This Sunday we have another wonderful guest preacher, Pastor Tony Chung! He shared from Luke 18:15-17 on the theme of what is our proper response to God in our identities as His children. 
Published 06/16/24
This Sunday we have a guest speaker, Matt Whitlock, pastor at Capo Beach Church in California. He shared from Matthew 18:21-35 on the theme of learning to forgive others.
Published 06/09/24
This Sunday, Elder Paulo Rhee shared his last message at Jubilee before he and his family depart for Portugal later in the summer. He shared from Matthew 10:2-4 on the theme of building up the body of Christ. 
Published 06/02/24
Pastor Ryan shared this Sunday about the importance of our "faith leaps" with God leading us deeper into the community to build up the health of the church from Ephesians 4:1-16.
Published 05/26/24
Pastor David shared about the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to love from Acts 2:1-12.
Published 05/19/24
A guest speaker, Rock Braat, who works with children in India, shared from Hebrews 6:10 about putting others above ourselves so God's family can reach fulfilment. 
Published 05/12/24
Pastor Dave shares about how we can truly grow to be more like Jesus.
Published 05/05/24
Pastor Dave shared from John 16:33 about the reality of trouble while living in this world. 
Published 04/28/24
Published 04/21/24
Published 04/07/24
On this Easter Sunday, Pastor David shares about the new life that Jesus is calling us to from John 11.
Published 03/31/24
Pastor David shares about what Palm Sunday should mean to us today.
Published 03/24/24
Pastors Judy and Inho wrap up their open conversation on Wednesdays in March in a podcast format with a live audience about the different stages of dating. On this Wednesday night, they focused on what may be the next stage after having dated for a while.
Published 03/20/24
Pastor Inho shares how your community plays a big role in your personal transformation.
Published 03/17/24
Pastors Judy and Inho continue their open conversation in a podcast format with a live audience about the different stages of dating on Wednesdays in March. On this Wednesday night, they focused on the dating stage, and they were joined by a guest.
Published 03/13/24
Pastor Joe shared his last message on his sabbatical. He shared from Exodus 3:10-15 on the theme of being empowered by our identity in Christ.
Published 03/10/24
Pastors Judy and Inho will engage in an open conversation in a podcast format with a live audience about the different stages of dating on Wednesdays in March. On this Wednesday night, they focused on the pre-dating stage.
Published 03/06/24
Pastor Joe shared from Isaiah 66:18-24 on the theme of finding our purpose together.
Published 03/03/24
Pastor Drew Hyun, a guest speaker, spoke on this Sunday. He is the pastor of Hope Church NYC, and he is also part of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship team. He shared from Galatians 4:1-7 about the emotionally healthy church.
Published 02/25/24
Pastor David finishes his 2-part Relationship Workshop series by speaking on marriage this Wednesday night.
Published 02/21/24
Pastor Joe shares more from his sabbatical experiences on the theme of what home is for us.
Published 02/18/24
This was part 1 of Relationship Workshop led by Pastor David on February 14, 2024.
Published 02/14/24
Pastor Joe begins a series of sharing some of his experiences during his sabbatical last year while tying it in with our theme of Becoming Family. This week, he spoke on the sharing of common stories that bring us together as a family.
Published 02/11/24
Guest speaker Eugene Cho shared a sermon from Acts 2:42-47, titled Becoming Family.
Published 02/04/24