I get it, if you have ADHD mindfulness can be hard and 5 minutes is too long. Guided imagery can use your gift of imagination and be easier for you to use.
Published 08/12/20
Published 08/12/20
Combining Eastern and Western religions Dr. Coutinho says God is an experience of the divine constantly calling you to deeper communion. God is always bigger than anything we know about God. Paul talks about his encounter with Mother Theresa and comments on the reports of her 25 year depression. A fascinating account of her simplistic faith of faith without clarity. How being a saint blocks access to the shadow which is one of the fundamental roots of the divine. The importance of...
Published 09/09/17
Receiving love is the message of Paul Coutinho who challenges the idea that fear of hell and false humility are religious ideals. As a culture we can be addicted to earning worth rather than receiving love just as you are. He talks about how unfulfilled dreams can lead you to develop new talents and abilities and ways to fulfill the underlying purpose of the underlying dream. How do you tell the difference between sincere desires and expectations others put on you? Fr. Paul Coutinho, S.J....
Published 09/09/17
Studying leads to good grades Thinking leads to problem solution Imagination leads to world changers this is the one hour version of a previous post, The Imaginative Gifts of ADHD #ADHD #Addiction #ADD
Published 08/07/17
Homework can extinguish curiosity but research has not shown any gains - on average- for homework. The data don't support the benefits "a second shift" of academic work after a full day in school. Excessive homework can create anxiety, depression and loss of self-esteem. Even kids who do homework well, see it as something to get over so they can move on to things they care about. Homework creates bad attitudes, rather than bad attitudes creating homework resistance. Homework interferes with a...
Published 07/07/17
Guy Finley calls crises “Close Encounters of the Truthful Kind.” He suggests that crises reveal ways in which you have lied to yourself and force you to transcend yourself by letting go of bad ideas. These bad ideas might be along the lines of “I don’t have a problem with alcohol” or “I can’t live without this relationship” or “it’s my job to save people from themselves.” Crises create change. Listen to my interview with Guy Finley to learn what gift you might find in a crisis. If you want...
Published 10/24/16
Drs. Barry and Janae Weinhold tell us that any conflict can be used to heal yourself. You can grow through working through personal conflict. They will help you see your interpersonal conflicts as doorways to healing yourself. Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author of The Gift of Adult ADD, interviews Drs. Barry and Janae Weinhold, authors of Breaking Free of the Co-Dependency Trap published by New World Library.
Published 10/24/16
Dr. Lara Honos-Webb author of the Gift of Adult ADD interviews Dr. Barry Weinhold author of The Real Man Series. Listen to hear what this wise elder of our society has to say about what it takes to be a real man. What does it mean to be a real man? There is lots of confusion as modern culture has settled into equality of gender roles for the last 50 years following thousands of years of male domination. Relationships between men and women still haven’t adjusted to the historically recent...
Published 10/24/16
Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author of The Gift of Adult ADD interviews Mr. Paul Joannides, author of Guide To Getting It On, 5th Edition published by Goofy Foot Press. Paul Joannides Psy.D. is a training and supervising psychoanalyst. He is the author of the "Guide To Getting It On," a book on sex that is used in college sex-education courses and medical schools: The "Guide To Getting It On" is now in its 7th edition and has been translated into 12 foreign languages. It has won 6 awards and has been...
Published 10/24/16
“Many years ago, I would have defined miracles as something for which there was no explanation. That was my concept of miracles. Today, I realize that everything is a miracle,” says Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of the bestseller Love, Medicine & Miracles. In his more than thirty years of practice, speaking, and teaching, Bernie (as he likes to be called) has built up an impressive collection of riveting, warm, and belief expanding stories. It is my pleasure to share the new paperback...
Published 10/24/16
What if you said, “Let’s see what will happen here next?” when faced with a challenging situation. Dr. Siegel quotes Hemingway, “Everyone gets broken in life” and advises people to learn before they get broken and to become stronger in the places where they are broken. His prescriptions help people prevent problems from turning into health catastrophes. Dr. Siegel shares stories of people who heal their body through finding peace. He quotes the poem “Your body loves you” from John Updike....
Published 10/24/16
Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author of the Gift of Adult ADD interviews Captain Dan Willis author of Bullet Proof Spirit: The First Responder’s Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart Captain Dan Willis tells heart-wrenching tales of his life as a SWAT commander and stories of healing in the face of direct experience with evil, including one story of a police officer’s confrontation with the daughter of a man who minutes before was threatening to kill his own daughter, before...
