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Quarantine needs to at least get better and we need more platforms to make it less crazy for us. In line with this, “LET’S TALK“ is a new Podcast project created and produced by Julia Enriquez. It’s purpose is to basically come sit, listen and talk about whatever needs to be talked about. Julia aims to create a safe & sound space for everyone, to talk about anything and everything. Surely, A lot of us would want to make this world less cruel and just remind each other that we are not alone at any perspective. Particularly on mental health or mental well being? Julia's got it all for you.
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Recent Episodes
Published 10/09/20
LET’S TALK (EP5) Synopsis: A 16 year old senior high school student, alongside a 12 year old 6th grader shares their world of online class and many more. Hosts asks them to tackle on how they cope and adjust to this new system that is new to everybody and to enumerate what are their tips to...
Published 10/09/20
LET’S TALK (EP4) Synopsis: Once again, inviting another voice of our younger generation comes a 14 year old, Star Chua, here to share her quarantine and online classes experiences. Alongside, she shares some of her distresses and ways of coping too, to which is caused by stress of certain kinds....
Published 10/01/20
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