God wants to use you to change the world! Today, Joyce shares true stories to encourage you to get involved in loving others on a daily basis.
Published 07/26/24
We all have the opportunity to do good for people on a daily basis. Learn how you can show others what Jesus is really like.
Published 07/25/24
Is there a prayer you used to pray that you've given up on? Today, Joyce joins Ginger and Erin for a discussion on faith and praying big prayers!
Published 07/24/24
When was the last time you prayed a really big prayer? If it's been awhile, Joyce, Ginger, and Erin have the answer to help you pray bigger, bolder, and more confident prayers than ever!
Published 07/23/24
Want to reach your goals and fulfill your purpose in life? Discover the importance of faithfulness, and the ways God rewards His kids.
Published 07/22/24
Do you remember being tested in school? Today, Joyce discusses the school of the Holy Ghost, being tested and what it takes to be promoted to the next level with God.
Published 07/19/24
Do you know what it means to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit? Today, Joyce explains the importance of the third member of the Holy Trinity.
Published 07/18/24
So many people feel worthless, as though they do not matter, but did you know that when God looks at you, He sees Jesus? Today, Joyce shares the secret to finding your worth in Christ.
Published 07/17/24
Feeling discouraged? Today, Joyce shares promises from God's Word that will help you stay hopeful and happy.
Published 07/16/24
Have you gotten upset lately? Tune in for some relatable stories and wisdom from God's Word to help you overcome feelings of disappointment.
Published 07/15/24
Sometimes it can feel like forever when you're waiting on God. Here's some encouragement to help you wait with hopeful expectations.
Published 07/12/24
Ever find yourself dreading the future? Let God's Word encourage you that He'll always come through for you!
Published 07/11/24
God has given us the antidote to fear, which is faith. Get practical tips to unleash your faith in God when you feel afraid.
Published 07/10/24
Today, Joyce shares negative mindsets we can learn to do without. Discover the upside of enduring life's tests and trials.
Published 07/09/24
Want to be kind to others and obedient to God no matter what you're going through? Joyce shares encouragement from God's Word to help you!
Published 07/08/24
Are you quiet about your commitment to God? Do you try not to offend others with your faith? Discover the freedom of being openly committed to God.
Published 07/05/24
Do you tend to think negatively about your life and yourself? Learn about spiritual tools you can use to change your thoughts, and start enjoying your life!
Published 07/04/24
Do the people you live with have annoying habits? Learn to discern what's happening spiritually so you can live peacefully and outsmart the enemy.
Published 07/03/24
When we're upset with other people or about our circumstances, we're letting the enemy have his way. Learn how to fight your true enemy effectively.
Published 07/02/24
We are always going to be tempted to complain. But will it help or hurt our situation? Today Joyce shares wisdom to guide you in your decisions.
Published 07/01/24
Worrying over what will (or will not) happen is a common thief when it comes to living a joy-filled life. Today, Joyce teaches on saying "no" to worry as she wraps up this series on Ways to Increase Your Joy.
Published 06/28/24
Is it time to re-examine your expectations? Today, Joyce discusses our expectations and the part they play in either increasing or decreasing the level of our joy.
Published 06/27/24
Everyone wants to enjoy their life, but did you know there are specific things you can do to increase your joy? Today, Joyce shares what the Bible says you can do to up the level of your joy.
Published 06/26/24
If you're struggling with guilt and shame from the events of your past, this message is just for you! Receive the freedom of forgiveness and bask in God's love from this day forward!
Published 06/25/24