In this episode we look at how my father slowly integrated more mitzvos in to his life. And how he had a very dramatic dream that he connected to the Mitzva of wearing Tefillin. We also look at how he recognized the importance of Shas and took steps to master the skills of learning Gemara.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking engagements,...
Published 07/18/24
In this episode we look at how my father ended up taking a real role in teaching Torah in Huntsville and how this affected him. Did this have any connection to his training as a scientist?  We also look at how the presence of IDF soldiers in Huntsville played a major part in his spiritual growth, especially the Shomer Shabbos ones. How common was it in the early 70s for an IDF officer to be shomer Shabbos? Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five...
Published 07/11/24
Published 07/11/24
In this episode we take a deeper look at NASA and the cultural crisis of the 60s. We also look at the Moon Landing. Was Neal Armstrong the author of his famous statement? How did Gedolai Torah view the issue? We also look at how a career in Rocket Science can change how a person sees the world. Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking...
Published 07/08/24
In this episode we look at my father’s career in NASA in the heroic era, and some fascinating lessons we can learn from them. We also look at my father’s early steps in Yiddishkeit, and how inspiration can come from the most unlikely sources.  This is a link to related documents and pictures: Apollo 8 Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking...
Published 06/27/24
 In this episode we look at some more aspects of the Von Braun issue. We also look at my father’s college experiences and how he grasped opportunity when it came his way. We also look at how my parents met, which was a critical factor in the families spiritual development.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking engagements, or sponsorships...
Published 06/21/24
In this episode we look at my father hcm’s early life. How did he get to a very small town in Alabama? What was it like to grow up in a small southern town? What lessons did my father hcm learn from successfully playing High School football? Why did my father decide to become a rocket scientist? Should the USA have prosecuted Wehner Von Braun for war crimes ? Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the...
Published 06/07/24
   Baruch Dayan Emes: Unfortunately Rabbi Wittenstein is sitting Shiva for his father until Wednesday morning (May 29) in Arzei HaBira in Jerusalem. [email protected]  In this episode, we look at how the Baal HaTanya got to Liadi. Similarly we look at why he didn’t return to his home town of Liozna?    We also start looking at the issue of why the Baal HaTanya sided with the Russians when the French invaded Russia in 1812. What was the classic Jewish attitude to such...
Published 05/24/24
In this episode we at Korczak’s life and how in many places he had very classic Jewish reactions to things despite his lack of Jewish education. We look at his refusal to wear the Jewish star. And also of course look at his legendary Kiddush Hashem. Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking engagements, or sponsorships contact us...
Published 05/16/24
 In this episode we look carefully compare and contrast the events of October 7th and the Holocaust. How much do they have in common? Is it proper to add the events of October the seventh to Holocaust Day?    We also look how to define heroism. How do we understand the greatest of Human accomplishments? Where should this apply?    We start looking at the life and accomplishments of one of the legendary figures of the Warsaw Ghetto, Janusz Korchak. How did a Jewish Doctor and Ophanage...
Published 05/05/24
  This week’s episode is dedicated in honor of Rav Dr Howie Apfel   In this episode we take a closer look at the basic challenges of understanding the History of Ancient Egypt.  How deeply is the Ancient Egyptian documentation connected with Egyptian Avoda Zara? How much will this connection complicate our attempts to understand the documentation?    What are the real and clear lessons can we learn from Egyptology?    Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a...
Published 04/25/24
  In this episode we take a deeper look at why the phenomenon of Egyptology has such an attraction to people. Why are people more interested in Egyptology than Greek and Roman History?   Similarly, we look at how to reconcile Egyptology with Tanach? Did the ancient Egyptians value History? How does this affect the way we understand Ancient Egyptian History?    This week’s episode is sponsored as a רפואה שלימה לאיתן לב בן תמרה יפית  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We...
Published 04/16/24
  In this episode we look at how perception of reality affects our lives. We also look at how different people have different perceptions of reality. Why do some people pursue brochas from Rabbanim more than others?    We also start looking at how people in the world at large have out of proportion interest in Ancient Egypt.  What are the basic reasons for this?    We also look at the difference between, ‘aitza’ and ‘hadracha’.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We...
