Before doing anything in business, you need to get clear on why you're here and what you want to create. And if you've been in business for a while, reviewing it and refining your vision and mission can help you to keep moving forwards in the right direction. In this episode I'm sharing my vision, mission, and core service pillars.
Published 01/30/23
As soon as January arrives there is so much content filling your inbox and social media feeds about planning the new year. For me December has felt a lot like a luteal month, slowing down, wrapping things up. And January very much like a menstrual month, a time to reflect, get clarity on my vision and goals. In this episode I share my process for easing into the new year slowly and purposefully.
Published 01/23/23
In this episode we explore how you can structure the way you work with clients in the different phases of your cycle. This includes project and done for you services, one on one mentoring or coaching, and also group programs.
Published 12/12/22
Sometimes new offers drop in with all the clarity we need to take action and make it happen. More often than not though, we need time to mull things over, get more clarity, work out how all the pieces fit together. In these situations, our cycles and hormones can be helpful in working it all out, and getting the new offer out into the world.
Published 12/06/22
In this episode we're exploring how we can apply a cyclical approach to how we create content in our business. If you have a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or create social media content, and you want to cycle sync your content creation, this episode is for you.
Published 11/28/22
I've been thinking a lot lately about how we measure success. I love data and metrics, and as valuable as all that stuff is, there are other ways we can define and measure success. It's been a common thread of previous episodes, both solo and with guests, about defining what your version of success looks like, not what everyone on the internet is telling you it should be or what it should look like. Because when you're working towards something that inspires and motivates you, that is...
Published 11/14/22
In this episode I chat with my good friend Chenae Carey about entrepreneurial freedom, and her new book 'Is your Business a Prison?'.
Published 11/07/22
I've been feeling really disillusioned with the online business world lately. It started to feel like some massive business coaching pyramid scheme... no one seems to care about the impact they can have on the world, it's just how much money you can make. So I've been looking to other industries for inspiration in how they market and sell their products and services. Two of the industries I love and have looked to are music and movies. So it's been great timing to observe Taylor Swift...
Published 10/31/22
There is so much to do when you run a business. Some of it you knew you were in for before you started out, other things take you by surprise. Add in all the things people all over the internet tell you that you have to do in order to have a successful business, the plethora of different platforms you could be on, all the different ways you can serve clients, market your business, and it can get pretty overwhelming quickly. In this episode I'm sharing some ways you can decide what is...
Published 10/24/22
For many of us, learning to slow down, learning to rest when we need it, learning to listen to our bodies cues, doesn't come easily. We've been conditioned to believe that life is about doing more and having more, and that you have to work your butt off to get it. But for women, we aren't built that way. Biologically we cannot go at the same level day in and day out, we need time to slow down and rest. In this episode we explore why slowing down can be so damn hard.
Published 10/17/22
In this week's episode I chat with the truly magnetic India-Jade Cook. India is a marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs, helping you be unapologetically self-expressed to create a magnetic af personal brand.
Published 10/10/22
We've all been there, those days, maybe weeks, where you're so over running your own business, you just want to throw it all away, and burn it all to the ground. I know I've been there more than once! In this epsiode we explore what to do when you feel this way.
Published 10/03/22
Knowing your strengths and talents is vital in running your own business. When you know who you are, what you stand for, and how you work best, you're empowered to create a business that works for you.
Published 09/26/22
Like our cycles, the seasons of the year, or the phases of the moon, our businesses are seasonal too. There are seasons where we see growth, and seasons where we focus on sustaining where we are. There are seasons of fast action, and seasons for slowing down. But for many of us, the slower paced seasons feel uncomfortable. We're constantly bombarded with messaging online about growing and scaling your business, hitting that next income goal. And there is nothing wrong with business...
Published 09/19/22
Your time, energy, and brain power are finite resources. If you don't want to be working all the time, and you want to be more intentional about how you run your business, and how you use your precious resources, then you need a plan!
Published 09/12/22
We all know how good it feels when you've had a good declutter and tidy up around the house. But do you ever do it for your business? If not then in today's episode I'm sharing 10 different ways you can spring clean and declutter your business.
Published 09/05/22
Some of us (me) are natural born planners. Some are natural born action takers. Most of us probably sit somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches, which is what we're exploring in this episode.
Published 08/29/22
Does the word systems make you go ughhhh.... Look I get it, systems don't sound sexy. But it's what they can do for your business that is. If you're looking to make running your business feel easier, more grounded, simpler then you need systems. If you want to work less, and be more intentional with the time and energy you put into your business then you need systems. If you want to get off the hamster wheel and run your business and launches without burning out, then you need...
Published 08/22/22
In this episode I chat with Jane McKay from Jane McKay Communications. Jane is a marketing consultant and coach with more than 15 years' in the business who works with coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to stand out and amplify their personal brands. In this episode we explore the concept of personal branding.
Published 08/15/22
One of the biggest misconceptions I see and hear is the belief that you have to choose between having structure in your business and going with the flow. My question is - why not both? Why can't you have the best of both worlds? Why do we view it as one or the other? In this episode we're diving deeper into structure and flow, and how you can embrace both in your business. Key points in this episode: * You can have both structure and flow in your business, it's not one or the other * The...
Published 08/08/22
You've probably heard that your willpower diminishes the more you have to exercise it. But did you also know the same thing happens with decision making? The more decisions you have to make the harder they can become, the more overwhelmed you feel, and the more likely you are to make the wrong one or not even be able to make one at all... In this episode we're exploring how decision fatigue impacts your business. Key points in this episode: * What is decision fatigue and why does it...
Published 08/01/22
Are you someone who likes to keep busy being busy? Who doesn't know how to switch off from their business? Who feels like the more they do, the more worthy or valuable they are? In this episode we're chatting about our addiction to being busy all the damn time. Key points in this episode: * What does busy work look like in your business * Why you might be busy being busy all the time * How to let go of the busy work in your business
Published 07/25/22
In this episode I chat with Shannon Dunn all about her Thrive Factor Framework and archetypes. Shannon Dunn is an international award winning business and leadership coach, speaker, retreat leader, and best selling author with over 16 yrs leading her own coaching and consulting company Thrive Factor Co. Shannon coaches ambitious, ingenious souls to turn their lived and learned experiences (their wisdom) into income streams and wildly profitable ones at that. She is obsessed with creating...
Published 07/18/22
Do you sometimes feel like your business is all consuming? Like you can never really get away from it? You're always working, or thinking about working.... In today's episode I want to chat about creating more balance, and also why I don't like the term work life balance... Key points in this episode: * Why work life balance is a myth * Why we struggle to create that separation between the business and non-business parts of our lives * Why time off from your business is important * Ways you...
Published 07/11/22
In this episode we're talking about energy leaks in your business. Those little annoyances and frustrations that divert your valuable time, attention, or focus away from where it should be. These energy leaks may seem small and inconsequential on their own, but over time they add up, and if you have a heap of energy leaks, then it really adds up to a lot of wasted time and energy. Key points in this episode: * How to identify energy leaks in your business * Why your luteal phase can be a...
Published 07/04/22