Summer Solstice - the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Looking at nature, you can see that everything is in full bloom or on its way to get there anytime soon. For instance, when tasting strawberries, you have the sun directly on your tongue and from there to your heart. So the complete summer abundance is showing here. With these reflections and a short meditation, I’d like to inspire you to have a look at where in the last couple of months you received and felt just the...
Published 06/21/23
Mein heutiger Gast - Stephanie Albert - ist mit Energie- und Bewusstseinsarbeit in der Ayurveda Komplementärtherapie tätig. Sie unterstützt Menschen dabei, mentale, physische und emotionale Blockaden zu lösen - für ein erfülltes Leben. “Auf dem Weg zur Wahrheit” - doch was genau ist Wahrheit? Darüber und wie wichtig es ist, sich selbst kennenzulernen, spreche ich mit Stephanie. Was passiert auf dem Weg der Heilung? Oder was ist Heilung in einem übergeordneten Sinn? Wir kennen es alle:...
Published 05/05/23
There is still a lot of shame and discomfort around the topic of digestive issues, which often leads to a lot of people also then being misinformed. Sandra and I talk about some of the most common digestive and gut issues people experience. Sandra Mikhail is an internationally known Accredited Practicing Dietitian and the founder and director of Nutrition A-Z. Sandra's passion for and work in gut health created a movement of normalizing "poo talk" or as her motto goes "making poo talk salon...
Published 04/28/23
In this episode, Laura Cincera introduces us to Internal Family Systems (IFS), not to be confused with Family Constellations, which is an approach working with External Family Systems. Internal Family Systems is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the idea that the human mind consists of different "parts" each with its own unique characteristics, beliefs, and emotions. Laura and I dive right into the topic. We discuss what is different about IFS compared to other modalities. And she...
Published 04/14/23
A Time of Re-Birthing and Growing Today, day and night are equally long. Spring is here. Observing nature, we can see how the first blossoms show, hear how the birds are starting to sing more intensively, and how everything is waking up from winter and the introspection. Seeing this in nature, we might feel this growth and expansion in ourselves as well. Moving from a more inward and reflective energy to a more outgoing, energized, and creative one. In this meditation, I invite you to sense...
Published 03/20/23
INCLUSIVELY A GUIDED MEDITATION TO MEET YOUR FUTURE SELF In dieser zweisprachigen Episode teile ich mit dir, wieso es wichtig ist, dass wir unsere Visionen, Träume und Manifestationen spüren und fühlen. Even though the first quarter of 2023 is almost over, there is still time to unfurl and manifest your wishes, conceive, and visualize your dreams. In fact, it is never too late for that. Because your visions and ideas are not bound to any kind of time frame, i.e. a calendar year. Vision...
Published 03/07/23
In this episode, I am sharing with you how in the last few months I have experienced polarity and how it can foster growth. With personal examples and how I have experienced it, I hope to show you how we can embrace polarity in its entirety. For me, polarity and growth definitely go hand in hand. Allowing different sides of a situation or person can entail challenges, a filled heart, and an open mind. I can summarize it with “Embracing, living through, and giving room to polarities made me...
Published 02/24/23
Today I like to share with you another episode where I am the guest. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my long-time friend Maja Juzwiak for her new podcast “Stories Unfolded”. Maja and I talk about my corporate background, my current work as a coach, Yoga Teacher, we talk about Life Curation, being a business owner, and how I went from Zurich to New York, to Vancouver, back to Zurich and now partially living on an island. And in all that, how I (try) to juggle all this without...
Published 02/10/23
This summer I attended the Generative Trance Workshop in Italy with Stephen Gilligan, and I am happy to have him as my guest today. We speak about healing and transformation, the conscious and the unconscious mind, and much more. Stephen is a Psychotherapist, Author, Workshop Leader, Storyteller, and Transformation Specialist. He says that from a very young age, he was astonished and amazed that the words people spoke often didn’t match what he felt and saw in them. He knew from early on...
Published 01/27/23
Darmglück - für manche Menschen ist vielleicht alles, was mit Darm zu tun hat, ein Thema, das nicht unbedingt mit “Glück” verbunden ist. Daher lautet meine Einstiegsfrage an meine heutige Interviewpartnerin Julia Gruber gleich “Wie fühlt sich ein glücklicher Darm überhaupt an?”. Und natürlich ist das eine sehr individuelle Sache, aber man könnte wohl sagen, ein glücklicher Darm fühlt sich so an, dass man ihn fast nicht spürt. Für einige ist das Thema generell unangenehm und mit Scham...
Published 01/13/23
WIR ALLE BRAUCHEN IMMER WIEDER MOMENTE ZUM AUFTANKEN Heute möchte ich darüber sprechen, was “Auszeit” bedeutet und wie wichtig es ist, dass wir uns alle immer wieder Zeit für uns selbst nehmen. Oft machen wir Anfang eines neuen Jahres Pläne für die nächsten Monate. Ich möchte dich ermutigen, ganz bewusst auch Zeit für dich selbst einzuplanen. Zum Beispiel eine tägliche Me-Time-Insel in den Kalender eintragen oder ein verlängertes Wochenende, das du nur dir widmest oder sogar mehrere...
Published 01/06/23
Today, December 21st, 2022, marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It’s Winter Solstice. Solstice derives from the two Latin words, sol - meaning “sun” and sistere - meaning “stand still”. It is believed that this day also marks the re-birthing of the sun and thus the re-birthing of nature. Since we are part of nature, you can say in good faith that it is also a kind of rebirth for us. I created a meditation, especially for this occasion. Consider it an X-mas present,...
