When you think about this scripture" When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.Matt 9:36 and consider for a moment a flock of sheep without a shepherd and all the things that could go wrong. Disease, exposure to predators etc, you come to the conclusion that human beings need someone to lead, direct, guide in order to maximize their fulfill potential. Rev David Sackey sheds some more light on this theme.
Published 03/09/20
On question that virtually everyone has asked himself / herself  or will do so subsequently is " What gifts or talents do I have and how can I use it? Sadly many die without fully utilizing their gift. This week's message addresses some of the reasons why people do not use their talents. First of the list is fear. Another reason is despising the gift that God has given you. May you be blessed as you listen
Published 03/02/20
Election year is here again and candidates usually have a large number of volunteers who go canvassing for votes because they believe in the ideology or principles of the candidate. Similarly every Christian must be willing to do same for Christ if we believe in his message. You don't need to be a Pastor or evangelist- all you need is to tell someone what Christ has done for you.
Published 02/25/20
The many aspects of our lives that demand our attention can easily cause us to forget that one of the main reasons that we (Christians) are saved is to save others. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 28: 18-20 to Go into the world.... and in John 21: he asked Peter" to Feed my sheep". Consider these instructions carefully and ask what yourself what you are doing /can do to obey that command.
Published 02/17/20
Life changing messages preached at the Lighthouse Chapel International,(Minneapolis Branch) pastored by Rev. David Sackey
Published 02/10/20
Our Founder and Prophet Bishop Dag Heward Mills outlines the theme for the year 2020.
Published 01/01/20
With the busy lives that most people live, it is very easy to be engrossed in our own world-taking care of our selves, our families and  our business.While  there's nothing wrong with that per say, focusing on ourselves makes us unaware and sometimes insensitive to the real challenges others face. Jesus thought about others and that's what brought  him to earth to die for our sins and we must also think of others. May the Lord grant everyone who listens to this message a compassionate heart...
Published 11/18/19
Most people tend to gravitate to others whom they have something in common with". It is also true, that we tend to shun or avoid people who are unlike us  In today's message we lay the foundation for our series on Others. Who are we referring to as "others"? Why do we call them Others? How should we relate to them?
Published 11/11/19
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.Hebrews 6:12. In the matter of tithing as in many other things in the Christian life and indeed life in general , it is sometimes smarter to copy people who have succeeded at something rather than try to be original or re-invent the wheel. 
Published 11/01/19
Is Tithing an old testament law and therefore not for those of us who are of the new covenant? Why is there so much controversy about tithing? Today's message is part of a series that seeks to answer some of these questions and help us to reap the benefits of tithing.
Published 10/21/19
Rev. Paul Kobi Fordah delivers a powerful and must listen message on why it's important determine to go all the way after you have taken a decision. This principle applies to all areas of our lives. With varying references to the bible and true stories he shows us why we should not allow, our past, circumstances, excuses, fear and get in our way.
Published 08/19/19
This was an introductory message about the importance of acknowledging those who have influenced your life even in the most minute way. Did you know it is unrighteous to forget? The scripture details this in Hebrews 6 :10. What is forgetfulness? What do men forget? What is the importance of not forgetting? This and other life renewing subjects are revealed in this mind captivating sermon. Listen and be blessed!
Published 08/12/19
Published 08/05/19
Published 07/22/19
Published 07/15/19
The message of the gospel of Christ is simple. Man is sinful. Man cannot save himself. Jesus said He is the way the truth and the life no one can go to the Father (God) except through him (Christ) John 14:6. This is the message all Christians must tell the rest of the world. We must tell others because the destiny of souls is at stake. 
Published 07/08/19
There are many things that people dedicate their lives to or fight for. Some fight for animal rights, political rights etc. The Bible also encourages us to fight certain fights and to refrain from others. Since life is short and eternity is real, we need to know what to fight for so our time here on earth is worthwhile. Rev David Sackey encourages us to fight the good fight.  
Published 06/24/19
On this Father's Day, the First Lady of QFC Minneapolis, Sis Angela Dwomoh, reminds us of the role of the Father as God intended it and of the serious implications on the family and society as a whole when men do not play this role whether it be by choice, ignorance or societal pressure. 
Published 06/17/19
Life changing messages preached at the Lighthouse Chapel International,(Minneapolis Branch) pastored by Rev. David Sackey
Published 06/10/19
It is fair to say that humans, we are not predisposed to honor people. Even when we do, we tend to forget after sometime. This is one of the reasons why we must take deliberate and intentional steps when it comes with relating of the men and women who god has put in our lives, not only God’s servants  but to our fellow Christians.
Published 06/03/19
Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.” Mark 6:4) What did Jesus mean when he said this and how does it relate to the church today? These are two of the questions that are answered in today's message.
Published 05/29/19
Life changing messages preached at the Lighthouse Chapel International,(Minneapolis Branch) pastored by Rev. David Sackey
Published 05/20/19
Isn't tithing a thing of the the old testament? I worked hard for the money I earned, why should I give a tenth to God/the church? These and other questions are answered in this message preached by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills 2001 which is still relevant today. 
Published 03/25/19
The church is like a hospital. People come in sick and would usually leave in a better shape than they came. Rather than being judgmental and cold, Christians must endeavor to welcome every and anyone who is making an attempt to "fix" their life by helping to make their stay in the church a life changing experience.
Published 03/18/19