This blog -- and its accompanying podcast -- is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to what's being discussed online about all the concepts I mentioned above. The concepts are introduced here, on the blog; that's the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of the iceberg, analysis -- the good stuff -- is discussed in our Facebook group, which is comprised of many members who are focused on deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ in a responsible, safe environment.So, if you haven't...
Published 08/29/21
Published 08/29/21
There are several in our midst who have been healed not by doctors, nor by priesthood blessings, but by someone exercising the Gift of Healing. Their stories are profound.Thanks to all who sent me their examples of the Gift of Healing (not priesthood or medical healings) in which a person exercised faith which helped heal another or themself. Some I've included in the body of this post; others (because I can't have this post be miles long) I've included in a Google doc (here).I leave you with...
Published 08/21/21
(To use a baseball metaphor), we mortals tend to see healing opportunities in terms of first-base runs. But our God, and His perspective, continues to send YOU home run-level opportunities. Whether you just stay on first base, or take the run to home plate, is up to you.The story of Jesus Christ truly is the greatest story ever told. One of the greatest aspects of that story is the fact that it's not over. Though Jesus ascended to Heaven, He is still working here on earth. Jesus is still...
Published 08/08/21
When you give the Savior your rocks, eliminate your reliance on man and his "wisdom", have proper motives, step out of the box and hearken to God and peel away the false traditions, you should be left with only the Savior to turn to in times of healing. In my opinion, trusting Him and healing naturally go hand-in-hand. What's next? Here are some common denominators of the Gift of Healing...This post isn't intended to be a "How to" of the Gift of Healing. If you treat it as such, you're...
Published 07/15/21
Today, the Spirit of God is bypassing many because they're too full of self to be filled with anything else -- pride and selfishness. It blinds and it binds the Saints from experiencing the outpouring that only comes upon the humble. Jesus Himself told us there would be those who do miracles in His name and He will declare that they do not know Him. In Matthew 7:15, He warns us there will be wolves who pose as sheep. Please understand, it is not ‘speculation’ to believe that these things...
Published 06/20/21
Once you've demonstrated to God that you're spiritually living "outside the box" by having successfully identified and thrown away the traditions of men (which are often mingled with scripture), once you've acknowledged your nothingness before God, once you've checked your motives and have essentially "lost yourself" with an eye single to the glory of God, and once you're hearing Hs voice and relying on Him instead of a mortal-made checklist, then you've passed the pre-requisites to the Gift...
Published 05/24/21
Per the General Handbook of Instructions, we members have three official options for healing: (1) competent medical help, (2) exercising faith and (3) priesthood blessings. While there is a place for diagnosis and treatment by competent, licensed medical practitioners, we both know modern medicine has its fair share of shortcomings which, as the scriptures demonstrate, are nothing in the face of true healing by God. While we are encouraged to "call for the elders of the church," it's...
Published 05/02/21
On Friday April 9 2021, I awoke in the morning from a sound night's sleep with a strange word in my head: It took me a few minutes to Google this word and find out what it meant, but when I did, a whole new dimension of the Gift of Healing opened up to me...
Published 04/12/21
A little over nine years since its first article "Symphonies," LDS Perfect Day's 240+ blog posts have helped tens of thousands worldwide to elevate their relationship with the Savior of the world. As a result, they have cast aside the traditions of men, enabling them to better hear His voice, hearken to His words and enjoy a life far more transcendent than they ever imagined. The new LDS Perfect Day Volumes 1 and 2 are compilations of these posts through the year 2020. They are intended to...
Published 04/04/21
It is so amazing to know that through anything we go through, and through anything that happens, we can hold on to Yeshua. We can be assured by his words that say we'll be OK. There is nothing else in this whole world that has that reassurance. There is nothing else that we can hold onto with our lives besides Yeshua. His hand is holding all of ours. If you wanted a mental picture, it's kind of like falling off the edge of a cliff (popular movie scene). When you look down, the fall is...
Published 03/28/21
If you'll recall, Yeshua never condemned the woman at the well. He never condemned the woman caught in adultery. He never, ever said, "Well, read these scrolls and come see me weekly for six months, then we'll see if you're sufficiently repentant enough." No. Did you read what I just wrote? HE DIDN'T CONDEMN THEM! Yet today, we allow ourselves to carry equal or even lesser burdens, and somehow justify it...all while demeaning and diluting the power of a non-delaying atonement. All things...
Published 03/15/21
Our nations are murdering babies, boldly challenging sexual and even gender-based norms, stamping out not only Christianity but also religion, morals and ethics. And the priesthood is increasingly powerless to stop it. So, what has God done historically when mankind defiantly chooses evil over good? He sends us warnings. We've had two so far. Listen to this podcast and prepare yourself for the third.
Published 03/10/21
As we embark on this series of posts/podcasts regarding the Gift of Healing, I thought I should let you in on a little-known fact: These blog posts, these podcasts, are simply the opening stanzas of a beautful discussion on this profound gift. They are, to use an analogy, just the"tip of the iceberg." The *real* discussion, where some *real* meaty content is found, lies in our Facebook group. For example: just yesterday, a brand new subscriber posted their story of healing from scoliosis...
