Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Just as we need daily physical sustenance, the need for daily spiritual sustenance is just as strong. We can remember Jesus Christ every day as we pray, read the scriptures, and meditate.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 08/30/13
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Sometimes in life, there is no where else to turn but to God. Elder D. Todd Christofferson shares a personal experience that taught him to truly pray, recognize answers to prayers, and take life one day at a time.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 08/30/13
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—An analogy teaches that living prophets warn us of coming dangers. Includes excerpts from talks by President Gordon B. Hinckley and Elder Henry B. Eyring.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 12/15/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—A seminary class in Samoa learns that seeking revelation requires effort and action.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 10/22/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—The testimony of a humble teacher helps Brigham Young to convert the restored gospel.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 09/11/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Elder David A. Bednar explains the patterns of light by which God communicates with us and how those patterns lead to the spirit of revelation.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 07/17/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—President Thomas S. Monson shares an experience he had in the Navy when he had to stand alone and reminds us that "we are never alone when we stand with our Father in Heaven."—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 05/09/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—President Thomas S. Monson testifies of the truthfulness of the Gospel.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 04/30/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Young Bishop Thomas Monson fails to head the prompting of the Spirit.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 04/30/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—As a young Bishop, Thomas Monson is prompted to visit a friend suffering in the hospital.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 04/30/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Members of the Church across the world bear testimony of living prophets and apostles and speak of the blessings of peace and hope that arise from that knowledge.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 04/06/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—Those who diligently seek to learn of Christ will eventually come to know Him. Read President Uchtdorf's full address here: http://bit.ly/gRCS4z—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 02/10/12
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—President Monson and President Erying encouraged youth to read the Book of Mormon. Youth from Eastern Europe share what they have learned from reading the Book of Mormon and writing down their impressions.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 11/01/11
Mai: Profeter og åpenbaring—President Thomas S. Monson speaks to young people about missionary service—a duty for young men and a rewarding option for young women.—Undervisningsmateriell for ungdom
Published 12/06/10