Jesse remembers being the holding tank in his dress outs, waiting to be released from prison after 11 years of incarceration. He was black pants, a white tee-shirt and Vans. Some guys parole in suits, he says, but that didn't feel like his style. When he finally stepped out of the bus, tons of people were waiting to greet him. Thirty-something people were holding up signs for Jesse to welcome him home. It's been a few months now and in this episode, Jesse reflects on his release and travels...
Published 06/19/22
Published 06/19/22
Diane spent 27 years in a men's prison, as a woman. Now she is out and finding her way in a world that is much different than the one she left behind nearly three decades earlier. 
Published 11/03/21
Duncan's journey continues down a long and winding road through the California prison system. How did he get there? And what did he do to get out? Listen here. 
Published 10/13/21
Duncan was on the run for 4 years before he was finally caught. After being convicted to life in prison, without parole, Duncan decided to get on a path to change his life. Why did he run for so long? And is he still running from something?  
Published 10/04/21
Xanar continues recounting his journey through the California prison system. His commitment to change led to his freedom, but as Xanar explains it, he was free long before he was let out of prison.
Published 06/08/21
Xanar was party of a party crew in South Los Angeles in the 1990s. They through underground parties with the hottest DJs and a swag and style that was unmatched. But things took a turn when Xanar found himself guilty of murder and facing the death penalty. Xanar is out of prison today, after entering the system at 19 years old and returning 23 years later. 
Published 05/14/21
Lisa James served over 20 years in prison for murder. From the time she went in, to the day she got out, Lisa vowed to do better and be better. But will coming home derail her? Will she be able to navigate complex family relationships and establish herself as the transformed person she became in prison? 
Published 04/23/21
Lewis makes it home from prison after 43 years. But what toll has that amount of time taken on his psyche? Now that he's out, Lewis has a plan that involves real estate, a road trip, and visiting the cemetery where his kids were laid to rest. 
Published 04/13/21
In this episode we hear from Lewis Richard, also known as Lew or Uncle Lew. After 43 years in prison Lew was released on January 12th, 2021. He thought he was ready...but how does one prepare for freedom after more than four decades behind bars? Let's find out.
Published 04/01/21
Candace Wilson married Taewon Wilson while he was still incarcerated and serving life without the possibility of parole. Months after he was commuted by Governor Jerry Brown, Taewon walked out of prison a free man. But will their marriage survive reentry? How do they navigate each other's presence in the free world? 
Published 03/08/21
Candace met Taewon when they were fifteen years old and just a couple of kids navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence. They dated for a bit, on and off, then Taewon got caught up in a crime that sent him to prison with a life without the possibility of parole sentence, which meant he would probably die in prison. This is the story of how Taewon and Candace reconnected, found love, got married, and are now fighting for his freedom. 
Published 02/23/21
Shone went to prison at age 19 and served 22 years at a women's prison in California. As the years ticked by Shone started "counting bricks," wondering if she'd ever go home. She started going to self-help courses and turning her life around behind bars. But would it be enough? After 22 years, Shone walked out of prison a free woman with a powerful story to tell. 
Published 02/12/21
The year is 1999 and Richard is lying on the top bunk in his prison cell and nearing death. He has just overdosed on heroin and praying to god not to die. When he makes it through the night, Richard decides he is going to stay sober for the rest of his life. That was the last night he ever did drugs. Richard starts writing letters of amends, taking college courses, and preparing for the parole board. After a violent crime and a life of drug use will he be found suitable for parole? 
Published 01/25/21
Richard fell deep into a life of addiction, leading him to doing burglaries to support his addiction. In 1998 at age 20 Richard was charged with attempted murder and sentenced of life in prison. Finally, 21 months ago he was released. There was a day Richard thought he would die in prison. But now he's free. What has life on the outside been like for him? How does he navigate the free world? 
Published 01/16/21
In this KCRW piece reported by "Life on the Outside" producer Lucy Copp, the question is asked: Who gets to go home early from prison when there's a global pandemic? It's complicated and every state seems to handle it differently. But one things for sure, letting out 'lifers' continues to be a contentious and politically fraught. 
Published 12/28/20
Michelle got out of prison 9 years ago but her struggles are still a slippery slope. She talks about her reentry challenges, fighting fires, and how forgiveness is the key to freedom. 
Published 12/10/20
Allen Burnett was sentenced to life without the possibility parole as a young kid. Decades later, his sentence was commuted and he found himself at the gates of the prison head home. His journey was tumultuous, trying, and triumphant. 
Published 11/25/20
Find out what happened the night of the "incident" that would sent Crystal to prison for 23 years. 
Published 11/10/20
Crystal served a long sentence for murder done in self-defense. Her journey takes twists and turns and we learn that a conviction and a charge are sometimes far from the truth. 
Published 10/29/20
There are 48,000 documented barriers to reentry when someone gets out of prison. In Episode 30, Jon shares his experience returning home after receiving six life sentences, practically a death sentence. How will he navigate these barriers? Which ones will be the hardest to face?
Published 10/15/20
We're taking the month of September to take a breath, collect ourselves, and gather more interviews. We'll be back in October! 
Published 09/23/20
We pick up where Patrick left off, lying on the floor of his prison cell...
Published 08/29/20
Published 08/06/20
Kenneth, Kanaka, and Jarret talk about what a lockdown is like in prison. Why does a facility go on lockdown? And how long before the confinement lifts? All three storytellers are out now, but their experiences in prison while serving life sentences are as tangible as the present moment. 
Published 07/29/20