Published 11/22/20
Published 10/01/20
Today my guest Dr Julie Lopez and I discuss implicit memory, understanding our brains hidden control panel and the many possibilities of breaking through our unconscious roadblocks. Julie is a trauma specialist who founded a mental health and wellness centre in Washington DC called The Viva Center. Julie also discusses how implicit memory plays a role for adoptees, both from her own personal story, and from her clinical experience. Her recent book "Live Empowered" was named a hot new release...
Published 07/07/19
Could you be addicted to suffering and the struggle? In this solo episode I discuss some of the reasons why these addictions may have developed and what we can do to stop them. Whether your flavour of suffering is the struggle, complaining, criticising, judging, fear, worry, pain, victimhood, anger or low self esteem, it all comes down to chemistry.
Published 06/24/19
My guest today is a specialist in human behaviour and transformation. Dr Larry Goodman helps people go from stuck to unstoppable with his signature programs Your Goodest Life and The Goodman Factor. We discuss bridging the gap between falling victim to the disempowering stories we tell ourselves and living our 'Goodest' life. Find out more about how you can work with Larry at www.GoodmanFactor.com
Published 06/09/19
What does taking personal responsibility really mean? In this episode I describe what I believe personal responsibility is, and what it isn't, and distinguish between personal responsibility, victimhood and self punishment. I explore the stories we tell ourself and how we can begin to create change in any and all areas of our life.
Published 05/26/19
Wim Hof Method Instructor Emma Estrela (Corrie) shares her journey of breakdown to breakthrough using the Wim Hof Method of cold exposure, breath-work and going into nature. She describes her complete paradigm shift of what is possible; that we have the ability to go way beyond our conditioning, consciously connect to our physiology, control stress, survive in extreme conditions, heal unconscious trauma and unlock our inner athlete. There are so many lessons in this conversation. Emma is also...
Published 05/12/19
A year ago I took the leap into the unknown and launched the podcast that would document my journey to discovering more of who I am. Watch the video here or listen to some of the lessons I have learned in the past year. I want to thank ALL of you who have tuned in! To all of those who have taken the time to send me your feedback, your support and your take aways...I always love hearing from you. Even to the haters...I still love them...it's all part of the journey. Thank you for tuning...
Published 04/28/19
Have you wanted to take the next step to expand in your career, your relationships or your health? But that little voice in your head starts telling you 'I'm not good enough' or 'I'm not worthy'? In this episode Dr Nima Rahmany and I discuss the inner critic or the known phenomenon of imposter syndrome. Dr. Nima Rahmany, DC, CCWP is both a Chiropractor and an educator, specialising in helping individuals and professionals get to the ROOT CAUSE of their physical and emotional challenges, from...
Published 04/14/19
As children, we learn how to respond to our environment, creating a sub conscious road map of how to navigate the world, in particular, how to survive stressful situations. Unfortunately these programs continue to run through to our adult life and we create repeating patterns as a result. The programs that were designed to once keep us safe, now can hinder us. In this episode, I share how I re-visited a moment of my subconscious programming at the age of 7, and provided my inner child with...
Published 03/31/19
What is emotional intelligence? Is it important? If so, why? Should we be putting greater emphasis on it? How can we develop our EQ? Let's explore...
Published 01/30/19
Approaching the end of the year I find this a great time to reflect on the year that has just been and begin planning and setting new intentions for the upcoming year. This is not about setting new years resolutions that you forget about in a couple of weeks and never achieve. I share with you the process I use, some of the questions I reflect upon and how this year I have chosen a mantra or motto to anchor to. This is about how you can be, do and have more in 2019.
Published 12/30/18
In this week's episode I sit down with my mum and discuss my adoption, and the impact on a child separated from their biological mother at birth. My mum talks from both a personal and professional point of view as a child and adolescent Psychotherapist. She describes parenting from her perspective as both an adoptive, and a biological mother. We discuss the different aspects of ourselves, the roles we play, masks we wear and the inner wounded child in all of us.
Published 11/25/18
In todays episode, my guest and I discuss healthy vs unhealthy attachments within relationships, childhood experience, co-dependency and love addiction. We explore what it means to show up authentically within relationship, boundaries and the dance between two people. Christine Calvert is a licensed chemical dependency counselor and Holotropic Breathwork facilititator in austin, Texas. She is the founder of Tribe, a sober living home for men combining the ancient wisdom of spiritual practice...
Published 11/18/18
Are we all addicts? Today I discuss the Buddhist concept of the hungry ghost. Living in our shadow side, the hungry ghost is a reflection of a part of us that is seeking wholeness. I discuss the hungry ghost energy, looking at addiction as a spiritual quest, my own addictive behaviour cycle and how I broke the pattern.
Published 11/11/18
This is a fantastic introduction into Holotropic breathwork from certified facilitator and Director of Grof Transpersonal training, Holly Harman. We discuss the healing power of the breath in drawing material from the subconscious and giving it full expression of emotion within a safe space. We cover the 4 stages of birth and the perinatal archetypes that can be expressed in a holotropic setting. We also talk about the relationship between our own birth process experience and patterns that...
Published 11/04/18
Are you more of a Human Doing than a Human Being?Have the scales tipped too far in our society?What is the role of the Doing mode and what is the role of the Being mode?How do we learn to dance between the two?I explore this within the episode and talk about ways in which we can switch modes and how it can help you live a more fulfilling life.
Published 10/24/18
Today I share how I use the 'Wheel of Life' as a life assessment tool to measure and reflect where we are at in each area of our life. Once completed, it allows us to decide in which area of life we want to drive more energy and where we may want to step back a little. Remember...what get's measured get's managed. So if you want to avoid coasting and are looking to transform certain areas of your life... this can be a useful tool! To see a completed example, click HERE...or head to...
Published 08/08/18
Holotropic meets Shamanic healing. I take you through my transformative plant medicine journey during a week away on a Shamanic healing retreat. It involved Holotropic breathwork followed by Shamanic ceremonies and taking a series of amazonian master plants. These plants are traditionally used to facilitate healing and spiritual transformation. They raise the consciousness level and cleanse out dense, lower vibrational energy; fears, negative emotions, deep rooted blocks and cellular entropy....
Published 07/18/18
John Craig, (a.k.a. Echan Deravy), born in Scotland, has lived multiple lives as an expat in Japan. He has written and translated over 40 books on new paradigm science, spirituality, travel, ancient civilisation, consciousness, health and ecology. As a documentary film maker he has recently produced ‘Why on Earth’ about a barefoot walk across Iceland as well as ‘Earth Pilgrims’ filmed in six different countries. He introduced Earthing to Japan and has been involved in some of the research...
Published 07/11/18