Wellington City - Coolest little capital 紐西蘭首都威靈頓攻略!(中英雙語Bilingual)
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本集是眾多海外台灣Podcaster 串聯企劃!不能輕易出國的 2020 讓我們用聲音帶你聽聽來自二十個世界各國的城市,繫好安全帶我們準備降落威靈頓囉! 紐西蘭首都威靈頓 麻雀雖小五臟俱全,世界上風最大的城市之一,咖啡店密度比紐約市還高,國會大廈的蜂巢設計竟來自火柴盒?來聽聽我們推薦的簡易都市攻略吧! Overseas travel seems like a distant memory in 2020. This episode is part of a special project from Overseas Taiwanese podcasters, over 20 podcasters from 20 different cities around the world, sit back and relax, let's experience travelling in a whole new level! We are taking you to the coolest little capital city - Wellington. Come and explore this city with us! Spotify playlist Podcast 世界聲度旅行 歡迎大家來信交流或留私訊在 IG https://www.instagram.com/two_nz_teachers/ 點擊連結選擇你喜歡的收聽平台! https://linktr.ee/twonzteachers
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什麼樣的學歷才可以當老師呢? 實習的標準是怎樣呢? 老師薪水怎樣? 廖老師簡單分享紐西蘭老師的學歷以及實習的經驗! 歡迎Instagram私訊跟我們分享噢! 搜尋:two_nz_teachers https://linktr.ee/twonzteachers
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Teachers' college taught us a few things, but they did not teach us how to deal with poo. Well, shit happens… Two New Zealand Teachers share stories about poo in schools and a few different ways to say poo. 原來大便有這麼多種說法!兩個紐西蘭師透過這幾個故事教大家關於屎的單詞。 建議不要在用餐時聆聽以確保您的安全。 歡迎大家來信交流或留私訊在 IG...
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