Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of financial abundance but can't seem to make it happen? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle to attract cash into their lives, but the good news is that it's possible to change your financial situation by adopting a few simple habits. For more, visit our website: dominatingedge.com
Published 06/22/23
Many people dream of achieving financial success, but few are able to realize their goals. While factors such as hard work, education, and opportunity are important, they're not the only factors that determine financial success. One of the most critical factors is our mindset. For more, visit our website: dominatingedge.com
Published 06/15/23
The law of attraction says that what we focus on expands. So if we're constantly under the threat of “not enough money” for the month, our attention is on “lack”. Our attention is on bills, our attention is on, “not enough”. So guess what we’ll attract? More “lack”.  More bills. More “not enough”. The first step in changing our financial picture is to change what it is we're focused on...
Published 06/08/23
The law of attraction is the principle that like attracts like. If you want to attract financial abundance into your life, you need to align your thoughts, feelings and beliefs with abundance and prosperity. For more, visit our website: dominatingedge.com
Published 06/01/23
Today we're talking about paying off debt quickly. If you're struggling with debt and want to pay it off quickly, two popular methods to consider are the snowball and Avalanche methods... For more, visit our website: dominatingedge.com
Published 05/25/23
Today we're talking about the art of manifesting financial abundance. Now, you may have heard of the law of attraction, but how can you apply that to your finances and create the life you desire? For more, visit our website: dominatingedge.com
Published 05/18/23
Having a wealth mindset is essential to achieving financial abundance. And it all starts with the way we think about money...
Published 05/11/23
Money can be a source of stress and anxiety, but the law of attraction can help us attract financial abundance by changing our mindset and attitude towards money. By focusing on positive thoughts and feelings and taking action, we can manifest financial abundance into our lives…
Published 05/04/23
Lessons From The Woman King Part 2 Again, no spoilers, but this was life lesson was one that I have witnessed myself. As you all know I was a Broadway performer in my former life and I have been around the entertainment industry for real for real. This lesson rang true for me. I look forward to sharing it with you!  In this podcast series I'm going to share with you the three main lessons that I learned from the movie. Don't worry there aren't any spoilers in here, just some fun life...
Published 10/17/22
Lessons From The Woman King Part 1 I hope that you have been working on being a human-being instead of a human doing these past few weeks. I have and it has really allowed me to get some clarity. I know that if you take the time to just be it will do the same for you. That being said, this past week I went to see the movie The Woman King. It was absolutely amazing. I went there for an escape and just to have a moment to myself and I left there with some amazing lessons on life. I love it...
Published 10/14/22
What an Uh-MAZING Life!! You are a co-creator of your life experiences. Your thoughts are creating your reality every day! Oh be careful little mind what you think... Oh be careful little mind what you think.... Your thoughts are unbelievably powerful and that is why this whole life thing is so amazing. You can literally think whatever you want into existence for you! I absolutely loved recording this episode for you! See you on the other side!  Troy 
Published 09/26/22
You owe it to yourself and to your calling to get still. If you are struggling with clarity or focus...get still. If you are struggling with purpose and motivation get still. Always remember that we are human"beings" and not human"doings".  I hope that this episode helps you! See you on the other side. Troy
Published 09/22/22
This is for YOU! YES YOU! One of my favorite quotes goes like this. "Every day you wake up with two things. A Chance and a Choice!"  Every day is a new chance to live your purpose full out!  Every day you get to decide if you are going to do it.  My hope is that this episode will help you say yes to your greater self. They are in there waiting for you. WE are waiting for you! No you are not too old and no it is not too late. The universe is amazing and you are a part of that...
Published 09/16/22
It took me a while to understand that there is literally more than anyone could ever need in this world. It took me a while to understand that competition is an imaginary construct created by a human being. Who knows why and who cares. All that matters is that we let it go back into the ether from which it came.  It is our hundredth monkey time. It is time for all of us to shift the one mind into the understanding of abundance for all. There is no big work for you to do other than shift it...
Published 09/12/22
Welcome to the second part of the Dominating Edge journey. I am so grateful for Coach Hammer for allowing me to step into this space with you all. I hope that I am of service to all of you as we step into our missions, journeys, and callings. It is now your time! It is our time. The world needs us to sept into our full potential. Here's to answering the call! Your Friend, Troy Horne
Published 09/09/22
The Law of Attraction works like this - Your thoughts and emotions, attract similar even stronger thoughts and emotions, eventually manifesting in your life! That continues to be my simple message to you, if you get this, and embody this, you too will be the luckiest person alive.
Published 11/01/21
Cryptocurrency today is exactly where the internet was in 1997! It's soooo early... It's my belief that we all have a huge opportunity to amass life changing wealth, with an investment in Bitcoin today!
Published 10/25/21
One of the quickest ways to attract anything in your life is to find the “feeling place” of what it is you want - - - bring yourself into that state of where you would be if you had what it is you desire. It’s this emotion that provides a magnetic pull if you will.
Published 10/20/21
When I was a kid in grade school I loved when the recess bell rang - it meant it was time to leave the classroom and head outside... free time, to do what I wanted. It was a welcome interruption to the strict schedule of my day. I thought of this today, as the “Bell of Mindfulness” rang on my computer.
Published 10/11/21
A healthy diet is important..., exercise is important..., expanding your mind with new programs, new courses, new books is important - - - BUT, nothing is more important or will have a more powerful impact on your life, than monitoring your thoughts and thinking only of what you want in life.
Published 10/04/21
We know that the thoughts we’ve been thinking today since we’ve woken up, will attract similar, even stronger thoughts - - - and eventually manifest, physically, in our life. So what I’d like you to do is take inventory of what you’ve been thinking about today
Published 09/27/21
There is nothing magical about this process, plant seeds of abundance and we will harvest abundance - if you’re planting the seeds of limiting beliefs and fear, this is what the garden of your mind will grow. There’s a quote I like, it goes like this “Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. The harvest will bring either flowers or weeds.”
Published 09/20/21
In our projects, our side hustles, our life changes - whatever that is for you, we must always remember that the most important thing we can do is to “know!” We must know the truth of what we are to manifest - - and then every day I take action! As we know, nothing in life can get better, nothing can change until we think a new thought, followed by daily consistent action.
Published 09/13/21
I believe that cryptocurrency is the future - bitcoin being the store of value. I believe it so strongly that I’ve dedicated my life this past year to developing an app and program to educate individuals on cryptocurrency, providing them the opportunity, with limited risk, to potentially attract life-changing wealth.
Published 09/06/21