Ethics complaints and Canadians. Meyer v. Waid gets delayed, and the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act. Cozy Stream tonight! Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 10/04/19
Ty Beard Joins me tonight to talk about Ethics Complaints, KamehaCon, Tortious Interference with a Contract, Civility, and any other nonsense we can imagine. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 10/04/19
Tonight we're talking about lawsuits, LawSuits, LAWSUITS! Devin Nunes is suing Twitter under a limited public forum doctrine (as I suggested was coming...) Sandman sues CNN for being CNN (translate: Garbage) I'm joined by a special guest in studio! Can't wait for you to meet him! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 10/04/19
Big News in Vic Mignogna. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 10/04/19
They're coming after the farms like it's a 5 year plan! Josh has been dealing with server traffic issues and the Scrutiny of a small-big Government machine putting pressure on him. We're going to talk about that, and talk about the ethics of data preservation and digital privacy. Also, I'm going to read Josh a VERY funny letter from an exceptional individual that I got in the mail over the weekend. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 10/04/19
ALRIGHT, It's comfy-stream time, CHAD DAD style! Join me, Larry, and Doug, as we hang out, toss back some whiskey, and talk about being men with more kids than apologies. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 07/09/19
Tonight we're going to do a deeper dive on Tortious Interference with Contract in Texas, how it might manifest in Vic's case, what it means for the people involved, how a lawyer might use this information in court and out of court. We're going to talk about conventions, about the raw deal they've been given, and what we can do to help. After that, WHO KNOWS?! Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 07/08/19
Coach RedPill joins me tonight to discuss his novel, Wilshire Boulevard. We'll talk about culture, creation, the writing process, manhood, etc. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 07/07/19
Tonight I'm interviewing the infamous and absurdly dangerous Mumkey Jones! The man who dared to mock a school shooter and was promptly removed from the internet, because major social media companies thrive on violence! We'll be discussing the incredibly convoluted story of Assburgers, and the realities of being unmade online. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 07/07/19
Tonight We have a LEGAL ROUND UP starting with FPS Russia's plea deal with the feds and Anas Abdin's Lawsuit against Star Trek Discovery is in Discovery. Then we'll have Cody from Anime Outsiders on to talk about Vic. Cody met Vic this weekend at a convention; we'll transition (use our proper pronouns, bigots) to talking about incestuous media hit-pieces. Finally, I'll make fun of Ian Miles Chungus, capt. SWATtypants himself and finish with a VERY MINOR update to Hambly v. Loter. Grab...
Published 05/27/19
Alright, the first roll of wallpaper is in. Let's look at how pretty it is! Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 05/27/19
TONIGHT is a comfy stream decompressing after CONmunity Fest in Amarillo. Let's talk about why these studios are located in Texas. Then let's talk about what possible defenses these people are probably relying on, and how effective they will be. Also, Shane's Chair. Grab some whiskey and join me!
Published 05/21/19
LIVE STREAMING my Panel from CONmunity in Amarillo, TX
Published 05/06/19
LIVE STREAMING my Panel from CONmunity in Amarillo, TX
Published 05/06/19
LIVE STREAMING my Panel from CONmunity in Amarillo, TX Grab some whiskey and join me.
Published 04/25/19
TONIGHT we have The Beard Harris Bullock and Hughes AMAZON LEGION OF DOOM. Let's LISTEN AND BELIEVE these women and learn about their experience, and their practice. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/25/19
Tonight we talk about the GoFundMe hitting $100k, Todd Haberkorn's case, and then we talk with internet legal experts. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/25/19
TONIGHT we have Ty Beard, Lead Counsel for Vic Mignogna for an EXCLUSIVE interview. Let's talk and learn about his firm and his practice. After that, it's a dunking contest. Grab some whiskey and join us! Check me out...
Published 04/17/19
Hero Hei: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaE1z0qLeXWpExU02uMeuvA TONIGHT Hero Hei joins me as we go Roto Rooter on Rooster Teeth. They put out a rather professional statement and then shut their mouths, are they immune from a lawsuit? We've been heavily focused on Funimation, it's time to take a look at the harder road. Hero Hei is here to help me decipher the incestuous web of voice actory. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/14/19
TONIGHT I have SPECIAL GUEST Josh, a humble New Zealand Farmer. He's going to help me sort out Secret Gamer Girl calling Mark Kern a Pedophile. After that, we're going to go through some r/legaladvice and whatever else we get to. Always a good show with Josh! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/08/19
Tonight it's a Legal Round Up! I've been talking about Vic Mignogna quite a bit and some pretty interesting legal news has occurred in the meanwhile. Let's talk about it! Trump is being sued for kisses, Crowder got a hard strike for livestreaming the Oscars, and then the law firm of Twitt and Er are out in force!. Yes, we'll talk a bit about Vic as well ;) Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/08/19
Tonight we'll open with an update in Vic Mignogna's case. The law firm representing Vic has been revealed by the nefarious GoFundMe! Let's talk about it with Hero Hei. Metokur Joins the Stream and I get the joy of talking with him about just how silly these people are. Check out Hero Hei at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaE1z0qLeXWpExU02uMeuvA Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/08/19
TONIGHT we have an impromptu Livestream discussion between me and Shane Holmberg (according to his twitter). Shane is "some guy from twitter" who disagrees with my take on the Vic Mignogna situation. Shane asked if I would have him on the show to talk about this stuff because twitter is hard for communication. I agree! So, now we get to talk about it live! Should be fun! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/08/19
A mere month ago I was trying to arrange a very special stream for 15,000 subscribers. Well, we BLEW RIGHT PAST THAT and on up to 32,000+! My very good friend, Drexel, joined me at 10,000 subscribers. He joins me again tonight for an old black and white film about cuckoldry, Jessie Smollett, Vic Mignogna, Feminism, Racism, and more! The show is wilder, the show is longer, and the jokes cut a little deeper. Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 04/07/19
The Covington Smirker is taking his punchable face straight to the Washington Post with a lawsuit for a quarter billion dollars. Read it and talk about it with me and my in-studio guest! Grab some whiskey and join us!
Published 03/26/19