I believe that a vision board can be done at anytime of the year and upgraded depending on how fast you manifest and quantum leap. I have been doing vision boards from as long as I can remember. I have had timelines where I am checking off a checklist and other timelines where things feels so difficult and stagnant. I’ve also had manifestations that took years to come and others that came quick fast and in a hurry. Let's dive a little deeper about vision board and being in the...
Published 04/20/24
Being in the energy of Following the Happy, Expanding my container, Lucky girl syndrome and more one word always shows up when I go into my daily meditation and prayer. It is an Arabic word “Sabr” it is also used in Bahasa as Sabar, but it has a very beautiful meaning, in bahasa it means to have patience and relax. The Arabic Sabr, is to remain stedfast, have faith, endure what you are going through, persevere and have patience. Let's dig deeper on healing and faith. Each month we will...
Published 03/13/24
I packed 28 years of my life into 3 suitcases. Let me tell you my story of starting over - everything that I have ever known, loved and found comfort in, left behind as memories in search of a new life and new beginnings. Let's dive in together on this episode. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you have gained some insight from this episode. If you enjoyed it, it would mean so much if you left a review...
Published 02/21/24
Have you set your theme for 2024? In this episode I dive into the theme I have set for myself for 2024 and my favorite tagline of Follow the Happy. Let's dive in together on this episode. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you have gained some insight from this episode. If you enjoyed it, it would mean so much if you left a review on Apple Podcast, take a screenshot and share this episode on Instagram and...
Published 01/11/24
I choose to see the situation with a filter of LOVE and kindness. When I say 2023 has showed me flames, it just means that it was the best year and hardest year. It wa a year filled with so much lessons on patience, discernment, loving, healing and showing up as the authentic me and celebrating this life unapologetically. Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle...
Published 12/12/23
”Pray to get out of the way, pray to get yourself out of the way. Take your hands off the wheel through prayer.” Gabrielle Bernstein Want to know why I love praying so much? Praying or prayer itself puts me in my feminine energy. It reminds me that I am safe, my world is safe and that it is safe to have faith and flow with the vibration of the universe. Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you -...
Published 11/18/23
Self discovery has no ending. You just learn to settle comfortably into your own skin, you accept who you are at that moment in time and you work through the pain. My biggest lesson this year is to manage my anxiety and feelings of overwhelm. I self sabotage often in my relationships, forget my worth and project all sorts of yucky feelings. The universe sent me a partner who could accommodate these lessons. Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal is to empower myself...
Published 10/27/23
Learning to respect the season that you are in. Points to remember: -I cannot relive a certain event, the now and present moment is all I have. -I have been placed in a season where everything is slowing down. -I can pick and choose the opportunities that comes my way without proving anything to anyone. Why are we always ready to rush, will things be different if we just learn to respect the season we are in and honor it? Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal...
Published 10/07/23
At times when you stumble, you make mistakes, you fail a little here and there, experience imposter syndrome or maybe you have anxiety. You start to ask yourself. What am I made for? What am I here for? Sometimes through these healings you realise that you needed was to take all parts of you that you have scattered around and bring al these little pieces of yourself, your energy, your heart and your power to put yourself back together. Let's dive in together on this...
Published 08/13/23
I have been feeling anxious lately. With so many new things on my plate. The usual imposter syndrome, am I good enough thoughts started popping up again. The story that I have been telling myself is… is am tired of healing and doing the inner work. The story I tell myself … becomes my narrative and my manifested reality. What is the story you have been telling yourself? Have you been telling yourself a beneficial story? Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal is...
Published 07/16/23
People are our mirrors. They show us qualities that is within us. Sometimes they show you a quality that you would need to work on. Slowly we let our ego die. That one ego that has protected us throughout the year is the very same one that needs to go when we are healed. But how do we do that? Let's dive in together on this episode. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and...
Published 05/12/23
I dressed up like a boy to fit in. But it drained me as i realised I was not radiating my divine energy. The people around me knew I was being an imposter.  Enough of being an imposter, it is time to radiate your divine energy. Let's dive in together. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you have gained some...
Published 03/11/23
Here is a question: Do you take yourself seriously? Are your dreams and goals important enough for you to take yourself seriously? I remembered that all my success were the times that I took myself seriously, but let me tell you where I have failed and its all because I do not take that part of my life seriously. Let's dive in together. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully,...
