It has been a whirl wind of time that has flown by. I was in a long term subbing gig most of January teaching 3rd grade and there was no time to edit. I did try really hard. I hope y'all have had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Years! Thank you for your support and continuing to listen to Living Connected. =) We have a special guest on Living Connected, his name is Orly. Orly has created a Listening Table in the LA area that people can come and sit to talk, vent, and be 100% authentically...
Published 02/20/24
Published 02/20/24
Probably since 2021, I had this dream to have Roxy on my podcast. And what a dream come true. I feel so grateful & honored for this opportunity to have Roxy Manning on as a guest. We talk about antiracism that also goes along with her new book with Sarah Peyton called “The Antiracist Heart”.  Often times stereotypical stories like “Asian kids are good at math” will lead to children having this expectation that they are suppose to be and when they are not there is internal shame that is...
Published 12/19/23
I loved that I was able to have Sarah Peyton on the living connected podcast again. In this past year she has been writing a book with Roxy Manning. The book is called “The Antiracist Heart” and the book empowers us on how to have conversations, compassion, and a beloved community when it comes to racism. What are our blindspots? What are we not seeing when it comes to our own implicit and explicit experiences? How can we get more curious, be more open, and grow from our experiences moving...
Published 11/21/23
We had thee utmost pleasure of having John Kinyon as our special guest for this episode today. I was left feeling lifted, joyous and filled with gratitude. A lot came pouring out and I had needs met for some healing and held in a deep understood way. I appreciate all of you who have been on my journey with me. And just by listening you might have healed parts of you too. I want to honor that in you as well. Raw aliveness seems to flow from my heart sometimes and I thank you all for holding...
Published 10/17/23
What a summer it has been. This episode was from June and it took me awhile to edit. I have been enjoying my warm weather before the cold sets in. We have made it to season 4! This podcast has been going since 2020. We have many episodes to come. Thank you all for continuing to listen and being apart of this NVC journey. We have a special guest with us today, who is dear to my heart. Her name is Jenine. She has been a big part in my teaching career. The first time she came in to the...
Published 08/31/23
 Eric and I discuss what it’s like to step in and or stand up for Self and or others. Keeping Nonviolent communication in mind, I think it is hard in some situations when you are caught off guard to have NVC as an automatic response. In my experience in this episode, fight or flight kicked in and I just said, “thanks,” kindly and moved on to my table or went to dance. I definitely looked at this guys wife who is a friend of mine with a face of, “I can’t believe he just said that!” At that...
Published 06/20/23
I am so thrilled to have Bryn on my podcast again. The last time she was on was back in Oct. of 2020 episode 17. Bryn has been practicing NVC over 22 years and has been my mentor, empathy buddy and teacher since I started NVC in 2018. I am honored & it’s a gift to have Bryn in my life for 5 years, knowing you Bryn has changed me in a beautiful way. Your accompaniment during hard times and happy continues to mean so much to my heart.   Today we are talking about the flow of feelings and...
Published 05/23/23
I got the chance to talk to Eric Lazarus about Activism. How do we use NVC in situations that we want to stand up for. I know for me there are several different things that I would like to see change, when it comes to teacher, student & parent support. My main take away from this episode was having the skill to have curiosity questions & curiosity listening. Regardless if the person you are talking to has a different view of a situation or a law or rules or the way the government is...
Published 05/02/23
Eric and I got the honor of talking with Anne and Benson who have been in the process of inventing AI’s (Artificial Intelligence or robots) that are capable of teaching Nonviolent Communication. As well as finding a way to build a robot that has the ability to give empathic responses. My main take-away from this episode is that these robots won’t be replacing other humans. These robots will support humans in their growth, and learning of NVC so that when we are connecting with humans we can...
Published 04/12/23
Eric and I are talking about honesty or scary honesty today. To me, honesty is speaking from the heart or fully speaking your truth. Focusing on what is alive in your heart and sharing courageously.   Needs that might come up when sharing honesty could be freedom, sincerity, fairness, care, compassion, vulnerability and or truthfulness. What does fully speaking your truth mean and look like to you?  What do we hope for when we speak our truth? How do we hold space, give kindness for...
Published 02/28/23
Eric and I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Melanie Sears. She has been practicing NVC for 30+ years and worked along side Marshall Rosenberg. We get to explore the healthcare system that is in place in the United States. Dr. Melanie Sears specifically talks about her experience with patients in the psychiatric facility and how patients are treated. She has been a nurse for 35 years and has her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. "Transpersonal Psychology roots back over 100 years ago. William...
Published 01/31/23
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! 2023 has begun! Eric and I get to talking about the transformation of the relationship with my dad. How the needs of belonging to a family is mourned and may continued to be mourned on every special day that is typically spent with family. Each time we mourn, acknowledge and witness that pain, we are healing a little bit of ourselves. I have gone through this process of being accompanied & witness in my pain and have found peace with what is. The what is, is...
