At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares four laws for your financial success. Everything in life is a seed of some sort. Hear how the Word of God is a seed that’s planted in your heart. A seed will meet any need. The laws that govern increase allow you to name the seed and the harvest!
Published 10/29/21
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland exhorts believers to find out what’s happening and know your authority. You need to know your enemy, who Satan is, who and what he was, what he is now and where he came from! You need to know what it meant when God said, “Replenish the earth!”
Published 09/04/21
Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he reminds the Church that the wait is over! Whatever you need to finish your assignment, God is making sure it is loosed to you. If something is stopping you from fulfilling your assignment, God’s justice is around the corner. This IS your season!
Published 09/04/21
Hear Kenneth Copeland teach about love being the gateway to success at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute. Love is a commandment, not a suggestion. There are many hindrances to faith, but Jesus only mentioned one; forgiving if you have ought against anyone. Faith won’t work in an air of unforgiveness.
Published 09/03/21
“And certain women…and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance…he that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 8:2-3, 8). At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland highlights the people that were partners with Jesus. May those called to partnership with this soil, hear clearly.
Published 09/03/21
Moving forward in God means you have to see it first! Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to think on the level of your Creator. Your belief releases the virtue that causes a performance of what was promised by God. You were made for the supernatural. It’s your home!
Published 09/03/21
Join Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how persistence in faith wears down the devil’s resistance. Learn how to cast down evil thoughts and get the sweet sleep God has promised you. Stop declaring the dreaded outcome. Declare the truth of the Word instead!
Published 09/03/21
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Bishop Herbert Bailey teaches how people of God have light when the world is dark, because they have the Kingdom advantage. You live in the kingdom of God in the city where you dwell! God is illuminating your darkness and the glory of the Lord has come up ON you!
Published 09/03/21
Hear Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as she interprets the scripture used as the basis for the Constitution of these United States. The document was a miracle of the unification of states. The success of the U.S.A. depends on the unity of states and the responsibility is on “we the people”!
Published 09/03/21
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how the God kind of love is the secret to success in life. Learn about the soldier’s psalm and soldier’s promise. Find out the difference between a soldier and a killer. All God’s ideas are wrapped in love and service to others.
Published 09/02/21
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland reveals the dual meaning in the word seedtime in Gen. 8:22 as “seed, time and harvest.” It takes time for the harvest to come up. It’s what you say, do, think and sow consistently—therein lies the power. Always have a hot expectancy for the return harvest!
Published 09/02/21
Your situation is waiting on a miracle right now! Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to become miracle minded. You were designed for miracles. The enemy is trying to affect your thinking and imagination. As far as you can see, that’s how far God will deliver you!
Published 09/02/21
We are not only children, sons, daughters and servants of God but soldiers in the army of the Lord. Join Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to be a “heavily-armed soldier” and be well equipped for every demonic strategy according to Eph. 6:11-18, (AMPC).
Published 09/02/21
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Bishop Herbert Bailey exhorts the Body of Christ to draw a line in the sand and pick a date of deliverance. Picking a date makes you aggressive in faith and puts your angels on alert. It says you’re serious and determines your behavior. Make some faith plans!
Published 09/02/21
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Chaplain A.L. Downing teaches how you are an ambassador with a divine assignment. You represent the kingdom of God in all matters of life. Before you were born, God gave you a mission and failure is not an option. You represent a higher purpose than yourself!
Published 09/02/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches that God is absolutely good! His goodness is His glory. He is good to all, for you and not against you. He won’t drive or push you to do anything. Cattle are driven, sheep are led. He’s the Good Shepherd and He’s faithful to lead you and love you!
Published 08/08/21
Who are you with? “With men it is impossible…for with God all things are possible” Mark 10:27. At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland notes how the rich, young ruler didn’t stay around Jesus long enough to hear the answer to his question. Don’t make snap decisions without hearing Jesus out.
Published 08/08/21
Terri Copeland Pearsons equips believers for prayer at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, prayers…be made for all men” (1 Tim. 2:1). Prayer is needed for leaders because it affects all men. The power of prophecy will grow stronger in prayer; it’s essential to what’s going on.
Published 08/07/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the prescription for healing found in Prov. 4:20-22. Always put the Word of God first and hear Him before others. Don’t rely on memory verses—put your eyes on the Word every day. Remember your position, in the high tower of the Name of Jesus!
Published 08/07/21
The supply that you bring in prayer matters! At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Terri Copeland Pearsons continues to teach keys to successful prayer. Intercession is an act of love. Never forget to be joyful in prayer. Always roll the care on Jesus and realize it’s your joy to pray because you love people!
Published 08/07/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Bible is a treasure chest that holds covenant keys. They are revelation keys that open treasure vaults of different kinds because the Name of Jesus will open every heavenly door. The Name of Jesus IS the master key!
Published 08/07/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland urges everyone to determine what kind of seed to plant. Wheat is planted annually, whereas a grapevine produces perpetually. Get a picture of your need in your mind and name your seed. There’s a seed for every need and seed never stops growing.
Published 08/07/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Holden Hanley shares his testimony about prayer. He also teaches about end-time praying. All prayer must be done in the light of the Second Coming. God is pouring light on people through the revelation of His Word. The spirit of wisdom is unraveling truth in our land!
Published 08/06/21
Join Tim Fox with Pastor Gabriel and Evangelist Evelyn Alexander at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as they share their testimony. Mary Kurth interviews president of WallBuilders, Tim Barton, educator on constitutional heritage. Hear the history of FlashPoint and meet Jason Smith, its producer.
Published 08/06/21
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jesse Duplantis continues the teaching on how to increase your faith with sound words. They bring discipline to your thoughts. God will give you thoughts your mind can’t conceive, so faith must increase. Sound words have the power to get you where you want to go!
Published 08/06/21