If you have an agreement with anyone worth any amount of money you see as important, you better put it in a written contract. If you don t how will you ever enforce it if it goes wrong? If you don’t put it in writing, it will be difficult to get your money if your client [...]
Published 06/23/16
For the past several years, I have been working hard on my mission to make sure every entrepreneur and business owner has access to quality information on legal. I have focused on creating free resources, with Legal to English Academy, I am building DIY resources and options, and of course, I offer custom legal services [...]
Published 06/16/16
People make excuses about legal. A lot. Whether it is too expensive or doesn t matter yet or you plan to get to it later, the reasons you have for avoiding legal are just excuses. The problem is, many people believe what they are saying. What is worse – many business consultants and coaches help perpetuate [...]
Published 06/09/16
The Limited Liability Company (or LLC) is a hybrid entity. It combines the limited liability of the corporate structure with the benefits of being treated as a partnership. Because of that, the LLC has come to be the most common entity selection among startups, small or large, because of its simplicity and its flexibility. I [...]
Published 06/02/16
User comments. Forum Posts. User questions. Uploaded audio files. Fan Art. Guest Posts. We all want them on our site. They are what drive the community. That type of user generated content is a huge leap in validation of your ideas or your product. The question is: who owns them? This episode is pulled from [...]
Published 05/26/16
If you are in a business that offers any type of service where an individual could be harmed or hurt, I am sure you are familiar with waivers. In fact, I am sure you have to deal with waivers all the time. You are always looking for a good way to handle your waivers. A [...]
Published 05/19/16
Let s be honest, if you want to know about the legal issues in your business, it can feel like drinking from a firehose. And, there is a reason for that. Everything that happens in your business is impacted by legal. It can be complicated. But, so is running a business. And, all of your legal [...]
Published 05/05/16
Everything that happens in your business is impacted by legal. It can be complicated. But, it doesn t have to happen all at once. If you want to protect your business, you must take control of your legal. Otherwise, someone else will be in control. If you take the time to understand and implement legal strategies [...]
Published 04/28/16
Business systems and legal should work together. Legal impacts every aspect of your business. Every decision you make in business is impacted in some way by legal. Your relationships are impacted by legal, your transactions are impacted by legal. So, it isn t a stretch to think that your systems should be impacted by legal. Are [...]
Published 04/21/16
We have talked before about how you should protect your business name or whatever trademark you will be using in your business. We have also talked about protecting your trademark and understanding infringement. But, a question that comes up that often confuses business owners (especially in the early stages) is how do you protect your [...]
Published 03/24/16