EP42 - 我真的受傷了——聊聊老師心理健康 | Teacher Mental Health—— My Counselling Experience
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老師們, 你上一次哭是什麼時候呢? 你知道了解自己傷心、受傷其實有多重要嗎?這集我會分享自己受委屈不自覺, 而在見輔導員時如何被開導。了解不只是“有事/有病”的時候才要注意自己的心理健康。解開長久以來的心結能助你工作更有效率、對學生有更正面的影響,支持你成為理想的自己。FB 老師互助社: http://bit.ly/teachersleadtolovecommunityTeachers, when is the last time you cried?  Mental health is not only about healing illness but also building fitness.I share about my personal experience attending counselling sessions, overcome long-term mental blocks and develop more self-compassion.  We might be hurt in the education system, while let's find a way to stop the cycle and not perpetuate such harm to our students. 
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說起學校的辦公室政治, 你在教育職場有遇到過這些"麻煩同事"嗎?該怎麼聰明應對呢?做老師會遇上各式各樣的人。有時有些同事會讓你頭痛: 凶惡的、不負責任的、煩擾、八卦、不切實際⋯⋯ 要明哲保身之餘,更要堅持原則、不同流合污、不落井下石。當然面對職場欺凌, 還是需要尋求協助和支援。畢竟我們每人都希望能在富安全感和supportive的環境/文化裡工作。FB 老師互助社: http://bit.ly/teachersleadtolovecommunityTeachers, do you ever have nasty colleagues?  Gossip, disturbance,...
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