Unscripted round table on death and Nancy announces that she is dying of lung cancer. This is perhaps  the last episode of LATV Nancy's story :https://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/nancy_story?fbclid=IwAR3U3VkjVDOjC5UtWz6KcjM8F8FW9KwUC4nOASCHZj4MvpAo0suo-_LAGEQ Thank you all for 6 wonderful years Featuring  Robert Stanley, Zach Law Brent and Nikki Aron Ra, Hector Garcia Tracie Harris,Dr Darrel Ray, James McGaffick, Seth Andrews, Matthew Maxon, John Hamil, Seamus, and more, hey even Ami/Amy...
Published 03/28/20
Published 03/28/20
The Holy Koolaid man returns, Thomas Westbrook has a new series of videos called  Nothing Fails like Bible History. Thomas studies deeply the historical record and contrast what history says with what mythology says. Guess what? It doesn't match. Are you surprised? Let's jump on with Thomas on his research http://www.holykoolaid.com Nancy gives a top 10 of end of the world scenarios and we say goodbye to Mad Mike Hughes, flat earthe
Published 03/01/20
The incredible Dr Garcia, author of Alpha God and Sex, Power and Partisanship returns to takeon Kevin's questioning on why is America so warlike? His training in psychology might help answer SOME of the many questions on this very complex problem and maybe shed some light on how we can overcome our primitive fighting instinct in this age of technology http://www.hector-garcia.com Nancy does a top 10 of netflix shows and we find out christians hate pride of themselves, no matter how little....
Published 02/23/20
We are joind by the host of Sensibly Speaking and an Ex-Scientologist Chris Shelton. His story is not only fascinating but we also had so much to ask him that we will have to bring him back to continue the conversation. In the meantime, he leaves us with a good look into the starnge realm of scientology his...
Published 02/16/20
Returning Champion and host of The Right to Reason podcast Robert Stanley returns and discusses the current state of politics in the US. As a student of Political Science, Robert gives us his insights on what is really going on south of the 49th parralel. What will happenin the future? What are americans hoping to accomplish? This and more with our friend Robert Stanley http://www.therighttoreason.com Nancy tells us about predictions from novels of fiction, and we find out a crotch shot...
Published 02/09/20
The crew is joined by Jason Hanerfeld, Hard Rock musician and song writer for another look into the artistic side of atheism. Jason might be a rocker, but he's no dummy. His songs and lyrics are inspired by the atheist literature he devours and as thus helps spread the message of atheism to a wider audience You can find his tracks here https://soundcloud.com/jason-hanerfeld Nancy does a top 10 of Mandela effects and we find out pastor Rick Wiles is up to more nonsense
Published 02/01/20
Janice Selbie, a registered counsellor and director of CORT (conference on religious trauma) 2020 joins the crew to elaborate her thoughts on the negative effects of religion from her own upbringing to the upcoming conference in April 2020 in Vancouver BC. Certainly a topic worthy of discussion www.cort2020.com Nancy gives us a top 10 of disappearing jobs and we find out even indigenous are immune to committing the atrocities inspired by religion... And LATV is nominated for Canadian...
Published 01/28/20
The crew is joined by the president of Canadian Atheists: Randolf Richardson, an eloquent man on a mission to help the atheist movement north of the 49th His message is one of calm, cool and thought through decision making about the secular promise that will make a better world starting here in Canada. http://defineatheism.com http://canadianatheists.ca Nancy does a top 10 of collector toys and we find out a rainbow will get you expelled from christian school...    
Published 01/19/20
Former Host of the Atheist Experience Tracie Harris returns along with Ethan Dodge to talk about the Truth & Transparency initiative; a project which looks to report on the hypocrisy of the church into their REAL god: MONEY Tracie and Ethan take us into a look at what the church and the mormon church are actually doing with the incredible amount of money they receive from their faithfuls https://truthandtransparency.org/ Pay them a visit, make a donation, share this podcast Nancy...
Published 01/12/20
Kevin flies solo today to present the Top 10 most popular episodes of 2019 as tallied by number of listens and downloads See you in 2020  
Published 01/06/20
Our traditional Xmas show, what it means for us atheists, our best memories of the holiday A top 10 for best christmas movies by Forbes and a look into why some have a blond haired, blue eyed jesus in their nativity scene; spoiller, it's NOT good Happy Holidays from the LATV crew
Published 12/21/19
This #prankwar climbs to a whole new level. The crew welcomes back Brent & Nikki of Unapologetix to create a satire "Fox News Style" panel wondering about the so called threat Secular Soup poses to America. This is complete satire, none of these statements are to be taken seriously or factual. The people at Secular Soup are great people and citizens...alledgedly Nancy is sick so Kristina does the Top 10 of podcasts on Stitcher and we find out christians loathe holiday cards with a sense...
