Boneitis returns with tails (really?) about Midwest Fur Fest, one of the largest Furry conventions, and their decision to allow convicted pedophiles who are on the registry to attend while banning people who speak up. The Furry Schism continues. Oh, also, there's an article suggesting YouTube has been monetizing pedo videos for a while now. Bring your punching bags, folks. This one's going to raise some hackles. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/26/19
Tonight I'm going to lay out how a group of people and companies could be systematically destroyed through unwise litigation. What better way to teach than to incorporate the ongoing potential legal battle between Vic Mignogna and his accusers/former employers? I'm going to go through identifiable people and talk about what legal action can be taken against them, and I'm open to suggestions for people you think I miss! BUT FIRST! I will start the show with two guests, TUG and YellowFlash...
Published 03/26/19
TONIGHT I'm interviewing MARK KERN! Mark is a prominent developer in the Video Game industry who has become rather outspoken on social media. We're going to talk about how social media companies impose their ideology on society through their policies about "acceptable" speech. ALSO, I'll have a BRIEF update about Vic Mignogna in the first half hour. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/26/19
Tonight I'm hosting a panel discussion about the Social Media tirade against Vic Mignogna. I'll be joinged by Yellowflash, Gator from the killstream, and Cody from Anime Outsiders. We're going to do a full rundown of the lore, the genesis, the new developments, and the wonderful flowers leading the charge. We're going to talk about weaponized social media brigades, about timing, about parallels to major media events, and about how you attack these things. We're going to encourage people...
Published 03/13/19
Peter Simeti was SWATted. What is going on in comics?! We're going to talk about the issues he's facing, and the issues that other creators are facing. We'll discuss how to handle a SWATting situation as well. Then, a Zoosadist arrested and charged in Florida for being absolutely disgusting and horrible. BUT IT'S YOUR DOG! Let's take a look at the charges and what he's facing. Other than that we'll cover any other legal news and topics we have time for. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/11/19
Tonight I am joined by my friend, Doug TenNapel! It's the LAST NIGHT of the Bigfoot Bill Campaign. We're going to be promoting Bigfoot Bill AND we're going to be talking about Vic Mignogna and the allegations against him. He's facing a firestorm. Come help us boomer through the story, while we push for a few more copies of Bigfoot Bill! Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/11/19
Tonight is a LEGAL NEWS ROUNDUP followed by Bedtime Stories with Rackets. We're going to talk about Ocasio-Cortez, Mercedes Carerra, some abortion stuff, and then we'll have a little bedtime story. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/11/19
Alright, Last night ran a bit long and ranty, so we're coming back to finish this SPLC document so I can make a summary video and give an opinion on the main legal points. This is a LIVE READING of the document, I'm inviting you to join me for laughs. IF YOU JUST WANT A LEGAL OPINION, Please wait for that video, it's coming. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/11/19
The SPLC is getting showered with litigation after years of just being giant heaps of garbage. Joining the fray is professional proud boy and weirdo, Gavin McInnes. Yes, the man who once shoved a synthetic phallus into his own anus to protest Islamic Extremism is suing the SPLC for suggesting that he is whatever is an hate. Sounds like a lover, not a hater to me! Let's read his lawsuit and try and remember that all of this is really happening. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/06/19
TONIGHT I'm joined by three of my handsomest colleagues: Kian, Josh, and Stephen. All of these gentlemen are practicing attorneys and I am wildly thankful for their time and friendship. We'll be discussing a myriad of topics until we eventually are just screaming at people to not talk to the cops. Oh, and we'll probably discuss SWATTING and talk about what should happen to SWATTERS in Minecraft. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/01/19
Wooo Hooo! 20,000 subscribers before I've even had a chance to do the 15,000 subscriber stream (which is still coming, by the way). Tonight I'll be punishing myself with a bottle of fireball weakskey while we address several censorship incidents. We'll also touch on Defense Distributed's lawsuit. Oh, and if you haven't heard, Vox Day's publishing arm has been memory-holed off of Amazon. So, you know...Only approved speech is approved, comrade! Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 03/01/19
