Society elevates the names of individuals who accomplish greatness, but itā€™s not always that way in the Kingdom. As we find out from our guest, itā€™s possible to impact the world, yet remain unknown by the masses.Ā  Listen as we discuss notoriety and being famous from a Christian perspective. Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Humility
Published 09/06/24
šŸ”„Ā  Reuben turned around the curse placed on him by working under Moses and proving his loyalty. Submission to the mission can change your identity. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Mission
Published 09/05/24
šŸ‘¼Ā  There are only a few angels with namesā€¦which makes it hard to give them any personal credit. Is there a message we should take from that? Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Angels
Published 09/04/24
Light Impressions | Guest: Clifford Clark Ā  Sometimes the voice of God isn't a shout, or a lightning bolt - itā€™s something much lighter. Our guest joins us to share a riveting personal account of how easy it can be to dismiss Divine guidance. As you listen, it becomes clear how easy it can be to miss spiritual promptings in our everyday lives.Ā  Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Faith
Published 08/30/24
šŸ‘Ā  Dust off the promise, and revive your faith. Although time has passed since you heard the Word, it still has life. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Faith
Published 08/29/24
šŸŸ¢Ā  Even when it doesnā€™t make sense, God is working. Stir up your faith and believe for it. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Faith
Published 08/28/24
After trekking through a wilderness for decades, can you believe there were Israelites who actually wanted to return to Egypt?Ā  Even today the intimidation of what lies ahead can cause us to wish to go back to the past. Donā€™t fall for the lies - your tomorrow is better than what youā€™ve been delivered from. Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Motivation
Published 08/23/24
šŸ† Ā  The finish line is in sight. The victories of yesterday indicate that the giants of tomorrow are no threat to your survival. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Motivation
Published 08/22/24
šŸ¤”Ā  Your past is behind you, but donā€™t forget where youā€™ve come from. Remember how bad it was, and appreciate how good it is now. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Perspective
Published 08/21/24
When actions turn into regrets, we suddenly have the desire to go back and fix things in our past. As Hezekiah found out, God has the miraculous power to give a man another yesterday. This power is not only transformative, but it offers every one of us the chance to redeem those wasted years.Ā  Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Restoration
Published 08/16/24
šŸ“† Ā  Anyone can improve their tomorrow, but what about their yesterday? God can restore health, and He can also restore years. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Restoration
Published 08/15/24
ā° Eternity helps you rise above the monotonous cycle of life. Just a moment in the Spirit gives you fresh perspective and focus. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Life
Published 08/14/24
Getting even is not as important as getting forgiveness. Often the best thing to do is not reciprocate the hurt has been given to you, but to forget it. Listen as Pastor McKillop shares how forgiveness - not retaliation - could be your key to productivity and healing. Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Forgiveness
Published 08/09/24
šŸ’­ Ā  To overlook the hurt done against you isnā€™t easy. Forgive that person, and then make sure the pain doesnā€™t compel your reaction. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Forgiveness
Published 08/08/24
šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø Without forgiveness, your future is trapped. Release yourself and your next generation from the cycle of hurt by forgiving those who have hurt you. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Forgiveness
Published 08/07/24
Beyond your personal borders are the margins - areas there you interact and connect with outsiders. Donā€™t fall for the idea that it would be easier to live inside the walls, and never reach out to the suburbs. Core beliefs should define you, and everything else must be managed. Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Management
Published 08/02/24
šŸ§±Ā  Manage your life within your walls, but donā€™t become a hermit in your own city. Reaching out is risky, but thatā€™s what you are called to do! Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Outreach
Published 08/01/24
āš ļø The borders in your life are extremely important. What you tolerate and who you fellowship are choices that require much wisdom and attention. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Margins
Published 07/31/24
Babylonian fire is too hot to survive on your own. The secret to being fireproof is found in yielding. Tune in as we talk about what it actually means is to be yielded, and how this familiar word can transform your lifestyle in ways you didnā€™t know. Ā  Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Yielding
Published 07/26/24
šŸ›‘ David defended his fatherā€™s flock before he defended his brethren. The small things matter - take your stand. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Conviction
Published 07/25/24
šŸ”„Ā  Three Hebrew boys understood both conviction and compromise. Refusing to bow starts with refusing to eat the kingā€™s meat. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Conviction
Published 07/24/24
Pride prevents you from seeking help. Pride might even speed up your demise. Failure is greater, weakness is amplified, and the end is more tragic if you are proud. As bad as it is, there is a clear antidote - humility. Tune in for an analysis of pride, and how to avoid it. Ā  #KingdomSpeakĀ  #Podcast #Pride
Published 07/19/24
āš”ļø Youā€™re mistaken to think pride is harmless. Pride is transformative, and the absolute cure is humility. Ā  #KingdomSpeak #Podcast #Pride
Published 07/18/24
ā° Be humble, and stay humble. The proud will experience success for a time, but their end is coming.Ā  Ā  #KingdomSpeak #PodcastĀ  #Humility
Published 07/17/24