After being fooled by Edmund, Gloucester decides to pursue Edgar and punish him. Edgar runs away and disguises himself as a crazy beggar named “poor Tom.” Kent fights with Oswald, for he insulted Lear’s dignity, and gets put into the stocks by Regan and Cornwall. When King Lear sees Kent punished in a humiliating manner and finds out that his daughter and son-in-law placed him there, King Lear is furious and runs off to the woods. A storm brews.
Published 10/31/21
Published 10/31/21
King Lear divides his kingdom amongst his three daughters, and is seemingly betrayed by his youngest daughter, Cordelia. Edmund, the illegitimate son of Gloucester, pits his father and his brother, Edgar, against each other. Goneril confronts her father about his disruptive knights as he begins his descent into madness.
Published 10/06/21