NULL: https://madattheinternet.com SIRRACHA: https://twitch.tv/sierrasantana1 Chapter 9 - Russell Greer. Today Sriracha and I have Null as a special guest. I found out the other day that Null was unfamiliar with Greer's literary masterpiece and begged him to come read with us. Let's see what astute legal observations and definitely not a date and definitely not assault or stalking actions Russell has in store. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/01/19
Let's see what the word is on the legal news street! Kiwi Farms has been sued, along with Encyclopedia Dramatica (who I still owe a lawsuit for the cancerous ads shutting down my first, and second, video!) Roger Stone has been indicted, and A couple cops were super helpful in different ways. Let's see whats up. Also, feel free to bring some questions or comments and piss me off! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/01/19
This is an interview I've been waiting for since I threw off an unruly and discourteous guest several months ago. Vox Day is a lightning rod in the culture storm; he draws attention, ire, and criticism in equal measure. Great, but what is he actually up to? Let's ask him and find out! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 02/20/19
Last week I talked with TonkaSaw from the Morning Kumite. Since then, he's been in a veritable death spiral on the internet. From disavowal from many of his friends, to a miserable apology, to disavowing his own apology, and ultimately nuking his channel; things haven't been going well. Revelations from the past week are myriad, and they paint a much different picture than my interview. So, tonight, I have Failure, Tonka's former co-host, talking about the developments and exploring...
Published 02/20/19
It's legal buffet time as we take a look at various goings on in the legal world. The Supreme Court is taking a Second Amendment case for the first time in NINE YEARS. They also said banning transgenders from the military was just fine. Ginsburg is definitely probably still alive. Let's see what else we can talk about and just how high my blood pressure can get. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 02/20/19
Today is Martin Luther King Day. Let's talk about one of the most important libel cases in American History, New York Times v. Sullivan. Let's browse through the case and talk about Racism, the Civil Rights Movement, Covington MAGA Kids, and the cesspool that is modern media. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 02/20/19
Tonka. He's an enigmatic figure in Internet Blood Sports, host of the Morning Kumite, and most recently famously slated to trade real fisticuffs with Andy "the Race" Warski. All of that has come tumbling down over the past couple of days and there's really been only one narrative for many people. So let's hear from Tonka himself as to what happened and what happens next. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 02/15/19
New Documents in Hambly v. Loter. Jeremy claims $350,000 in losses, is it legit? Let's check the documents and talk about pleading standards. Then lets watch a grown man punch a child in the face. Physics is fun, but is this legal? How do you defend this in court? Also, North Carolina has some sexist laws, let's talk about that. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 02/15/19
Whoa, lots of crazy stuff. Gearbox sues someone, then a whole bunch of insanity happens. Let's read the documents and laugh at people who are suddenly handling much more monster than the pants suggested. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 02/15/19
Anas Abdin has been making a video game. CBS is making a Star Trek show. One of these things looks a lot like the other things and both things have microscopic mole-bears called Tardigrades that somehow teleport people around...or something. Also, there's a gay interracial couple, and a host of other similarities. Let's dive into these documents and boldly go where a whole bunch of people have gone before. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 01/31/19
The SPLC is still sued. The complaint and supporting documents are 85 pages. I didn't get very far last night because of my extreme distaste for these nasty people. Tonight will be a bit different, as we move into the allegations, there will be more to analyze and probably less screaming. I make no promises. Grab some whiskey and join us to find out!
Published 01/30/19
The SPLC Has been sued. The complaint and supporting documents are 85 pages. I don't even care who the plaintiff is, I want them to win and I want this garbage heap of an organization burned to the ground...in Minecraft. Grab some whiskey and join us to find out!
Published 01/28/19
Sriracha's twitch: https://​twitch.tv/sierrasantana1 Chapter 7. It's been a long and glorious road, and we're finally to the chapter about Russell's trial. Here he will face his mortal enemy, totally not Skordas, in mortal combat. Who will prevail? Will Russell's vast knowledge and moral righteousness carry the day? Grab some whiskey and join us to find out!
Published 01/25/19
Covering some Legal News tonight. A woman in a vegetative state for a decade gives birth. Weird. Cops shooting dogs, cops shooting people. Legal Eagle is a dork. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 01/24/19