Published 12/21/22
Heute gibt es eine spezielle Episode. Denn ich habe - mal wieder - den “Spiess umgedreht”. Meine liebe Freundin und Kollegin Julia Gruber vom Darmglück Podcast hat mich zum Thema Coaching interviewt. Es freut mich sehr, diese Folge in meinem Podcast mit euch zu teilen. So erhaltet ihr einen tieferen Einblick in meine Arbeit und Philosopie. Und ihr könnt mich ein bisschen besser kennenlernen. Julia und ich sprechen darüber, was “Life Coaching” eigentlich bedeutet. Im Besonderen haben wir...
Published 12/09/22
In diesem Interview teilt Jeannette Ruh mit uns ihre grosse Leidenschaft zur Numerologie. Jeannette hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, mittels Numerologie Spiritualität unverstaubt, modern und bodenständig zu vermitteln. Wir sprechen darüber, welche Bedeutung Zahlen für sie haben, was Numerologie mit Pythagoras zu tun hat und ob und welche verschiedenen Arten von Numerologie es gibt. Jeannette erklärt uns Vieles an einem “Live-Beispiel”, nämlich auf der Basis meines Geburtsdatums 😀. So...
Published 12/02/22
On November 22nd, it will be 40 days until 2023. In the Kundalini tradition, it is said that it takes 40 days to break a habit and 90 days to establish a new one. Others say 21 days or 66 days. In any case, I think it is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this year and to finish it off in a special way. In this episode, I’d like to give you some inspiration on how you can dedicate these last 40 days to yourself. __________________________________________________________ LINKS...
Published 11/18/22
Mein Gesprächspartner in dieser Episode, Jack Silver, benutzt lieber das Wort “Schamanentum” statt “Schamanismus”. So oder so, es scheint keine eindeutige Definition von Schamanismus / Schamanentum zu geben. Im weitesten Sinn kann man wohl sagen, dass Schamanismus eine jahrtausendealte Tradition ist, bei der es vor allem um Heilung und Transformation geht. Für Jack geht es im Schamanentum darum, eine Balance herzustellen, die sicherstellt, dass es uns gut geht. Es geht darum, die Natur und...
Published 11/11/22
This topic has influenced, and still is, my whole life - professionally and personally. I found an excellent paraphrase in a quote from an unknown, “If we listen to our body when it whispers, we won’t have to hear it scream.” Sometimes the “whisper” finds its way through a knot in the belly, a tight chest, or having a hard time swallowing. Maybe the whisper is louder in the form of pain, major digestive issues, or other chronic dis-eases. This is the way our body is communicating - from...
Published 10/28/22
For the third time, this episode reflects what I want this podcast to be. It features different people's contributions (women & men) in different languages (Swiss German, German and English). On the topic of Brotherhood & Sisterhood they share what that means to them. You will see that despite all the different opinions, there is a common denominator: You are Not Alone! There is a soul family out there. Sometimes Brother-, or Sisterhood doesn’t need words....
Published 10/14/22
Aren’t we lucky? Lucky to have such beautiful, glowing late summer days, allowing us to slide into the fall season gently. Today, September 23rd, 2022, is the fall equinox. Signifying a moment of stillness, before the earth shifts directions. Today, daytime and nighttime are equally long. This moment of stillness gives us the opportunity also to pause for a moment and reflect on the past months and weeks, and at the same time connect to our intentions and wishes for the coming month. Take...
Published 09/23/22
There are so many different ways to journal. In this episode I speak about many different ways you can incorporate journaling into your life; for example stream of consciousness, writing letters, keeping a dream journal, journaling for creativity, gratitude journal, or writing lists. I talk about the acronym JOURNAL, different ways it can support you, and you can make it YOURS. With many things, an all-or-nothing attitude keeps us from doing something; don’t pressure yourself to have to...
Published 09/09/22
Today’s topic - The Nervous System & the Polyvagal Theory - has been on my wish list for a long time and I am thrilled to have Justin Sunseri as my guest. He is a true expert on this. The Polyvagal Theory talks about 3 neural pathways. This gives us the ability to socially engage when we feel safe or to mobilize or immobilize when we feel danger. The vagus nerve is the highway the three neural pathways utilize. Each one is part of the autonomic nervous system. By the end of this...
Published 08/12/22
In Freiheit verbunden und gleichzeitig in Verbindung frei zu sein. Wie kommen wir dahin? Zunächst sprechen wir darüber, was Verbundenheit überhaupt ist. Linda Klein und ich sprechen über die Verbundenheit zwischen Menschen, zu uns selbst und auch, sich allem was ist verbunden zu fühlen. Wie wir dies im Leben wahrnehmen und ansteuern können, unabhängig davon wo man sich befindet - örtlich aber auch in Bezug auf die Lebenssituation. Es ist auch wichtig, zu verstehen, dass sich diese beiden...
Published 08/05/22
Some words, sentences, or sayings are hard to translate into another language without losing their meaning; it makes us creative to find the right explanation and definition. I could have recorded this episode in German to make it easier, however, I love to find ways to translate something with more depth than just simply a synonym. “So wohl als auch”is a phrase that is exactly that for me. The translation is ”both and” or “as well as”, for me it doesn’t have the same ring and power. Bottom...
Published 07/29/22
Was genau ist Weiblichkeit? Michaela Prina nennt uns ein Paradebeispiel : Mutter Erde, weil sie die gleichen Qualitäten hat: sie empfängt, trägt, nährt und verbindet. Weil sie aus sich selbst schöpft und über eine innere sowie äussere Fülle verfügt, die wiederum eine enorme Kreativität birgt. Eben: wild, sanft und frei! Wir alle haben eine weibliche Kraft in uns, Männer wie Frauen. Es ist Zeit uns immer mehr aus der Quelle der Intuition leiten zu lassen. Im Interview sprechen wir darüber,...
Published 07/22/22