A discernment deficiency will have you loyal to a counterfeit, but a discerning heart gives you the ability to see beyond presentation!
Published 05/20/24
Published 05/20/24
The survival tactics that you've learned in your "now," won't serve you to thrive when God gives you your "next."
Published 05/17/24
Knowledge is applied information but wisdom is the ability to identify misinformation. You don't have to learn everything through experience, some things you can learn through wisdom.
Published 05/13/24
In life, sometimes you must make a conscious decision to modify the level of access someone has to you. It doesn't mean that you no longer love them, but for the sake of your health, happiness or purpose, you must reposition them.
Published 05/10/24
Anything outside of God that we worship and find identity in is an idol. God doesn’t do threesomes, He won’t be intimate with us and our idols at the same time!
Published 05/06/24
We're so quick to say our cut off game is strong, but why isn't it that strong when it comes to cutting off that rudeness or any sin that offends God? It's a contradiction and this message is designed to help us cut off the branches in our life that are unfruitful.
Published 04/29/24
Often times we sabotage the good things that God wants to provide for our lives due to the feeling of unworthiness. We must unlearn the idea that we do not deserve the blessings of God as we learn how to embrace happiness.
Published 04/26/24
In Matthew 23, Jesus was criticizing the Pharisees when He said, "everything they do is done for people to see." They love attention, they love views and they love going viral. That's the infection - viral infection! And the danger is when we are a people who love attention, we'll mismanage pastures.
Published 04/22/24
What God wants you to go through and what you choose to go through are not the same! Being offended is a choice, not a requirement.
Published 04/19/24
Being hard on yourself and calling it perfectionism is really self manipulation, because the fruit of that behavior is anxiety, overthinking, stress, burnout, and depression. Those aren't fruits of the Spirit and the gift God has given you never requires your peace of mind!
Published 04/12/24
While your hands aren't stronger than Pharaoh's, God's are. God is waiting for you to put it down, so He can pick it up.
Published 04/08/24
Avoidance is a survival skill that is learned in an unsafe environment. When brought into a safe environment, the new space then starts to look like the one God brought us out of. There are five ways to change your behavior, but in order to do that, we must first address the fact that we are avoiding something.
Published 04/05/24
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and evidence is for the purpose of being persuaded. This is why so many people are disenchanted with Christianity because we claim to have this evidence, but with the way we treat people, it's not evident. Our love for God and His people should be evident, not mysterious.
Published 04/01/24
There are a lot of things we can get wrong, but the two most important things we should get right are God's will for our lives and our eternal placement!
Published 03/29/24
Most of us when we hear the word "naked," we think of the human body, whether male or female, being uncovered, stripped, indecent exposure; void of the appropriate covering. This seems to be an adequate estimation; however, there is a spiritual correlation that must be considered when we ask the question: "Why are you naked?"
Published 03/25/24
An apology isn’t enough. What you deserve is changed behavior! Let's unpack the many questions we have regarding broken trust and how it can be recovered.
Published 03/22/24
God is raising up a generation of kingdom men who will take their rightful position, in Jesus name! Featuring Jerry Flowers, Issac Curry, Will Jackson, Ezekiel Azonwu and Gabriel McKnight.
Published 03/18/24
We have placed a period where God wants to place His comma. He is The Author and Finisher of our faith, but is it possible that you've given the pen to something or someone else in your life? It's time to fire whoever owns the pen!
Published 03/11/24
Your process of dealing with conflict in your relationships could be why you haven't experienced the needed healing in your life. It's critical that we know the difference between an apology and accountability. An apology must be connected to curiosity and changed behavior.
Published 03/08/24
It's the nature of a fire to go out and if the enemy can't take you out, he will wear you out! So how do we prevent spiritual burnout?
Published 03/04/24
It's going to be hard to make destiny decisions when you haven't made a peace treaty with your past!
Published 03/01/24
Nobody welcomes storms, and yet, whether we welcome them or not, they show up. Since we can be assured that storms will come, wouldn’t it be wise for us to prepare?
Published 02/26/24
It’s possible that our mind is so crowded with worry, so crowded with fear, and so crowded with lies, that a word from God has to stand in the long line of our overthinking.
Published 02/23/24
Every follower of Jesus needs community, but it must be one that's healthy and on fire for the things of God! Authentic Christian fellowship comes with heat, which is necessary in order to melt the frostbite of our struggles.
Published 02/19/24