Published 01/17/23
It is winter break and I am able to get to editing more. My goal is to not be putting episodes out once a month. I am hoping I will have some more time during work to work on my podcast as I am not at the Behavior job anymore. If you have any questions about expectations and would like to send me an email please I would love to hear from you. Email: [email protected] I am happy to be doing this episode with Denise today. We have a juicy topic for us that will probably end up...
Published 12/27/22
Today Eric and I talk about my experience in this 6 month position I have as the Student behavioral coordinator. My position is a case load of 7 or 8 students that have a hard time regulating. They flip their lid which means they are not in their frontal cortex anymore and reacting from a trauma place of fight or flight response. Or another way to say is that the amygdala is firing & reacting to a situation which is sending signals to our nervous system that is processing it as fear or a...
Published 11/15/22
BEST SUMMER of 2022!! Thank you ALL for being patient while I soak in my summer! HUGS In this episode Jeremey and I have a conversation about how we use NVC in our workplace and in our families. The situations that come up in the workplace for me were making sure students are listening and ready to learn, including everyone and respect the pro-nouns of others in how they want to be identified and exploring students needs in an Acro-Yoga setting. We all have many different cultures and...
Published 10/01/22
Tisse, Amy and I talk about Parts Theater and we actual go through a scenario that happened when I was visiting my dad. Parts Theater is a mind blowing experience that can be really touching and moving. I got choked up a bit because it really hit home when sinking into those feelings and needs during each part of me that was being role played. I haven’t really had a chance to allow myself to feel those deep feelings and process them fully. Tisse and Amy gave me space to do that. I have thee...
Published 08/23/22
I see a lot of behaviors in schools that are contributed to the trauma or environment that students are experiencing. I work sometimes one-on-one with this students who are going through a lot at home. I have seen a range of behaviors from throwing chairs, running off campus, screaming, making silly noises, kicking, pulling hair, or spitting on you, withdraw or shut down, you name it. All students whether they are on the autism spectrum or just have a lot of trauma or just having a rough day,...
Published 07/19/22
Marianne and I talk about conflicts and fights and how some conflict can be healthy because it can lead to trust and safety with that person. There is a discernment when understanding the healthy kind of conflict and understanding when conflict is unhealthy. We talk about some strategies that can be healthy for two people in a conflict, such as self-connection, meeting them where they are, follow through with the request for a break and coming back to mend or repair in the time frame that was...
Published 06/28/22
SEASON 3!! We have had this podcast for 2 years now and I want to thank all of you who have contributed by listening and passing along this podcast to others. My utmost gratitude to y'all HUGS!!! Today Eric and I talk about my freak out. I am having surgery on my carpal tunnel.  What does your body do when your freaked out? My body just goes into this panic mode where everything goes fast, I can’t stop my brain from racing about all the things. Do you have support when it comes to moments of...
Published 06/15/22
Eric and I talk about my role as a participant in a practice group and what he experiences as a facilitator. At the end of this episode Eric and I debriefed, and I finally figured out why I had a hard time answering the questions about the Power-over or authority in different styles of facilitators. I kept saying personality and that wasn’t the word I was looking for. It was how a group is defined. Is the group, class oriented which means it has a teacher and everyone listens and the...
Published 06/07/22
Eric and I talk about Self-Empathy and how that shows up and what we can do to support ourselves during times that are hard. If any of you Living Connected listeners have any self-empathy strategies that have worked for you and or examples in your real life that it was hard to pull from your resources in self-empathy or empathy, we would love to know so we can share it with everyone in our Living Connected community. We would love to hear your voice in a voice memo or we can read your email....
Published 05/14/22
Thank you listeners for your patience as I am not putting out as many episodes as I would like. I am still doing my best to record, edit and work full time. I am doing my best. I am also having carpal tunnel surgery May 24th, so that might put me behind too eeeek. Feel free to email me any topics you might wanna hear or explore. Maybe there is a person you would like to have on and I can try and organize a way to get them on. Let me know. This episode takes us through a somatic dialog and...
Published 05/04/22
We have a special guest this week Adinah Barlow and we are going to talk about Trauma and NVC. How NVC might be helpful and how it might not be helpful for a traumatic experience. This is very interesting because I am just now editing this after my major traumatic experience, and I bet this episode would have been way different if I had come in with this example of trauma. I do hope to have Adinah on again to maybe work through my car accident.  My thought is that when we have major traumatic...
Published 03/29/22
I wrote out this long thing of what strategies that I remembered as I was listening to the episode for the 3rd time and now...2 weeks later or more I just don't know anymore. On Feb 25th, I got into a massive car accident. I hit ice out of nowhere. My car started to fish tail, swerved and before I knew it, my car jack-knifed into on coming traffic and I crash into a truck what seemed like face on. I am safe and banged up with a concussion. I meant to send this episode out on the 1st and that...
Published 03/08/22