Published 02/22/21
This year, LDS Perfect Day will focus most of its posts on one thing: the Gift of Healing. Here’s what you can expect in the weeks and months to come as we present perhaps the most comprehensive examination of this gift found anywhere on the internet: * Why there’s an urgent, critical need for the Gift of Healing...more so than at any other time in mankind’s history. * Why church leaders are consistently saying why you can’t count on priesthood blessings. * The real reason why we don’t see...
Published 02/15/21
For every truly-pronounced prophecy, there are usually many, many more false ones. I mean, these are the last days! Why expect anything else? Over the last few months, we've been exposed to quite a few prophecies about President Trump's "sure" and "certain" inauguration. And as of this minute, they were all proven wrong. Biden, not Trump, was inaugurated today. There are many -- including some within our own faith -- who also gave similar/verbatim prophecies. In some cases,...
Published 01/20/21
This last fall, I spent dozens of hours listening to these recordings and doing extensive research into the life of Yeshua. As a result, I feel far more familiar with Him. He is more real to me than ever before. I know there are many who choose to just be satisfied with knowing only the four gospels and 3rd Nephi accounts of Yeshua. But if you truly desire to be immersed in all things Yeshua, then I invite you to take advantage of these two presents: [1] Listen to my Glenn Kimball...
Published 12/21/20
The scriptures are very consistent: If you wanna meet God, it may be on the top of a mountain. Unfortunately, the path to that peak is filled with valleys -- ones which may require you to sacrifice your health, your reputation, your relationship with your family, friends, co-workers and ward members -- in fact, anything and everything -- to know Him. Are you prepared to go through (perhaps years of) loneliness, pain, sickness, humiliation and more as part of a descent phase? It may be just...
Published 11/23/20
What’s the greatest blessing one can receive in this life? That’s a question I wondered about, and asked others, my whole life. The answers have been fairly consistent: “Calling and Election”, “Seeing Jesus” or “Second Comforter”. But over the years, I’ve come to discover that there’s a blessing that’s higher than these. It seems to happen only to those who have their calling and election, and have personally received profound blessings from our Lord. I’ll let others explain the details...
Published 11/08/20
As your relationship with God continues to develop, you may eventually be confronted with a thought: “Invite Father, Mother and Yeshua into your home.” When this is combined with real intent, nothing wavering, and many of the “Formal Prayer” concepts elaborated in my previous post, you’ll discover that this is no ordinary request. It is spirit-inspired. It’s God wanting you to boldly, yet humbly, take your relationship with them to an even higher level. Are they willing to do just this?...
Published 11/01/20
I invite you to disregard any statements which increase the distance between you and God. Always remember that God wishes to converse with you as one man converses with another. I also invite you to do what Yeshua, and his prophets both ancient and modern have advised us to do: Stay in touch with Him continually, throughout the day. True, there may be times when you’re at work, and you can’t focus on a dialogue with God. There may be times that you’re working on homework with kids, and...
Published 10/26/20
We don't hear very much about people who walked and talked with God. Sure, there are accounts of this happening in the scriptures. But these anecdotes about people, places and times that are foreign to us. Yet three facts remain. First, God isn't silent. Not by a long shot. Second, He speaks to all of us, especially regardless of gender or church calling. Third, we have written accounts of people who have actually walked and talked with God -- centuries ago, and today. And in this post,...
Published 10/08/20
Here, let’s try an experiment. I want you to say “I AM”, and then your name. Maybe “I AM Sharon” or ‘I am Chris.” See? Before you say your name, you must first say His name. So it’s two names, always. That’s pretty cool. Even when you say “I AM a mother” or “I AM a dad” or “I AM a grocery store clerk” or “I AM a secretary,” it always starts with His name. Are you going to the store? You say “I AM going to the store.” Going to the park? You say “I AM going to the park.” Whoever you are, I AM...
Published 08/10/20
It seems to me that what the world calls wisdom is vastly different than what God considers wisdom. Divine wisdom, which comes directly from God, is different than intellectual knowledge: * Man's intellect can physically save a life, but not a soul. * Man's intellect can reach the moon and other planets, but not heaven. * Man's intellect can help bring forth a child, but not an immortal spirit. * Man's intellect can unveil new scientific discoveries, but not all things supernatural. You...
Published 07/23/20
As we read in the previous two posts (”The Best Friend You Never Knew Part 7: ‘Ye Never Knew Me’” and ”The Best Friend You Never Knew Part 8: The Non-Judgmental Savior”), we stand rejected by Yeshua the minute we withhold mercy, or unleash judgment, upon another (see here for more). Also, the more merciful you are towards others, the more merciful God is with you (1 Corinthians 13:2). The less judgmental you are towards others, the less judgmental God is with you. So, it seems to me that...
Published 07/06/20