In a time of recession, inflation, unprecedented violence, culture wars, civil unrest. In an era where our very freedom and liberties seem to be taken away from us, it's okay to feel angry and anxious about the state of the world.  But, as a listener to this podcast, Dan believes you're a purpose-driven person. It's the chaotic times like right now that are the very reason that we were born... to show up for this moment. In this episode, Dan shares the one question that every person has to...
Published 07/06/22
Published 07/06/22
One of the hallmarks of any healthy relationship is trust. But that also includes the relationship with yourself. How many times have you had a career reinvention that you've put on hold because you didn't trust yourself to make the right choice? How many things have you not created in the world because you didn't trust your instinct or vision? Maybe a relationship because you didn't trust your internal picker, so you ran away or sabotaged it even though it was a healthy relationship? What...
Published 06/22/22
One of the biggest conversations happening in Dan's coaching community is about how to feel safe. Safe enough to use your voice and be seen as a leader. Safe enough to leave an unfulfilling corporate job to follow your calling. Safe enough to set boundaries at work and in relationships. Safe enough to ask for your needs. And unfortunately with recent headlines in the United States, safe enough to be able to go to the supermarket or send your kids to school.  The need for safety and security...
Published 06/07/22
Over 50 million people have quit their jobs since January 2021, but the latest data from The Muse says The Great Resignation has turned into The Great Regret. In fact, 72% of job changes are experiencing what is known as "shift shock." Meaning the grass wasn't greener at a new opportunity and are regretting their decision to leave their former employer. Where did it all go wrong?  In this episode, Dan is bringing the receipts! He's sharing the three career pivot pitfalls that will keep you...
Published 05/30/22
It's said that people don't quit jobs... they quit managers. But how can a manager be an effective leader at work and at home if they're overwhelmed, burnt out and unchallenged in their own life?  This life on on the podcast, Dan has a conversation with his dear friend and client, Brian McAleer, about how the pandemic led him to his purpose and and an exciting new career pivot. Brian McAleer is the Senior Vice President of Multi-Platform Strategy at iHeartRadio, a position that didn't exist...
Published 05/12/22
The #1 life reinvention roadblock for many unfulfilled high performers is what Dan likes to call "the burden of the breadwinner." On one hand, you feel a duty to financially provide for and protect the people you love. On the other hand, your soul is crying out to be a whole human being. One with a healthy balance of purposeful work, authentic self expression and love and play. It's a tension of opposites. It can keep you paralyzed in a soul-sucking job, but also lead to burnout, anxiety,...
Published 04/22/22
You've tried the positive affirmations. You've tried the visualization. You write your goals in your journal. yet there's still this gap between the life you want and the life you're actually living. This week, our friend Mandy Morris is back to help you close the gap.  Mandy Morris is is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and manifestation expert. She's also the creator of Authentic Living, an online company designed to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves to find purpose,...
Published 04/01/22
Dan recently asked his social media followers "What would you do with your career in 2022 if you knew with total certainty that success was assured?" Would you leave your corporate job and start your own business? Would you stay in the stability of a 9-5 but pivot into a new, more fulfilling career? Or would you stay in your current career and simply switch roles? The results were overwhelming in one direction. 45% on Instagram and 50% on LinkedIn said they'd leave corporate and start their...
Published 03/24/22
We've all heard the phrase "Money can't buy happiness." But is it true? When you look at the research on wealth, there's a lot of conflicting data. On one hand, living in extreme poverty makes it difficult although nto impossible to create sustained happiness. On the other hand, we know that ever increasing income has diminishing returns on our life's satisfaction.  What's the real story? This week, Dan shares some interesting new research that reveals the #1 happiness hack of...
Published 03/09/22
It's been called an obsession, a drug and the New York Times even referred to it as "a love story." We're talking about Wordle, the online vocabulary game that is taking the world by storm. It now has over 2.5 million daily players. If you haven't heard of it or don't play it, fear not! There are four valuable life lessons that we can take away from the success of Wordle that will help us step into our purpose and make our unique mark on the world. Follow Dan on Instagram at...
Published 01/21/22
Welcome to 2022! A fresh canvas with 365 days of new possibilities. 52 weeks of deciding who you want to be and what goals are going to make your life more meaningful to you. If you're like most people, the motivation to reach those goals starts to fall by the wayside around Valentine's Day. Over 80% of goal setters give up on their New Year's Resolutions by mid-February. Why is that? What Dan sees in his own coaching practice is most people are setting goals that are misaligned from their...
Published 01/06/22
Brian Tracy was where Dan once heard this great fact: an airplane uses 10x more energy to go from 0 to 85 MPH to achieve lift off than it does to maintain 400 MPH at 35,000 feet. Think about that when you wonder why you might not have reached your goals in 2021. The hardest part of any journey is just generating the energy and momentum to get your dreams off the ground to begin with. But why is that so difficult? This week on the podcast, we'll look at the internal and external forces that...
