Brain fog is often underestimated despite its prevalence and significant impact to an individual's daily life. In fact, it's not just a temporary inconvenience; persistent brain fog can lead to heightened stress and anxiety, as individuals may struggle to keep up with their responsibilities and commitments. Additionally, because brain fog is often a symptom of underlying health issues, ignoring it could mean overlooking potential medical concerns that require attention and treatment. That’s...
Published 05/20/24
ADHD success stories serve as powerful sources of motivation and inspiration for individuals navigating similar challenges. It is also through ADHD success stories that people get to understand further how holistic methods like neurofeedback and magnesium supplements can make a big difference. Through the integration of neurofeedback training and magnesium supplementation, individuals can witness firsthand the transformative impact on attention, focus, and overall well-being, fostering a...
Published 05/15/24
Parenting is already filled with various challenges, but when your child has ADHD or falls within the neurodivergent spectrum, it can bring a unique set of joys, struggles, and uncertainties. As parents embracing neurodiversity fully, we come to understand that our children's differences are not deficits but rather aspects of their identities. Undoubtedly, it is through patience, empathy, and a commitment to learning that we can create a supportive environment where our children can flourish...
Published 05/13/24
While attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly characterized by symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, the emotional aspect is equally crucial yet sometimes overlooked. Emotional dysregulation in ADHD poses a significant challenge for both children and families, impacting various aspects of daily life such as but not limited to social interactions and relationships. That's why I'm here – to provide families with the appropriate tools and support...
Published 05/10/24
While pharmaceutical interventions and medications have long been the go-to approach for managing ADHD symptoms, natural alternatives can also offer significant benefits and are also viable options for individuals seeking comprehensive and personalized care. From dietary adjustments to behavioral therapies and neurofeedback techniques, there exists a wide array of natural solutions that not only address symptoms but also promote overall well-being. It's important to recognize that ADHD is...
Published 05/08/24
ADHD and dyslexia often overlap due to similarities in symptoms or behavioral manifestations, leading to misdiagnoses and confusion among educators, parents, and even healthcare professionals. That’s why it’s imperative to understand the distinction between the two for accurate diagnosis and effective intervention strategies. For this episode, we unravel the complexities underlying ADHD and dyslexia, aiming to provide clarity and insight to ensure that our children receive the appropriate...
Published 05/06/24
Parenting is a rollercoaster of emotions, with highs and lows that can leave us feeling overwhelmed or stressed at times. By understanding the sources of our stress and identifying triggers, we can develop targeted strategies to manage these challenges. This proactive approach not only benefits our own well-being but also enhances our capacity to nurture and support our children through the highs and lows of their own journeys. In today's episode, we'll delve into the common triggers that can...
Published 05/03/24
Recent statistics show that approximately 14.5% of the global population has been exposed to Lyme disease, reflecting an alarming 1 out of 7 people affected. Lyme Disease, often referred to as "the great imitator," is a complex and elusive tick-borne infection not only presents with a variety of symptoms that can resemble those of other diseases but also poses diagnostic challenges, often leading to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. Understanding the complex nature of Lyme Disease is...
Published 05/01/24
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) represents a significant yet frequently overlooked challenge experienced by many children, especially those with neurodivergent conditions like ADHD. As it often flies under the radar, it may lead parents, educators, and even mental health professionals to overlook its presence, resulting in undiagnosed or untreated emotional distress in affected children. It is therefore crucial for parents to adapt their parenting approach and provide coping mechanisms...
Published 04/29/24
For many parents, traditional schooling settings may not adequately address the diverse needs of their children and teens, leading them to explore alternative options. The good news is that in recent years, homeschooling has gained traction as a transformative educational alternative for families with special needs children and teens, offering a tailored approach that caters to their unique learning needs.  However, it's crucial for parents to understand the rules and regulations regarding...
Published 04/24/24
The overlapping symptoms and behaviors of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) often lead to confusion and ambiguity. This confusion not only complicates the diagnostic process but also impacts the effectiveness of parenting strategies and interventions. That’s why we’re here to unravel the complexities surrounding PDA and ODD, providing clarity and guidance for parents navigating these challenging conditions. Hopefully, this episode equips you with the...
Published 04/22/24
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a condition that may eventually gain recognition in the United States, though it may take time to be included in diagnostic manuals like the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). And with the increasing prevalence of autism, currently affecting 1 in 27 boys and 1 in 44 births overall, conditions like PDA are likely to receive more attention. The growing awareness of PDA highlights the importance of understanding its distinct features and providing...
