C’est un épisode captivant avec Amandine Cotteaux, prêtresse des temps modernes. Ensemble, nous explorons la connexion entre l'éveil de la conscience, la spiritualité et l'énergie sexuelle, révélant ainsi comment cultiver des relations saines et épanouissantes en se développant sur le plan spirituel. Nous plongeons dans la force du féminin qui s'affirme avec assurance, élevant ses normes pour elle-même et pour son partenaire, dans une dynamique où personne n'est écrasé mais plutôt...
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
In this part 2 episode with my friend Fabrice Maravigna, we dive deep into the realms of truth and perception. Throughout history, we've been fed various concepts that we've been told were absolute truths. From the teachings in schools to the narratives presented by the media and even the constructs of science, it seems like everything has been carefully curated to fit a certain narrative. But are we really getting the full picture? Join us as we question the sources of our information and...
Published 04/25/24
In this episode with my friend Fabrice Maravigna, we explore how entrepreneurs can escape government constraints to build successful companies. From choosing the right location to accessing diverse information sources, we discuss how traveling leads us to embrace new ideas, see through the codes and limitations of the programs. This conversation is designed for entrepreneurs who seek flexibility, we uncover the benefits of discovering alternative approaches and sustainable practices. Follow...
Published 04/23/24
In this solo episode, I'm excited to share with you the most powerful coaching questions I consistently utilize. I've delved into coaching for many years and developed a deep passion for it. Along the way, I've crafted my own training program called "Coach from the Heart." Additionally, about a year and a half ago, I launched another program called "Level Up," designed as a level 2 coaching course to equip coaches with new skills for their toolkit. Recently, during a Q&A session, I...
Published 04/17/24
In this solo episode, I discuss my transition from working in French to English. Join me as I explore the experience of navigating two languages in my work. After contemplating this shift for some time, I finally took the plunge this year. I'm eager to see how it unfolds and to connect with a wider audience through my pursuits.  All the episodes:⁠⁠ podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/live-from-the-heart My website:⁠⁠ ⁠⁠https://www.anneclairemeret.com/eng/home⁠ 🇫🇷 Dans cet épisode en...
Published 04/12/24
This is a passionate conversation with dance teacher Layssa Valentina. Together, we delve into the spiritual essence of dance and discuss how it fosters a profound connection, calling in the divine into your body. We explore how dancing serves as more than just a physical practice; it is a practice of devotion, allowing us to connect with the divine within ourselves and our partners. We believe that we are all dancers, each of us capable of tapping into this transformative...
Published 04/10/24
In this solo episode, I welcome you today to answer some of the questions I received on Instagram: How would I start today from 0? How to deal with feeling guilty about making more money than your close ones? Can you really change your relationship with money in a few days? Is it possible to make a lot of money in all domains? I invite you to join me in Bali for an exclusive 4-day retreat, happening from May 7 to 10 at my home in the heart of Ubud, for an Abundance Retreat:...
Published 04/04/24
Plongez dans une conversation sans filtre et pleine de révélations avec Anne-Claire Meret et Oussama Ammar dans cet épisode spécial de "Live From the Heart Podcast".  Un échange passionnant sur la créativité en amour, et comment cultiver une mentalité d’abondance le cœur ouvert. Le polyamour permet des relations amoureuses sans exclusivité en établissant ses propres accords relationnels. Est-ce que tout le monde peut s’y essayer ? Quelles sont les qualités nécessaires pour bien le vivre...
Published 04/02/24
In this solo episode, I provide you with tips and information comparing two islands: Bali where I live now and Koh Phangan where I lived and visited recently. I have compiled a list in case you are hesitant about visiting or relocating to one of them. I hope this information will help you gain a clearer understanding of these islands. I discuss the similarities and differences, the weather, the wilderness, transportation and accessibility, diversity of food, the vibe on both islands, the...
Published 03/29/24
In this solo episode, I am thrilled to delve into a project that I've been nurturing for quite some time, and it's finally come to fruition. Years ago, I had a vision of hosting retreats in the tropics, and it's been a long-standing desire of mine. Embarking on this journey marks a fresh chapter for me, particularly in Bali, a place close to my heart.  In this episode, I'll be sharing all the exciting details about my two upcoming retreats in Bali. I invite you to join me in Bali for an...
Published 03/25/24
In this profound conversation, Phil, who practices insight osteopathy, shares his journey from osteopathy to his realization about the integration of body and soul. In his practice, Phil considers not only the physical body but also the spirit and the unexpressed emotions trapped within.  We discuss how the environment we grow up in often cultivates our foundational traumas, whereas, as children, we should be reminded of who we truly are: pure creativity. From a young age, we endure...
Published 03/20/24
In this solo episode, I share 5 tips to help you write a book. A lot of people want to write a book, but not everyone follows through. Have you ever wondered why everybody wants to write a book? And why everybody won't do it? If you want to be a writer and if you are facing challenges in your creative process, as well as all the tasks that need to be done (finding a publisher, self-publishing, all the work required to actually put your work out there), these tips can be a first step to...
Published 03/14/24
This is a deep and significant episode I recorded with my friend Fabrice Maravigna. In this episode, Fabrice discusses numerous topics that have been hidden and need to be unveiled. Together, we delve into the predominant capitalist world we live in, where a select group of individuals controls the entire economy. We express our perspectives on the pharmaceutical industry and how it affects our health and well-being. Additionally, we touch upon subjects such as education, knowledge and...
