politics and policing, how did this Scientologist come to work with the fellas at SRI on their CIA-funded Stargate Project? Was he truly capable of unbelievable psychic feats, so much so that the CIA ended up wanting him for themselves? We begin with part one, covering the life and remote viewing works of Price. All this and more!
Published 01/15/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! It's officially the first episode of 2024, and we thought it might be nice to bring long-time friend of the pod onto the show, Jules! Nile tells Kyle and Jules all about an eerie creature referred to by the internet as the "Not Deer," a deer-like cryptid that just has something about that feels...off. Are people really experiencing a sinister, deer entity around the Appalachian wilderness, or is this a case of a misidentified sickly actual-deer? We discuss all...
Published 01/08/24
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we continue what we've dubbed  "Psychic Winter," diving deep into histories of the people connected to Project Stargate. This is the third and final episode of our multi-part series on Uri Geller, psychic extraordinaire and litigious spoon-bender! What kinds of experiments were blowing the minds at Stanford Research Institute and the CIA? And what exactly are the cracks in Geller's story and the psychic abilities he claims to have? Why did Geller...
Published 12/31/23
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we continue the story of Uri Geller in the middle of a series of connected episodes that have come to be known as "Psychic Winter." In this one, we talk about Uri's life after leaving the military, his rise to fame in Israel, and his discovery by both the CIA and American parapsychologists. We discuss the very odd Uri lore drops from his early days as a global psychic phenomenon / test subject, plus how the CIA came to notice his special talents...all...
Published 12/25/23
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we continue what we've dubbed "Psychic Winter," diving deep into histories of the people connected to Project Stargate. We've talked Ingo Swann, Harold Puthoff, Russel Targ, and a number of other folks, but this week we're covering the most famous Stanford Research Institute psychic: Uri Geller. What are the origins of this self-proclaimed psychic and how did he go from psychokinetic test subject to spoon-bending extraordinaire? In this first part, we...
Published 12/18/23
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Nile tells Kyle all about the African cryptid that supposedly terrorized folks around Kenya and Uganda throughout the 20th century! Is this a case of a misidentified hyena, or is there really a bear-lion-hyena hybrid stalking villages, eating livestock, and sucking the brains out of hapless human victims? We discuss the origins of this creature, possible explanations for it, and a comprehensive rundown of Nandi Bear sightings throughout the decades!...
Published 12/11/23
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we're wrapping up the story of Ingo Swann, prolific artist and psychic extraordinaire! But when the Ingo Swann story wraps up, a whole bunch of new stories about psychics, secret government programs, and mysterious connections appear. We talk about Swann's sudden turn towards ufology and the bizarre UFO encounter that changed his life, plus the various spooks and agencies who seemed to work with Swann and his psychic abilities. All this and more!
Published 12/04/23
Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we enter part one of a discussion about one of the most famous psychics in history, Ingo Swann. How did Ingo Swann enter the infamous CIA-funded and US military-backed research project into psychic powers, now known as Stargate? What kind of influence did Swann have on this project and did it produce results, or was it all a buncha bull? And why do all these psychic researchers seem to have a connection to Scientology? All this and more!
Published 11/27/23