Published 02/10/23
I feel this year is a year of paradigm shift- new concept, new thinking, a major change is coming. With all these changes… it is time to celebrate life unapologetically. I have always been a big believer in the abundant life, living intentionally, this time around I want to explore embodiment and authenticity - honing in that Goddess Energy. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and...
Published 01/10/23
Let's close of the 2022 season with a confession. Be brave, be raw and be authentic. Let the last day of 2022 be one that cleanses you. This year's goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls.  Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year.  I hope that you have gained some insight from this episode.  If you enjoyed it, it would mean so much if you left a review on Apple Podcast, take a...
Published 12/31/22
That brief moment where I stopped loving and liking myself for a little while. I was feeling as if I was not enough. Not trusting the divine timing of my life, as it wasn’t looking too picture perfect to the world. Through healing and learning to love myself again. Trusting the higher power, God or the Universe - depending on your spiritual beliefs. I had get honest with myself, I had to ask myself numerous difficult questions… like: What am I going to tell this woman that is looking back at...
Published 11/16/22
This birthday episode is dedicated to all the listeners who has been here since episode 1. Look at how far we have grown. Look at all the lessons we have learnt thus far. Look at all that we have been through and you are still here, winning, thriving and going strong.  This year my goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you...
Published 10/15/22
Why is it that it is so easy to self-sabotage simply because we are impatient, scared or even unwilling to see how far we can go. In this episode I open up about my little self-sabotage moment. Sometimes friends are there to help you realise that you can overcome this.   Oh and by the way don’t forget to click on this link to get a free copy of your Love is Within me, Self-Devotional Journal : https://mailchi.mp/8a87ffe54d6c/ladymarselasubscribe This year my goal is to empower myself and my...
Published 09/16/22
Imagine your higher self and show up as that person. Easier said than done.  In this episode, i delve deep into the embodiment of your higher self and trusting that inner compass and how to get back to peace as your higher self can only come out when you are at peace. This year my goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you...
Published 07/14/22
When did we learn the habit to neglect ourselves? Why is it so easy to give up on ourselves? Let us get back to us and make ourselves the main character in our world.  This year my goal is to empower myself and my community which consists of all of you - beautiful souls. Each month we will tackle a topic and hopefully, we will have a positive mindset by the end of the year. I hope that you have gained some insight from this episode. If you enjoyed it, it would mean so much if you left a...
Published 05/12/22
I want to share my experience on aligned actions. It sounds so simple as a many thought leaders will tell you to live as if it is already done. Aligned actions up till this day is a present lesson / a mystery to me. A mystery that I am slowly uncovering and solving. Aligned actions has worked wonders in my academic and life as an entrepreneur. But when it comes to my personal life, emotions gets in the way. On the podcast I share a few personal stories and my journal prompts as well as top...
Published 04/06/22
The year started very fast and it has not slowed down. I tried travelling and unfortunately it did not feel like a reboot but instead it's buffering. What is a girl/guy to do on weeks and days like these, where inspiration seems to be so scarce and energy is at a low? The answer is discipline! This is where character, values, morals and daily habits will be your strong suit or shortcoming, it will highlight itself in your world. So how do we become discipline? How do we ensure that we...
Published 03/09/22
Shooting your shot and how to find the courage to go forth whether you are ready or not. I share steps on how I did it and it may help you too. If you are our monthly newsletter subscriber you will have access to our monthly newsletter. This month we will help you focus on shooting your shot baby!  Oh and by the way don’t forget to click on this link to get a free copy of your Love is Within me, Self-Devotional Journal : https://mailchi.mp/8a87ffe54d6c/ladymarselasubscribe This year my...
Published 02/09/22
A new year a new way to set goals, focus on your life and manifest it all. In the past it was so easy to just note down a bunch of things on a piece of paper to see what will stick for the year. Not this time baby… we are going to set goals the professional way! Oh and don’t forget to subscribe, and you will have automatic access to the workbooks for the episodes: https://mailchi.mp/8a87ffe54d6c/ladymarselasubscribe This year we are not going to fail as we have a plan, we have goals and we...
Published 01/01/22