Published 12/24/21
Have you been watching the new Beatles documentary on Disney Plus? Dan has! And while he's been watching it, he's noticed so many correlations between the members of the band AND the things he teaches. This week, Dan goes over what he's seen from the series and how you can use the lessons to help you get back to your highest potential. Sign Up for the Move From Your Purpose course now! Follow Dan on Instagram To learn more how to work one-on-one with Dan, visit creativesoulcoaching.net ...
Published 12/15/21
This week, Dan is giving you a sneak peek into his brand new course, Move From Your Purpose! Take a listen to module #1 and get ready to shift your way into an amazing 2022! Sign Up for the Move From Your Purpose course now! Follow Dan on Instagram To learn more how to work one-on-one with Dan, visit creativesoulcoaching.net Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com
Published 12/07/21
There's so much out there to help you figure out what you want to do with your life. Coaches and self help books galore can help you figure out why you're on this earth, what you're here to do and who you're here to help. But what's the most important part? Having the courage to walk away from life that is expected you live. So you cn truly live the life you're meant to experience. On the 6th year anniversary of Dan burning his corporate career to the ground here's here with a...
Published 10/26/21
People know what goal they're working towards in their life. But have you ever stopped to consider why you want the things you want? Are your ambitions pulled by a purpose that connects you to something bigger than you or are you pushing to prove yourself to someone else? This week, we're digging deep into this topic with Coach Casey Radumus, where he walked away from a 20 year career playing along some of the biggest names in the music industry and found his purpose as a hypnotherapist and...
Published 10/14/21
Welcome to the fall equinox! There's a real spiritual significance to this season. It's about gratitude for this year's harvest, celebrating the progress you've made this year. It's also about celebrating change. Nature is showing it to you. Why do they do it? It's about letting go of anything that is going to suck up excess energy before winter. But it also clears the deck for something new to be born in spring. What could YOU learn from this time of year for your own life? What can you do...
Published 09/27/21
Over the course of the pandemic, Gallup has been doing an ongoing study tracking American optimism. Back in May, when the vaccine was rolling out, not surprisingly, optimism was through the roof. Just 3 months ago, 85% of Americans said they felt positive about the direction of the pandemic and the way the country was headed. Three months later, and those numbers have fallen through the floor... optimism is now down to 40%. This represents so much of what we talk about on the podcast. People...
Published 08/30/21
Everybody wants to manifest a better life. Yet why do so many people live day to day in a state of survival, wishing for better life results and not actually creating it? This week, we're talking to our old friend Sarah Reilly to give you the three key steps to move from wishing to manifesting. Sarah is an international performance coach for entrepreneurs, visionaries and creatives. The foundation of her work lies in unpacking subconscious programming and rebuilding your desired identity to...
Published 08/17/21
Over the last six years of coaching clients around the globe, it's become obvious to Dan that the two places where we carry the most shame, guilt and even judgments are around the topics of money and sex. But what happens when online sex work becomes a huge portion of your income? What does that stir up in YOU? What are the judgements and perceptions that you have? Do us a favor: Put them aside for the next 45 minutes or so. What we're going to uncover this week are so many other layers to...
Published 07/12/21
We've all been there. The moment when you're ready to demand more from life. A more purposeful career, more income, more abundance. And that little critic in the back of your head steps in and whispers "Who do you think you are to want this?" Imposter syndrome is real and it is the #1 factor that prevents people from truly creating their amplified life. However, this week on a special case study episode, Dan talks to Cristi Johnson, one of Dan's success stories! In nine months, she just had...
Published 06/30/21
A study was released that said 50% of Americas are unsure they'll ever recover from the stress of living through the pandemic. We know when our body faces a threat or stress, it goes to a fight to fight response. So many people need a long vacation or even want to quit their job before they go back to the 9-5 work week. It's creating a trend call "the great resignation," where we're seeing the highest number of employees resigning in the last 20 years. If you don't have a strategy to deal...
Published 06/22/21
If you're the 50% of the workforce that has self evaluated during the pandemic and you know that you're in a job that you're good at but is also leaving you spiritually and creatively bankrupt, this week's interview could be the first step to reinventing your life. We're going to help you move away from your mundane 9-5 and live a life that is truly lit up in the genius zone. Gay Hendricks has served for more than 40 years as one of the major contributors in the fields of relationship...
Published 06/14/21
What is it that keeps us from achieving our goals and what we really want in our lives? Our blind spots. This week, you get to listen in on an actual coaching session Dan did with someone in a group training. In less than 18 minutes, Dan and our guest was able to find the block and story that held her back from love and relationships with people for over 40 years. Transformation like this IS possible if you're willing to allow yourself to be open and vulnerable and let someone help you find...
Published 06/08/21