At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches biblical examples of why faith and fear will not work at the same time. You can have faith in your heart and doubt in your head, but true unbelief is when you choose not to believe something. The Word of God is the only cure for unbelief.
Published 11/14/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares personal testimonies of God’s goodness and what it’s like to live life in the faith lane. God is good to all and He’ll show His goodness to anyone who will wait upon Him. Jesus became poor when He bore your poverty on the cross. Now you’re free!
Published 11/14/21
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as she leads in prayer for the nation, to obtain mercy in our time of need. We are in perfect position, dependent upon God alone and confident in His deliverance. The Church is being awakened by the glory of God and the righteous exalted!
Published 11/13/21
Kenneth Copeland shares important keys to living in divine health at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign. Learn the various aspects of living that directly affect healing and longevity. There’s healing and joy in knowing who you are in Christ. Our bodies were made by Love and we are wired to respond to love.
Published 11/13/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares two vital keys given to man by God: authority and seed. God’s intent was for you to determine your own income by the seeds you sow. Every need is accomplished by the sowing of seed. The soil knows what to do. Once sown, seeds grow up and become!
Published 11/13/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland reveals the indicators of a prosperous soul and how to major on life instead of death. God got Job’s mind off himself. When Job prayed for his friends, his life changed. Learn how to resist everything that Jesus bore on the cross for you!
Published 11/13/21
Who are you with? “With men it is impossible…for with God all things are possible” Mark 10:27. At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares how the rich, young ruler didn’t stick around Jesus long enough to hear the full counsel of God. When you stay with God, all things are possible!
Published 11/13/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how THE BLESSING is the empowerment to prosper. God is fully capable of blessing you right in the middle of a bad economy. Poverty is a curse that you’ve been redeemed from. God is still with you in a pandemic and can bless you there!
Published 11/12/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches how to partake of the same graces and anointings as those you partner with in ministry. Partners share equally every heavenly and earthly reward. Watch exciting video testimonies from KCM Partners. Learn how to take advantage of partnership!
Published 11/12/21
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. Jesus was anointed with power and He now resides in us and on us for service. Hear how the anointing affects partnership; people coming together to get something done that cannot be done alone.
Published 11/12/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches the importance of sowing into what you value. The evidence of love is not only words, but actions also. What you value, you support. Consistent giving is what you do when you appreciate something of value that’s been deposited in your life.
Published 11/12/21
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, hear Kenneth Copeland teach why fear is not OK. Faith and fear are both spiritual forces, but exactly opposite. One is faith in God and the other is faith in death. Stop the fear in your life and believe only that your situation will be made whole in the Name of Jesus!
Published 11/12/21
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign. The prayer of faith changes things. It created the world, so it can fix the world. If the Church does its part, the strategies of the devil will come to nothing. The righteousness of God will make this nation right and bring many into the Kingdom!
Published 11/11/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares six fundamental doctrines of Christ. These are all major biblical teachings and not to be taken lightly. They are all energized by faith in love and they all minister to people. Join Bro. Copeland as he ministers to the people by the laying on of hands.
Published 10/31/21
According to Mark 4:24, it’s the way you measure it that determines how God measures back to you. At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches how the way you give is the way God will give to you. Everything you do is a seed and what you sow, you reap. Let love be your motivation for giving.
Published 10/31/21
Kenneth Copeland gives God’s prescription for life and health at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign. The Great Physician is still in business and He should be your first priority for medical advice. In Him you have victory over death of every kind including pain and sickness. You’ve been given a life worth living!
Published 10/30/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Pastor George Pearsons encourages the Body of Christ that God is our supply chain, no matter what the economy looks like. THE BLESSING is not subject to supply chain disruptions. The times are subject to God’s Word, the Name and blood of Jesus, and His kingdom people!
Published 10/30/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares fundamentals of faith necessary for a victorious life. The woman in Matthew 9 believed what she heard about Jesus before she ever left home. She believed she had the “title deed” to her miracle (Heb. 11:1, AMPC). She owned it and acted on it!
Published 10/30/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland shares why it is important to name the seed and the harvest you are expecting and write it down. The prodigal son got a sure inheritance but didn’t give or sow. Luke 15:16 says, “and no man gave unto him.” If you plant many seeds, you will reap a big crop!
Published 10/30/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares two biblical ways to experience supernatural increase. Learn about the law of seedtime and harvest. Laws work every time you apply them. If what you have in your possession doesn’t meet the need, then it is seed for you to sow. Seed kept is not growing!
Published 10/29/21
Hear Kenneth Copeland, at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, teach how to walk in the same anointings as those you are partnering with in ministry. Hear how the church at Philippi partnered with the Apostle Paul. Watch exciting video testimonies from KCM Partners. Learn how to take advantage of partnership!
Published 10/29/21
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. There is always a name change involved in a covenant. God put His Name in the middle of Abram’s. The anointing is the BLESSING of Abraham/Jesus in manifestation. Learn how to walk in that anointing!
Published 10/29/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle reveals how when God gave seed to man, He was saying, “Your life will be sustained by your seed.” You have the ability to determine your own outcome by sowing seed. The last thing the seed heard from God was, “Grow!” Once sown, it grows up and becomes!
Published 10/29/21
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, hear Kenneth Copeland teach how divine healing belongs to you! The healing power of God has always been available to His covenant people. It’s a package deal; eternal salvation AND healing! Learn how the Word of God provides correction necessary for obtaining healing.
Published 10/29/21