I'm a nice guy but I have a hard time finding available single women and the bar scene and online dating are not my thing, so what do I do?
Published 08/17/13
Published 08/17/13
Published 08/17/13
After four years she’s ready to settle down and commit and he’s not. Should she give him time? Should she stay or go?
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
They've been married for 20 years and haven't had sex in over 8 years. She says we're not "connected" and he has no clue what that means. What can they do?
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
She's an atheist and in love with someone who is strongly religious. But in his religion it is unacceptable to be with someone who doesn't believe in God. But they really love each other. Is there anything that we can do to make this work?
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
Published 06/27/13
My boyfriend and I have been living together for the past year and I just discovered that he has been texting another woman. I’m so upset and don’t understand why he’s doing this. I really love him and have invested a lot in our relationship. Should I ignore it and hope it’s nothing? Should I confront him? Should I email her? I’m so confused!
Published 06/10/13
Nine months into a new relationship he feels betrayed and lied to when he learns that she has had cancer all along and didn’t tell him. Did she “lie”? When is the right time to share personal information with someone you’re dating?
Published 06/10/13
They agreed not to have children when they got married, and 5 years later she changed her mind and wants a baby.He loves her and doesn’t want to lose her, but doesn’t want more children. What should he do?
Published 06/10/13
They've been together four years and he just broke up with her. She loves him and wants to be with him. How can she get him back? In this episode we break the rules to get real and help.
Published 05/03/13
Published 05/03/13
Her boyfriend of 4 months is the perfect guy, but she's not in love with him, feels no chemistry, and doesn't know what to do.
Published 05/03/13
Published 05/02/13