🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language.https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas...
Published 04/24/24
Published 04/24/24
🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas...
Published 04/22/24
この会話は、イギリスに住んでいる私と、Mori Mori JapaneseのYasuyoさんとの会話です。外国語を学ぶ際の困難さや自信のなさについて話し合いました。私は、自分の英語力に自信がなく、なかなか積極的に話せません。Yasuyoさんは、イギリスに住んでいた経験から、現地の英語に戸惑ったことをシェアしてくれました。やすよさんは、言語学習は終わりのないプロセスであり、小さな成功体験を積み重ねることが大切だということ、また、安心できる環境で練習することで、自信につながると話してくれました。とてもいい会話の内容です!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music...
Published 04/15/24
🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas...
Published 04/10/24
🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう! Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by...
Published 04/08/24
🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas...
Published 04/03/24
🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas...
Published 04/01/24
日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上)💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language.https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support.https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira
Published 03/27/24
Video PodcastはSpotifyで見られます。日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上)💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library:Little Samba by Quincas Moreira & Fine Dining by TrackTribe
Published 03/25/24
アプリの名前:Nihongo、クリスさんのYouTube 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library : Little Samba by Quincas Moreira
Published 03/20/24
Sorry :ポッドキャストの中で 少しぱちぱち音が聞こえます。ごめんなさい。 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube...
Published 03/18/24
日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube Music Library Little...
Published 03/11/24
Video PodcastはSpotifyで見られます。💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube Music...
Published 03/04/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/26/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/21/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/19/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/12/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/07/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 02/05/24
🎉Learn Japanese with Noriko すばらしい4年間のお祝い!🎉 2020年2月5日、iPhoneだけを手に、洗練されたマイクロフォンもなく、ただ純粋な情熱を持ってこの旅を始めました。シーズン1の最初のエピソードは、今でも忘れられません。 最初の6ヶ月間はリスナー数が50人もいませんでした。しかし、皆さんの揺るぎないサポートが全てを変えました。寛大な寄付のおかげで、高品質のマイクロフォンにアップグレードすることができました。そして、Patreonで最初のPodcast Conversation Clubが始まり、リスナーさんが深くつながれる場所がスタートしたんです。 年月を経て、私たちは共に成長し、550以上のエピソードを制作しました。Community限定の「Extra」ポッドキャストも始まりました。 さらに2022年1月には、プレミアムコミュニティ「Japanese...
Published 02/05/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 01/31/24
Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 01/24/24
みずきさんのPodcast はるかさんのPodcast 💜🌸私のポッドキャストのファンが集まるコミュニティJapanese Togetherをやっています。毎週Meet upがあります。 https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko
Published 01/21/24
■予約リンク:ワークショップ「日本語で学ぼう、節分に食べる巻き寿司」 https://japanesewithnoriko.as.me/setsubun-public ■和食展のリアルタイムアンケートhttps://washoku2023.exhibit.jp/questionnaire.html■和食展の開催概要、アクセスhttps://washoku2023.exhibit.jp/outline.html 💜🌸Japanese Togetherメンバーは割引価格でワークショップに参加できます。 https://japanese-together.mn.co
Published 01/17/24