Published 04/11/24
 In this episode, we look at the basic methodology of how to examine Historical stories. When should we accept a story as factual and when should we reject a story.    We also look at how and why the machlokes of R Avrohom Kalisker and the Baal HaTanya was never resolved. And what part did Elazar of Disna play in this complicated situation? Similarly why did the Baal HaTanya protest R Avrohom Kalisker wanting to start his own tzedaka organization?  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi...
Published 04/04/24
 In this episode we take a deeper look at the challenges and limits of education. How do we understand the ideal of education? How does an ideally educated person see himself?  What lesson should most of us take from the basic challenge of true education and knowledge? How does this relate to the machlokes between R Avrohom Kalisker and the Baal HaTanya?    We also start looking at some of the important details of the machlokes. Who were the secondary figures in this machlokes? What part did...
Published 03/30/24
 In this episode we look at R' Avrohom Kalisker’s part in establishing the Ashkenzi community in Israel. We look at why R' Avrohom Kalisker initially attacks R' Shnuer Zalman. We similarly look at how this was part of a greater question of how the average Chassid should focus his efforts in Avodas Hashem.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours,...
Published 03/20/24
   In this episode we take a more careful look at the part charisma plays in communal leadership. We also discuss why the Rambam tried to avoid communal leadership.    We take a careful look at R Avrohom Kalisker time with the Vilna Gaon. And we similarly discuss why R Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk didn’t try to bring him to his attempted meeting with the Vilna Gaon in 1772.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute...
Published 03/17/24
 In this episode we look at the part that charisma plays in History. Was every great Rabbi by definition a charismatic figure? Is it possible that charisma was a significant factor in the Vilna Gaon’s decision not to meet with R Menachem Mendal of Vitebsk and the Baal HaTanya in 1772? Was charisma a factor in R Avrohom Kalisker’s leadership? Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. ...
Published 03/10/24
In this episode we take a more careful look at the Vilna Gaon’s theory of, ‘Incongruent Actions’? How many places does he apply this to? Is there a difference between where this concept is working at a behavioral level and when it is working at the Nefesh level. We also examine the issue of when we can say that History can be a proof to questionable actions. Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the...
Published 02/29/24
  The main topic of this episode is the Vilna Gaon’s theory about, ‘Incongruent Actions’. The episode starts with a quick synopsis of my comments of the crisis of solution in the Gaza War.    What was the real cause of Nathan of Gaza’s fall? Was the entire issue a result of the lack of commitment to Torah and similarly lack of Yiras Hashem? Or is there a deeper issue that is part of this? We will look at a number of the Vilna Gaon’s comments in Mishley to properly understand this.  Nach...
Published 02/22/24
In this episode we look at the deep complexities of how the world relates to the State of Israel.  What are the main elements of this very complicated phenomenon? How should that effect how Israel should conduct its Foreign Policy?   We also look at the basic tension that exists in a Democratic country between popular will and responsible governance.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key...
Published 02/14/24
   In this episode, we look at the basic structure of how modern government works, and how this creates a challenge in governance. We also look at why specifically there is a challenge now.    We also discuss where in Torah we can find information that can give us direction in these issues.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking engagements,...
Published 02/09/24
  In this episode we look at the Historical factors than have enable Israel to largely conduct this war in a successful way. How is it that the IDF has become such a trusted institution? Which policies brought it to this place? Who was involved in making these decisions?   We also look at the cause of lack of trust in the motivations of some of the major political figures. What defines a responsible and capable political figure? How had Netanyahu’s legacy been affected by the events? Nach...
Published 02/01/24
 In this episode we take a look at how our understanding of this event has been affected over the last months. We examine the unique facets of this conflict as opposed to the other Israeli Arab conflicts. We also look at the looming crisis that is brewing on how to deal with this conflict.  Nach Yomi: Join R' Wittenstein’s Nach Yomi on WhatsApp. We learn a perek a day five days a week, with a nine minute shiur covering the key issues. Click here to join!  For tours, speaking engagements,...
Published 01/28/24