Published 03/12/24
In this solo episode, I am delighted to share some health tips that have greatly contributed to maintaining my vitality and overall well-being. Having experienced anxiety and insomnia in my younger years, I am now 40 years old and have never been as healthy as I am today. I am continuously learning how to prioritize self-care and am genuinely curious about discovering ways to enhance my daily well-being. It's essential to recognize and adopt practices that suit your individual needs, so...
Published 03/07/24
This is a special episode with my friend Fabrice Maravigna. Throughout this conversation, Fabrice shares his journey regarding nutrition and his experiments with eating. He explains how he transitioned from unhealthy habits to vegetarianism, then veganism, fruitarianism, and ultimately returned to a more diverse diet. He shares his experience with his awakening process and how it impacts his habits and perspectives on nutrition, as well as his human body and capabilities. This is a...
Published 03/06/24
Je suis très heureuse de partager avec vous cet épisode qui a été enregistré à l’occasion du Joycast. Le Joycast c’est le podcast de mes amies Aurore Rosello et Julia Simon et cet épisode a été enregistré avec Julia Simon. Ensemble nous parlons de la joie. Retrouvez  toutes les infos du Joy Camp sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/joycampexperience/  Et sur le site internet : www.joycampexperience.fr Découvrez Joycast : https://podcast.ausha.co/joycast/ Tous les épisodes du...
Published 03/01/24
In this solo episode, I share my latest updates: we've moved to Cemagi in Bali, where we are building a house with Christian. I discuss my recent investments, the house I rent in Ubud, and the retreats I’m proposing in May. Additionally, I talk about my decision at the beginning of this year to create a disruption and start creating in English. I delve into the recent programs I developed with Christian and Nathalie, my upcoming vacation to Koh Phangan, my life at home with one dog and two...
Published 02/29/24
Dans cet épisode, j'ai la joie d'accueillir une amie avec laquelle je vis une aventure extraordinaire : Nathalie Lefèvre. Nous avons décidé de créer quelque chose ensemble, et ce projet prend une ampleur encore plus grande et plus belle que ce que nous aurions pu imaginer. Notre collaboration a donné naissance à la formation "Inspirées !" parce que nous avons toutes les deux réalisé qu'il nous était facile de nous renouveler chaque jour grâce à cette énergie créatrice infinie. Chaque jour,...
Published 02/23/24
In this episode with Christian Kasper, we share our views, some tips, and practical advice about staying focused on what is truly important to you and how to embody what you want to share with the world. We discuss how to deal with the distractions we face in our everyday lives and how to make choices that support long-term goals over instant gratification. Discover our free program “Refocus your life”: https://www.anneclairemeret.com/refocus-your-life Follow Christian:...
Published 02/20/24
I am delighted to welcome you to a solo episode about love. I truly believe that we attract who we are: the more I open my heart, speak my truth, and embrace authenticity, the more I attract individuals who share similar qualities. People with open hearts, curiosity, and a willingness to create meaningful connections, along with shared values, tend to appear in my life. In this episode, I share practical tips, drawn from my personal experiences, to help you find the love you desire,...
Published 02/15/24
I am delighted to offer the introduction of my book: Millionaire from the heart.  It’s a book that took me a while to birth because it is very personal as well as full of tips for anyone who wants to be leading from the heart and creating their prosperity from the heart.  You can find the book on Amazon where it has been published in paperback, Kindle and audiobook (the French version is coming soon). Find the book on Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/e8usstC All the episodes:...
Published 02/07/24
Un épisode passionnant avec mon ami Fabrice Maravigna où on démystifie l’univers de la  crypto.  Ensemble on parle des opportunités de croissance et d’évolution qu’il est possible d’atteindre quand on s’éduque à la crypto. Fabrice transmet sa vision sur cet outil qui est bien plus qu’une monnaie digitalisée et explique comment la crypto contribue à un nouveau modèle de gens riches dans l’éveil et constitue une solution concrète pour échanger de la valeur de manière très rapide.  Découvrir...
Published 02/02/24
Je suis heureuse de vous accueillir pour un nouvel épisode en solo, un épisode où j’ai envie de parler du fait que je suis certainement la plus heureuse que je n’ai jamais été. Je célèbre cela avec vous ! A mesure que le temps passe, je tire le meilleur de ma situation, je me célèbre et je célèbre la vie d’avantage. Je choisis de penser que c’est toujours up and up and up et j’ai remplacé des “ou” par des “et”. Finalement, tout s’aligne quand on se dit “oui” et la vie devient meilleure...
Published 01/24/24
Un épisode spontané où j’aborde un sujet particulier : l’audace d’être une reine. Cela fait des années que j’incarne cette énergie de la reine puissante, créatrice, généreuse. Dans cet épisode je partage ce qu’est pour moi l’énergie de la reine, comment je l’incarne au quotidien, et la puissance générée si toutes les femmes s’autorisaient elles aussi à embrasser cette énergie féminine et transformatrice qui aide le monde pour le meilleur. Bonne écoute ! Tous les épisodes du podcast :...
Published 01/17/24