Does God Speak Today? If so, how? Kinda Christian friends sits down and discusses this vital question of the Christian walk.
Published 05/23/22
Published 05/23/22
What happens when you have four somewhat intelligent Christians debate evolution, prayer, dinosaurs and miracles? You get the first episode of KC Friends.
Published 04/20/22
If you prayed for a specific amount of money, say $5k, didn't tell anyone, and then one day someone showed up at your door with that check, what would you conclude? J.P. Moreland is on mission to highlight incredible stories of healings, answered prayers and miracles that will absolutely astound- all available in his new book "a Simple Guide to Experiencing the Supernatural"
Published 01/01/22
Mosaic Pastor Erwin McManus sits down to answer tough questions of faith and talk about the genius of Jesus.
Published 12/01/21
Bestselling author, speaker and radio host Eric Metaxas joins Kinda Christian to discuss his new book, "Is Atheism Dead". He lays out what he thinks are several of the linchpin arguments in favor of a God designed universe, Christianity's truths and much more.
Published 11/06/21
Warning: some of this content is a bit tough to hear, so listener discretion is advised. Sometimes you have a guest on that simply blows your mind. Will Hart has been on the front line serving people in some of the most difficult and war torn areas in the world. As the president of Iris Global, Will is on a mission to serve, bring God's love to the people of Mozambique and usher in change. Will also has seen a thing or two. A miraculous thing or two. He is the first guest I have had on the...
Published 10/09/21
Jon Tyson, our friend and pastor of Church of the City, stops by Kinda Christian to answer some of the tough questions and talk about his new book the Intentional Father which continues to roar up the charts.
Published 10/01/21
He has three names but one mission- to inspire people to embrace the wisdom and calling that is following Christ. John Mark Comer, former pastor at Bridgetown church in Portland, Oregon shares some of his insights and thoughts from his new book Live No Lies
Published 09/13/21
Join us for a fascinating discussion on mental health and thriving. We dig deep into the role of technology, the source of our worst behaviors, and how a spiritual paradigm can influence us to our best selves. We even get into the Enneagram. Matthias is inordinately thoughtful and it is clear why he is growing so rapidly in popularity.
Published 02/15/21
We are back for 2021!! Have you ever wondered how one becomes a Saint in the Catholic Church? Did you know that there is an entire office, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, that investigates miraculous occurrences for this exact process? In fact the term "Devils Advocate" was derived from this very process. Far from just taking it on "faith", the Church rigorously investigates these alleged miracles and the individuals involved. We are talking medical records, interviews and exact...
Published 01/07/21
An intimate and engaging sit down with the co-founder of the Bible Project, Jon Collins. Jon walks us through his story and the vision for the Bible Project going forward. If you haven't checked out the incredible videos featured on their site, the Bible Project is making the Bible accessible and understandable, in proper context, for all the the world to see- it's very cool.
Published 11/13/20
10 Minute Testimonies features vetted stories that are either incredible coincidences, or proof of the divine. We let the listener decide.
Published 10/30/20
Every now and then a reader will encounter a verse in the Bible that shakes the paradigm, that changes what the way they look at the Old Testament. For Dr. Michael Heiser, it was Psalm 82. In this mind blowing, somewhat obscure verse, the Psalmist writes "God presides in the great assembly, He pronounces judgement upon the gods". Did you catch that? There are apparently other gods, lots of them. Why have we not been taught this in church? What is being hidden in plain sight from us? Join us...
Published 10/15/20
How many times have you heard someone say "I'm called to (Insert thing)? If you're like me, you've probably heard it from a lot of people and roll your eyes. I hear a lot of people called to a lot of things that they seem uniquely unequipped for. And yet, if the Christian narrative is true, then calling certainly exists. But what is it? How do we know what it is? The question of what to do with your life is a profound, complicated and relatively recent one. For most of history you simply...
Published 10/07/20
What do we get wrong about Jesus from the scriptures? Would Jesus support traditional family values? Actually, maybe not. What do we get wrong about Jesus? Apparently quite a bit. Professor Tommy Givens joins the program and lays out a compelling case for why we may have a very different perception of Christ, one that is not rooted in reality. As a respected "Mathian" scholar, Tommy knows the Gospel of Matthew inside and out. He shares some profound insights about the gospels, what we might...
Published 09/24/20
At Kinda Christian we recognize that academic questions can only take you so far on the journey- you have to actually experience what you believe to make it real. For millions of people around the world it is their own profound and impactful testimonies that keep them pursuing belief in God- not the commentary in the margins of their study bible. Over the years I have asked people I know and respect, to share with me stories of times they felt like God was real, or answered a crazy prayer....
Published 09/14/20
The Old Testament is a mystery. The Book of Genesis makes some claims that seem to completely contradict the scientific record. But is there room to reconcile this? What about the Book of Exodus? Did the plagues actually happen? We welcome Dr. Richard Hess to the program to help us think through the Old Testament and sort through these questions. Dr. Hess is a world renown Old Testament scholar and teaches at Denver Seminary.
Published 09/02/20
When someone has dedicated their entire life to being a pastor, they learn a thing or two. I've always enjoyed speaking with pastors as they are tasked with the not so easy task of caring for the spiritual well being of so many people and thus have a rare lens into what is going on in the culture. Roger Nix has some wisdom for all as he shares lessons acquired from his incredible journey of faith.
Published 08/26/20
We hear stories of medical miracles and prayer all the time, but is there actually any evidence to support these claims? What if there was peer reviewed medical research that showed people with significant eyesight and hearing issues, enough to be considered blind and deaf, regained enough of their vision and hearing to have those labels removed? Not only is the evidence there, it's for all to see. Join us in this incredible episode of Kinda Christian as we sit down with Dr. Candy Brown, a...
Published 08/19/20
Do you ever wonder just how we know what the Gospels say happened actually did? It’s not talked about at church often but the gospels do contain some discrepancies about certain genealogies, names and events. For any other historical book these differences are probably insignificant, but when you base your life on a book you want to know what you’re reading is true. The four gospel authors agree on much, but what are we to make of the places where they seem to differ? We ask Dr. Craig Keener,...
Published 08/12/20
There are times in life when hope falters and even the very thought of prayer seems absurd. Why does God heal some and not others? This challenge is a real and difficult one for all Christians. Yet in the midst of these disappointments, God may be at work in ways unseen by the mortal eye. We sit down with Pastor Obed Martinez of Destiny Church Palm Springs to share his journey of faith, the highest jubilations, and the lowest of lows. Pastor Obed shares incredible stories of God's timing, his...
Published 08/05/20
Does the Old Testament seem particularly harsh and cruel, especially since it comes from a loving God? Does God seem to have a major personality shift in the New Testament? What about the ethical considerations of designer babies and gene selection? We pose these questions to Dr. Scott Rae, the dean of faculty at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, and a professor of ethics and philosophy. Scott offers his perspective on why the Old Testament is far more complex than we realize.
Published 07/29/20
If there is a God, how would he speak today? Few things can be as cringe-worthy in religion as hearing people claim “God Told Me.” Shawn Bolz is a pastor, best selling author and speaker who helps people learn to "hear from God". Shawn opens up about his experiences and why he believes that God is real, why He speaks, and how he knows it’s actually God and not just indigestion.
Published 07/22/20
J.P. Moreland is a renowned professor and according to "The Best Schools", one of the 50 most influential philosophers alive today. With a background in hard science to match his philosophical prowess, we get into a wide range of topics, from evidence for the supernatural, evolution, and consciousness itself.
Published 07/15/20