Why were the Books of the Maccabees excluded from the Jewish Bible? Explore that question, and then review what makes Tanakh our most central religious text.
Published 05/25/17
A careful analysis between Samuel-Kings and Chronicles enables us to get behind the scenes at how these prophetic books were written and their underlying messages.
Published 05/11/17
The beginning of the Second Temple era (538-432 BCE) stoked great hopes for redemption, but also gave reason for concern and despair. How did the great leaders of this era provide meaningful ways forward during this complex period?
Published 05/04/17
Overview of the messages of Daniel, including a look at how the book secretly appears to be speaking about the story of the Maccabees.
Published 04/27/17
Kohelet made many rabbinic thinkers nervous about the religious lessons of the book. In this lecture, we explore what makes Kohelet unique within the biblical tapestry, and what voice it contributes to a thoughtful religious life.
Published 03/23/17
A consideration of how the alphabetical poetic structure contains a valuable interpretive tool as Lamentations grapples with a relationship with God at Israel's darkest moment in the biblical period.
Published 03/16/17
By imposing selected Midrashim onto the biblical text, many yeshiva-educated students have a difficult time seeing what is in the text itself. This lecture begins by unpacking the messages of the text itself, and then demonstrates how the Sages of the Midrash identified all of these lessons by working from within the text. You will never read the Megillah the same way again.
Published 03/10/17
An exploration of two different readings of the Book of Ruth, which both fit the text perfectly. Are the characters pure and excellent, or are they more complex?
Published 03/02/17
An overview of Rabbi Yuval Cherlow's remarkable book on the Song of Songs, exploring the complexities of religious experience through an understanding of human love. Sources available on our site: https://www.jewishideas.org/online-learning/classes-lectures
Published 02/23/17
The courageous Book of Job addresses the problem of bad things happening to good people. A literary analysis of the book coupled with its primary religious messages. Sources available on our Online Learning page.
Published 02/09/17
An overview of the Book of Proverbs. It presents a simple, pure faith perspective, to be complemented by the more complex perspectives in the Books of Job and Kohelet. Sources available on our site: https://www.jewishideas.org/online-learning/classes-lectures
Published 02/06/17
Sources are available at our Online Learning page.
Published 01/15/17
How praying can transform the person praying, and how psalms can contain multiple meanings simultaneously and over time.
Published 12/22/16
Exploration of the evidence within Psalms, and rabbinic commentary. The traditional view is far more complex than what many portray it to be
Published 12/15/16
24: Joel and Malachi anticipate the end of prophecy and pave the way for religious life in the era lacking prophecy.
Published 12/15/16
23: Haggai and Zechariah convey the pulsating potential for redemption at the beginning of the Second Temple period.
Published 12/15/16
22: How each seventh century prophet reacted to the impending destruction of the Temple by the Babylonians.
Published 12/15/16
21: A study of two eighth century prophets of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and how different their messages were. Sources available:https://www.jewishideas.org/online-learning/classes-lectures
Published 12/15/16
Why did Jonah flee God's command? This class explores four classical answers and then proposes a novel alternative. This concludes our series until the Fall.
Published 06/02/16
Ezekiel's unique prophetic mission generates unique prophecies of redemption as well.
Published 05/26/16
Ezekiel allows God's personality to shine through. The book portrays exile and redemption in terms of God's being driven from the Temple and then returned to a new Temple in the future.
Published 05/20/16
The prophet Ezekiel stands out from all the other prophets in that he receives prophetically revealed laws and also regularly experiences the Celetial Chariot. In this class, we explore the roots of his uniqueness, focusing on how he merged his roles as prophet and priest.
Published 05/12/16
An exploration of the turning points of Jeremiah's career, and how his prophecies of redemption gave Israel hope through its darkest period.
Published 03/17/16
How Jeremiah used two great innovations to zero in on the essence of prophecy as he attempted to debunk his fraudulent competitors.
Published 03/10/16