中国公船が領海侵入 日本漁船に接近―沖縄・尖閣沖
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沖縄県石垣市の尖閣諸島沖で20日、中国海警局の「海警」1隻が日本の領海に侵入した。 A Chinese coast guard ship entered Japanese territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands in the city of Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, on Thursday, the first such intrusion by an official Chinese ship since June 7 and the 18th this year.
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フランシス・クリック研究所を視察される天皇陛下、26日、ロンドン【ロンドン時事】英国訪問中の天皇陛下は26日午前、ロンドンの「フランシス・クリック研究所」を視察された。 Japanese Emperor Naruhito on Wednesday visited the Francis Crick Institute in London, one of the largest biomedical research centers in Europe.
Published 06/26/24
「恵」が運営する「グループホームふわふわ北」。 The Aichi prefectural government said Wednesday that it has revoked the service provider designation of a home for disabled people run by Megumi Co. in the town of Kota in the central Japan prefecture, acting on irregularities committed by the group home operator, such as...
Published 06/26/24