Published 09/07/16
Dr. Lara Honos-Webb author of The Gift of ADHD interviews Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing. He tells us "heal myself is the only way."
Published 09/07/16
Dr. Shannon looks at nutrition, mismatched education, family conflict and other stressors to change behaviors before using medications. If there are other causes of bad behavior resorting to medication may prevent you from finding the most immediate cause of bad behavior. Learn how teaching parents the difference between discipline and punishment create breakthrough changes. Scott M. Shannon, MD, author of Please Don't Label My Child: Break the Doctor-Diagnosis-Drug Cycle and Discover Safe,...
Published 08/06/16
Zen Master and MBA Marc Lesser shares how to stop the busyness in your mind to achieve more. You can accomplish more with less anxiety, less fear by simple practices such as appreciating being alive, remembering to breathe and noticing what you are doing that is "extra" and give yourself permission to stop doing that. Having a clear vision of what success looks like allows you to know what is extra. Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less by Marc Lesser #mindfulness #meditation
Published 07/28/16
Interview with Marc Allen Co-Founder and president of New World Library . He talks about his success in the publishing world. He shows us how to succeed in a relaxed and easy manner, in a a healthy and positive way. He tells us our beliefs become our reality and asks us to examine our beliefs and shift to believing that it is easy to succeed. He advises listeners to create a one page 5 year plan based in imagining your ideal scene after 5 years had passed. Ask yourself: "There are...
Published 07/22/16
Dr. Jeffrey Brantley will help you fill 5 minutes with presence, intention and whole heartedness. Listen to a five minute guided meditation and practice saying "May I be happy" "May I be healthy" "May I be safe." Five Good Minutes at Work: 100 Mindful Practices to Help You Relieve Stress & Bring Your Best to Work 22 minutes, 39 seconds Dr. Lara Honos-Webb interviews Dr. Jeffrey Brantley, MD., author of Five Good Minutes at Work: 100 Mindful Practices to Help You Relieve Stress &...
Published 07/04/16
Find out how to stop bad days from becoming bad weeks from becoming bad months. How do you turn this around? You can directly change the opportunities that come your way by shifting your perspective. Can you find something bigger going on to break a bad mood? How do you suspend your judgment and go to neutral? Some of your biggest learnings come from the black hole of a bad mood. You can unlock your patterns and shift the way you live. You can make a choice to believe in future outcomes and...
Published 06/29/16
If it's in your heart to be a writer, write a half hour a day everyday and you can have a book in a year. For writing memoir Barbara Abercrombie says that the deeper you go the more other people will identify with it. The most important thing to remember in writing memoir is that no one will read it until you are ready to publish it, you can always edit and change your own mind. Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, with Ms. Barbara Abercrombie about her book Courage and Craft: Writing Your Life into Story...
Published 06/22/16
Grief is with us constantly, there is no before and after, how do you fold grief into your life? Who do we want to be as a result of grief? How to say "I'm Sorry", "I forgive you", "I love you", "Thank you" and "Goodbye" Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate And Spiritual Guide To Coping With Loss Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, interviews Dr. Sameet Kumar, author of Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate And Spiritual Guide To Coping With Loss Length-25 minutes, 45 seconds #grief #meditation #mindfulness
Published 06/21/16
Interview with Ernest Chu, author of Spiritual Currency. He says true currency is unlimited within you, your natural talents and gifts are a treasure trove of ever increasing wealth.
Published 06/18/16
This interview with Dr. Carol Dweck reminds us that people Get Smart when they are praised for their effort and not their ability. When people are praised for effort they become higher achievers and more motivated than those praised for ability. #addcoaching #addcoach #motivation
Published 06/10/16
ADHD coaching can help shift clients from saying "I use alcohol or drugs because my problems are so big" to "My problems are so big because I use alcohol or drugs" This increases motivation to change. #adhd#addictions #addcoaching
Published 06/02/16
Step one is facilitation emotional regulation one of the prime deficits in ADHD. Step two is reflecting the positive to build confidence which leads to motivation and ambition. Step Three is coaching to a new behavior - composed assertiveness rather than anger outburst. #ADHD #ADD #The Gift of ADD
Published 05/23/16