Published 12/15/19
In this jam packed episode, the gang welcomes Dr Marlene Winell and an old favorite: Dr Darrel Ray. Both psychologists chime in on the upcoming conference in Vancouver in April 2020 as well as their thoughts on teaching religious dogma to children, the effects it has on growing up and the difficulties of escaping what is clearly psychological abuse no matter what the faith is. http://www.cort2020.com to find Dr Winell https://marlenewinell.net/index.html Dr Darrel...
Published 12/07/19
The gang is joined by Erin Louis AKA The Brazen Atheist. Erin expalins her journey from exotic dancer to atheist mom, author and activist with her great sense of humour, optimism and all around great humanistic nature. She takes on the bull horns first and makes no excuses for her past. you'll love her energy and dedication https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXLEvwGlJXLnuNOtTNYAHbg Nancy gives us a top 10 of sport superstitions and LATV is AT WAR against the Secular Soup
Published 12/02/19
Founder of FAIR (Fairness and accuracy in reporting) Jeff Cohen, professor of journalism takes a deep view in the phenomenon of Fake News which has undeniably characterised and tainted politics in the last few decades and never more so then right now. What is it? How did it start? And who is ultimately rsponsible for this? Jeff Cohen will answer that http://www.fair.org Nancy gives us a list of desolate places, and we have another brilliant moment with Kirsten
Published 11/24/19
He's back! David Fitzgerald! Our favorite historical writer and mythicist comes back to the valley to promote the second book of his Time Shards story Shatter wars. We welcome the charming and witty author back on the show and with his trademark excellent humour, he takes us through his journey as an author. being the great critic that he is, he can't help but also make a detour into criticizing the Case for Christ from Lee Strobel It's always a good time with David and this visit is no...
Published 11/18/19
As we near the end of another year, many of us turn to thoughts of lost loved ones and an uncomfortable subject to most, our own mortality and even worse, preparing ourselves to die. Enter Alex Muir of  the Dying with Dignity association. Their work is aimed to help those facing their end to "go out on their own terms" without having to suffer the painful end their disease or condition might bring. Why should we allow euthanasia? Who ias trying to deny people the right to end their own life?...
Published 11/10/19
Now that Halloween is over, the crew invites Lord Bmillzebub (Ben "Bub" Miller) to discuss the phenomena. What is the church after? Is it a good recruiting tool? What are the psychological repercutions on such a mind? Time to find out some of his work on visiting a hell house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm2hWR2XzUE Nancy gives us a list of top miracles, and we explore whether or not a girl should keep her hijab in sports...
Published 11/02/19
Ghosts stories by the virtual campfire From all the hosts and Brent Lee, Robert Stanley and Seth Andrews enjoy
Published 10/31/19
A rebelution? That's what the crew finds joining when they interview Dan Ellis of the American Atheist association and podcaster in Utah. Out of Mormonism, Dan explains his journey to our wacky crew. With a great dose of humour, we can't help but admire the work Danm has put in and his message. Join us in the Godless Rebelution http://www.godlessrebelution.com Nancy gives a top 10 of other gods resurecting, and we discover that the rosary has gone hi-tech
Published 10/20/19
The Host of Ask an Atheist, Sam Mulvey,  joins the crew after a well deserved break only to face the wackyness of being in the valley. Sam takes us through his journey of 10 years on the air in tacoma Washington. He shares with us how it started, how things have changed and his hope for a secular future https://atheist.radio/?fbclid=IwAR1ImAY3TpbWPPERdO71kPuTZdEQPvWf1QcF291G9JVyuixWTsmkUEvItqc https://ktqa.org/?fbclid=IwAR01o9hBe83NGqs6huG71Jhw83EgOy5K_HyPmj7M3uwtTwQ3m9OJVHaxpUc Nancy...
Published 10/15/19
The crew welcomes skeptic podcaster Mike Bohler who heads the show "A Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracies", a show dedicated to bringing out factual data about the plethora of conspiracy theories found in America today. Why do we fall so easily for some of these utterly ridiculous theories and what real effects they have on our lives. https://podcast.app/a-skeptics-guide-to-conspiracy-p4625/  Nancy does a top 10 of longest life expectancy per country and we find out christians are out...
Published 10/06/19
The crew from the Free Thought Prophets, Seamus and John, make their debut on LATV. Being the two gentlemen Irish that they are, they immediately get along with our wacky crew and a great conversation ensues on the many differences between Canada, Ireland and the US. Where are these countries going? What does the future of atheism look like in these countries? Join us and find out http://thefreethoughtprophet.com/ Nancy does a Top 10 on feminism and how women still don't have equality and...
Published 09/29/19
After brutally dropping a piano on Kevin for catapulting them, Kristina and Kirsten take over the show. Along with Nancy, they invite back Amy and Ami of Secular Soup to discuss everything and anything women face today. Whether politics or just fashion, this episode will appeal to the feminist in you. Poor Kevin is duct taped, so you won't hear him Not your typical LATV
Published 09/22/19