Published 12/22/15
Lecture date: December 8, 2105. Marty Quinn, Wendy Quinn and Eddie Freeman discussed Symphony of Jellies, a project that translates the movements of sea jellies into music.
Published 12/22/15
Lecture date: October 14, 2015. This panel discussion covered the status of working waterfronts in California and how they contribute to a safe, secure, and responsible food supply.
Published 11/04/15
Lecture date: August 25, 2015. Carl Safina discussed the similarities and differences between the ways humans and animals think.
Published 09/08/15
Lecture date: August 20, 2015. Greg Stone and Christine Greene discussed the impacts of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific Island nations.
Published 09/08/15
Lecture date: August 20, 2015. Greg Stone and Christine Greene discussed the impacts of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific Island nations.
Published 09/08/15
Lecture date: August 18, 2015. Nate Jaros discussed how Aquarium staff members obtain, feed, transport, and culture the species of sea jellies on exhibit.
Published 08/20/15
Lecture date: August 13, 2015. A panel of experts discussed the world’s most-endangered marine mammal, the vaquita, and how efforts to save it may result in solutions to fisheries issues around the world.
Published 08/20/15
Lecture date: July 30, 2015. Claudia Mills shared her expertise on ctenophores, or comb jellies, native to the Pacific Northwest.
Published 08/20/15
Lecture date: July 21, 2015. Alan Blumberg discussed hydrodynamics, urban design, and modeling to improve coastal resilience.
Published 07/30/15
Lecture date: July 14, 2015. Don Christy gave an illustrated look at Palos Verdes' historic past and at the villas, homes, personalities, and tales of this hidden corner of California. His publishing and production partner Vicki Mack discussed Christy's book and a TV documentary about one of the founders of Palos Verdes.
Published 07/30/15
Lecture date: July 9, 2015. Dr. Donald Prothero discussed the current crisis in oceanic diversity and impending crash and extinction in marine life.
Published 07/30/15
Lecture date: June 25, 2015. John Gillis discussed how shores have become among the most vulnerable of all landscapes. He also offered methods to improve humans’ relationship with the shore, preserving nature and sustaining coastal cities.
Published 07/07/15
Lecture date: June 24, 2015. Scientist Dan Cayan discussed sea level rise and its projected impacts between now and the year 2100.
Published 07/07/15
Lecture date: April 21, 2015. Climate scientist Bill Patzert discussed California's drought and explained how the drought developed, its ties to ocean phenomena, and how people can deal with the impacts of future droughts.
Published 06/23/15
Lecture date: June 17, 2015. Beth Bahner, animal collections manager at the Philadelphia Zoo, discussed the Guam Bird Rescue Project and recent efforts to develop a plan to return the Guam Kingfisher to the wild.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: June 8, 2015. On World Ocean Day the Aquarium hosted a panel discussion of ocean exploration as it relates to space exploration.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: June 3, 2015. SCUBA diver and underwater photographer Kevin Lee shared his images of opisthobranchs, or sea slugs, and explained anatomic and behavioral characteristics of these ocean animals.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: May 27, 2015. Dr. Chris Lowe runs the Shark Lab at California State University, Long Beach. He discussed how scientists can use high-tech tools like robots and aerial drones to track and study sharks in the open ocean.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: May 12, 2015. Aquarium Vice President of Husbandry Perry Hampton discussed animal reproduction at the Aquarium. Many species are propagated at the Aquarium, from sea jellies and fish to marine mammals and birds.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: May 7, 2015. This talk was part of an ongoing series called The Future of Food hosted by Los Angeles Times Food Columnist Russ Parsons. He talks with farmer and author David “Mas” Masumoto about organic farming, his philosophy, and the organic trend in the U.S.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: April 30, 2015. Mel Nutter, a former chair of the California Coastal Commission, discussed how cities and counties work with the Coastal Commission to prepare Local Coastal Programs designed to protect California’s coast.
Published 06/22/15
Lecture date: March 17, 2015. Heather Lynch discussed penguin biogeography and biology, the threats currently facing many of the world’s penguin species, and the methods used by scientists to map, monitor, and study penguins.
Published 04/13/15
Lecture date: March 11, 2015. Ken Buesseler discussed the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident and ocean radiation.
Published 04/13/15
Lecture date: March 5, 2015. Paul Dimeo discussed the activities of the Aquarium's staff of divers, from cleaning and feeding in the Aquarium's exhibits to scientific dives offsite.
Published 04/13/15