7 Supplements for Faith
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How can practicing virtues like self-control and perseverance enhance one's faith? Faith is a multifaceted journey that involves continual growth and intentional enhancement, much like the physical supplements that many incorporate into their daily lives for better health. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, notable speakers at faith-based events, offer unique perspectives on how spiritual supplements can bolster one's faith journey. Rylee Meek emphasizes that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is just the beginning, advocating for the continuous supplementation of one’s faith to fully experience and maximize one's walk with God. Drawing a parallel to physical health, Meek likens spiritual supplements to necessary aids that improve our faith experience in a world where the "food supply" of spiritual nourishment can often be lacking. Similarly, Christian Edwards underscores the believer's responsibility to bring heaven's blueprint to earth, starting from salvation. He views these faith supplements as essential tools that enhance the essence of God within us, preparing believers for both an enriching earthly experience and an overwhelming entrance into eternity. Through their insights, both Meek and Edwards inspire individuals to deepen their faith intentionally and holistically. By cultivating these seven disciplines you nurture your faith journey. Takeaways Turning Point Faith aims to address the intersection of spirituality and politics in today's society.Adding supplements to faith can enhance growth and strengthen one's relationship with Jesus.Actively practicing virtues like self-control and perseverance can enhance one's faith and reflect the character of God.Supplementing faith with virtues like moral excellence can glorify God in all aspects of life.Self-control is crucial as a supplement to faith to combat desires and vices.Self-control allows individuals to overcome vices and cravings, leading to a disciplined and virtuous lifestyle.Hope, defined biblically as a confident expectation, produces perseverance and character in navigating trials and tribulations. Quotes "For if these things are yours and abound, you will neither, you'll be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." - Christian Edwards "When God looks down from heaven at us as believers, he wants to see himself. We're to be a mirror image of him. We are to be conformed to his image." - Christian Edwards "If God gave you the vision, he will give you the capacity to fulfill the vision, but it takes your perseverance to see it through." - Rylee Meek "Kindness is not niceness. Right? There's a big difference. Or just acceptance of everything. Sometimes to be kind, you've got to be bold." - Rylee Meek "To love is a decision. It's not an emotion. Despite these movies that you may see, despite seeing somebody and just, like, feeling these butterflies in your tummy about them, it's a decision to compassionately, to righteously, to sacrificially meet the needs of another." - Christian Edwards "If I hear anything other than that, I'm going to be very disappointed knowing that you're like, who just made it right by this? Give me your teeth. Oh, man. Definitely don't. Don't want that to happen." - Rylee Meek The Believers Summit: The Believers Summit (tpusafaithevents.com) Join the King’s Council Community: https://joinkingscouncil.com/ Follow King’s Council: a href="https://www.instagram.com/kingscouncilcommunity/" rel="noopener noreferrer"
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