Published 04/19/24
In the ever-evolving landscape of neurodevelopmental disorders, the emergence of AuDHD signifies a deeper understanding of the complexities that individuals face when dealing with co-occurring autism and ADHD. And as our understanding of neurodiversity expands, it becomes increasingly crucial to explore the nuances of conditions like AuDHD, shedding light on how they manifest and how best to support those affected. As we delve deeper into this topic, let us embark on a journey of discovery,...
Published 04/17/24
Motivation is a fundamental aspect of a child's ability to succeed academically, socially, and personally. However, for children with attention problems, maintaining motivation can be a significant challenge. Various factors contribute to the low or decreasing motivation observed in these children, impacting their ability to engage effectively in tasks and activities. If you're seeking ways to boost your child's motivation, you've come to the right place! This episode dives deep into a...
Published 04/15/24
From anxiety and depression to behavioral challenges in children, the efficacy of holistic therapies and natural remedies has garnered increasing attention and appreciation. Despite this, there remains a prevalent tendency among some to view conventional medications as the primary solution, a mindset that requires reconsideration. In today’s episode, we’ll talk more about the natural remedies for anxiety and behavioral challenges in children that offer effective alternatives to psychiatric...
Published 04/12/24
Parents of neurodivergent children fear that their kids will encounter challenges they can't overcome, potentially leading to a lack of progress and feeling stuck. This fear can weigh heavily on parents throughout their parenting journey with their neurodivergent child, driving them to seek out strategies and support systems to help their children thrive despite these fears. For today’s episode with Zhara Astra – a filmmaker, professor, and advocate for neurodiversity – we’ll be exploring...
Published 04/10/24
Neurodivergent families represent a significant portion of the US population, with 25% identifying as neurodivergent. This demographic encompasses individuals who experience neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, or other mental health conditions. However, amidst these challenges, there lies opportunity for growth and resilience. By taking small, actionable steps and committing to positive change, neurodivergent parents can create a more balanced and harmonious family life. And so,...
Published 04/08/24
Despite its widespread occurrence, many people remain unaware of the prevalence and the profound impact neuroinflammation has on overall well-being. From children to adults, individuals from all walks of life may experience neuroinflammation, whether due to genetic predispositions, environmental factors, or underlying health conditions. And so, recognizing the prevalence of neuroinflammation is the first step in addressing its effects and providing relief to those affected by it. By raising...
Published 04/03/24
Processed snacks, sugary drinks, and fast meals are everywhere in kids' lives nowadays, often taking the spotlight away from healthier, nutrient-packed foods. This shift in dietary habits raises concerns about the long-term impact on their health and well-being, as they may miss out on essential vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients crucial for growth, development, and overall health. It thus becomes increasingly important for us to explore alternative approaches to nourishing...
Published 04/01/24
Treating Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) demands a comprehensive approach. It is thus important that we not only address the physical symptoms but also attend to the emotional and psychological well-being of both the affected child and their caregivers. Dr. Scott Antoine – an expert from The Center for Fully Functional Health and the author of The Comprehensive...
Published 03/27/24
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that profoundly impacts the daily lives of those affected and disrupts academic performance and learning. The relentless cycle of obsessions, marked by persistent and distressing thoughts, coupled with compulsions, the repetitive actions or rituals performed to alleviate anxiety, creates significant challenges for individuals in educational settings. As these...
Published 03/25/24
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) remains one of the most widely misunderstood mental health conditions, influenced by misconceptions that tend to overshadow the impact it has on individuals' lives. And despite its prevalence, misconceptions still persist, perpetuating stigma and hindering understanding. Understanding the mechanisms underlying OCD can thus help individuals and their support systems approach treatment with empathy and targeted strategies for recovery. And so, in today’s...
Published 03/20/24
There are many doubts as regards behavioral and mental health solutions, influenced by various factors such as misconceptions and conflicting information. Individuals often find themselves uncertain about the efficacy of different treatment options, unsure of where to turn for help amidst a sea of available choices. In today’s episode, we’ll talk more about the challenges of navigating these doubts and explore strategies to help individuals make informed decisions on their journey towards...
Published 03/18/24
Neurofeedback, a scientifically-backed tool offering natural, safe, and enduring self-regulation solutions, brings hope and relief to individuals and families. When individuals can self-regulate, they are more likely to engage with the neurofeedback process and facilitate positive changes in their brain activity. I’m here to answer the frequently asked questions about neurofeedback, particularly as regards doing it at the comfort of our homes, to demystify neurofeedback to further understand...
Published 03/13/24