Published 02/26/21
Steven Pressfield shares the significance of his mercenary protagonist, Telamon of Arcadia, in his newest book A MAN AT ARMS. He also shares how he interprets dreams to overcome #Resistance and win the inner war with Brendan Carr. MENTIONED A Man At Arms: https://amzn.to/3oTNotV www.amanatarms.com
Published 02/26/21
Emmon Khan is the man behind multiple seven-figure eCommerce businesses. He's also been fired from every job he's ever had. In this interview he explains how and why to start an online business with Brendan Carr. MENTIONED instagram: emmon_khan Think and Grow Rich: https://amzn.to/3cJuwuW Richest Man in Babylon: https://amzn.to/2MCDMGI
Published 02/12/21