It's the nature of a fire to go out and if the enemy can't take you out, he will wear you out! So how do we prevent spiritual burnout?
Published 03/04/24
It's going to be hard to make destiny decisions when you haven't made a peace treaty with your past!
Published 03/01/24
Nobody welcomes storms, and yet, whether we welcome them or not, they show up. Since we can be assured that storms will come, wouldn’t it be wise for us to prepare?
Published 02/26/24
It’s possible that our mind is so crowded with worry, so crowded with fear, and so crowded with lies, that a word from God has to stand in the long line of our overthinking.
Published 02/23/24
Every follower of Jesus needs community, but it must be one that's healthy and on fire for the things of God! Authentic Christian fellowship comes with heat, which is necessary in order to melt the frostbite of our struggles.
Published 02/19/24
Many of us sabotage and walk away from potentially thriving relationships simply because we've never seen what it looks like up close to choose love without forcing love. While there are others who walk away from relationships because that's how we've been taught to cope with conflict.
Published 02/16/24
At the end of the day, we have this choice when it comes to overcoming the lies of insecurity: choose what you believe, affirm what you believe and unlearn what you have believed.
Published 02/12/24
Let us be people that experience what biblical love truly looks like, so that once we enter into relationships we do not repeat what should've been repaired.
Published 02/09/24
Everything changes when Godly men are in position!
Published 02/05/24
Before the start of Jesus' earthly ministry, He was first affirmed by The Father. We must be people who meditate on the thoughts of God, rather than the opinions of man.
Published 02/02/24
You can't keep the lungs of your walk with Jesus cancer-free if you don't have spiritual insight on how to identify secondhand smoke.
Published 01/29/24
Passion without vulnerability, empathy, commitment and honor is simply infatuation. The words, "I love you," will not be enough to sustain a relationship or marriage. Love is an action that must be lived out, not just spoken.
Published 01/26/24
The role of The Holy Spirit was never to spark your faith. He was purposed to engulf your faith because proximity determines temperature. Let it burn!
Published 01/22/24
The quality of your heart and the health of your soul affects too many people for you to ignore when the limp remains.
Published 01/19/24
Perhaps God is not holding you back. What if this isn't punishment or the devil but rather a season where God is trying to give your faith some flames?
Published 01/15/24
You weren't made to bleed for the rest of your life. In order for us to be all that God has called for us to be, there are some necessary adjustments that need to be made in our lives.
Published 01/13/24
You weren't made to bleed for the rest of your life. In order for us to be all that God has called for us to be, there are some necessary adjustments that need to be made in our lives.
Published 01/12/24
Last year was the last year that I didn't steward the currency of my time well. You know how much money is in your bank account, but you don't know how much time is left on your clock. The greatest contributor to our spiritual laziness is we think we have more time!
Published 01/08/24
For some, it takes a certain dispensation of time for us to truly see what needs to end in our lives. Time will tell!
Published 01/01/24
It isn't time that's setting you back, but rather when we fail to put our trust in God’s timing. Time isn't our biggest hinderance when it comes to time-management, It's our inability to discern time wasters!
Published 12/18/23
Sometimes pain and purpose are married, which means you can't birth anything without pain. What if God is trying to see if He can trust you with that disappointment?
Published 12/11/23
The enemy waits for the right time to get us to fall for his traps and temptation but God always sends warnings when we're being sneaky and on our way to a trap. Notice the timing!
Published 12/04/23
The enemy wants to get us at the wrong tables, feeding on entrees from the wrong place with the ultimate goal being for us to waste our time. It's critical that we know that Jesus came to overturn every table that would cause for us to miss our appointment!
Published 11/27/23
One of the first ordinances of the Kingdom for earth revolved around timing. "Let there be light... greater lights by day and lesser lights by night." God is saying there is a time for the sun to shine and there's a time for the moon to shine. If this is true then one of the warfare strategies of the enemy is to get us to waste time.
Published 11/20/23
It is unfortunate that in many religious gatherings, many have come to expect a "Yes" from God, but what do you do when God says, "no?" God wants us to know His voice so that we conform to His character, not the culture.
Published 11/13/23