The Emerging Generations team discuss the need to understand the culture that our young people are steeped in so that we can be more effective in communicating biblical truth about sexuality. We look at Jonathan Haidt's moral matrix to understand the values that shape our young peoples' moral decisions and see that they care about harm, fairness and freedom. We reflect on how we can listen well, find common ground and show how the Bible ultimately answers the questions that young people care...
Published 06/22/23
In the last of our current series – going through the missteps identified in The Plausibility Problem by Ed Shaw – we discuss whether suffering can and should be avoided. We share our own painful experiences and examine why some argue that the suffering of celibate same-sex attracted Christians is a reason to abandon traditional biblical teaching on sexual ethics. We go on to show that suffering is a normal part of following Jesus, whether you're gay or straight, single or married. We look at...
Published 06/08/23
Today we unpick some of the cultural assumptions about sex being a need which underpin the idea that celibacy is bad for you. We discuss the problems with the view that sex is the only form of intimacy, sex is just about pleasure and sexual expression is core to our identity. We examine some faulty interpretations of significant Bible passages on sexual desire and show that the Holy Spirit enables us to live fulfilled lives as celebate people who enjoy God, his people and his...
Published 05/25/23
What is godliness and what does it look like for people who experience opposite-sex and same-sex attraction? That's the question we explore today. We also look at why the idea that godliness for a gay Christian means developing heterosexual desires is unhelpful and unbiblical. Resources mentioned and related The Plausibility Problem Ed ShawThe Plausibility Problem: A Review Steve WardWhat Does God Really Say About Sexuality? (Explore Questions #1)Called to be Holy and Blameless Andrew...
Published 05/11/23
In this episode we discuss how the Bible upholds the view that men and women have absolutely equal value and dignity, looking at how Jesus treated women and recognising the role that women played in his ministry and the growth of the early church. We also contrast Jesus' example of servant leadership with some of the power struggles in church and society today. We suggest how we can push back against gender stereotypes and promote body positivity to value the diverse experinces, interests and...
Published 04/27/23
The team critique our cultural idolatry of sex and romance, which has also pervaded the church. We talk about why the assumption that sex is vital for human flourishing is so damaging and look at the impact it has on friendship, singleness and marriage. We see how the Bible challenges our cultural obsession with sex and explore how we can foster deep, non-sexual intimacy with God and others in Christian community. Resources mentioned and related The Plausibility Problem Ed ShawThe...
Published 04/13/23
'If it makes you happy, it must be right' is a prevalent view in our culture. In this episode, the team critique this assumption. They share honestly some of the pain involved in following Jesus as same-sex attracted Christians and look at why following Jesus' example of costly obedience to God is truly life-giving. They also question whether we're actually good at determining what makes us happy and expose the ways that rejecting God's good design actually leads to greater unhappiness and...
Published 03/30/23
In this episode we discuss whether our sexualities are something we're born with or whether our childhood development and cultural influences play a part on shaping our desires. We also talk about some of the damage that can be done if we follow all our innate desires, and discuss the doctrine of original sin and what that means for us.  And we point to the goodness of God in helping us understand what's best for us. Resources mentioned and related The Plausibility Problem Ed ShawThe...
Published 03/16/23
We continue our exploration of Ed Shaw's book, The Plausibility Problem by looking at what family really means for a Christian. We look at how Jesus defines family and why that's good news for single, celibate people. We also talk about practical steps we can take to live as family and share our lives with one another in a meaningful way. Resources mentioned and related The Plausibility Problem Ed ShawThe Plausibility Problem: A Review Steve WardWhat Does Jesus Teach About Nuclear Family?...
Published 03/02/23
In this series, the team and guests take a tour of Ed Shaw's book, The Plausibility Problem, looking at the misstep he identifies in each chapter. This first episode explores the question of whether our identity is our sexuality. We discuss what part sexuality plays in shaping our identity, how we can find an identity rooted in Christ and how we can balance the reality of our struggles with sin with our status as children of God. Resources mentioned and related The Plausibility Problem Ed...
Published 02/16/23
This bonus compilation episode features 13 guests from our second Meet The Authors series answering a series of five questions. They talk about what they'd say to their younger selves, recommend some resources, discuss what churches have done to help them, share what's been good about being same-sex attracted and / or single, and give some top tips for deepening healthy intimacy in friendship. Resources mentioned Embodied Preston SprinklePeople To Be Loved Preston SprinkleSingle Gay Christian...
Published 02/02/23
Andy shares the biblical hope and truth that keeps him going as a same-sex attracted Christian. He also talks about his experience as a single pastor and how that's uniquely equipped him to support others. In the second half of the show, we explore Andy's writing about exorcism. He explains that the response to Satan’s normal attacks on the believer isn’t exorcism. We need to be alert to spiritual attack whilst being careful that we don't demonise those whose particular battle is gay...
Published 01/19/23
Anne shares her story of growing up gay and coming to faith in Christ at university. She talks about what has been good and what has been hard about being a same-sex attracted Christian, and what it is about God that keeps her going. We discuss her writing about what it means to be a truly inclusive church, why it's important that straight allies listen to all LGBT voices and how we can fully support friends in the grief and pain of coming out of a gay relationship. Resources...
Published 01/05/23
As a single, same-sex attracted man, Stuart shares how he finds his needs for intimacy are met in godly friendships and church community. We also talk about how we can honour God in celibacy and find it emotionally and spiritually satisfying, and we discover what everyone's favourite Christmas carols are. Resources mentioned and related True Friendship: A Review Stuart FergusonA War of Loves: A Review Stuart FergusonSecurely Single courseJourney UK
Published 12/22/22
In our Christmas special, the team tell their best (or worst) cracker jokes, reveal their favourite Christmas presents and talk about desserts, Christmas traditions and favourite books, TV and films. We also discuss how we can overcome the difficulties of being single at Christmas and cope with sexual temptation and difficult family relationships. And we share the aspect of the Christmas message that gives us most encouragement in our faith. Plus there's a look back at 2022 in stats and a...
Published 12/15/22
Andrew talks about the relevance of 1 Corinthians to our contemporary culture and the importance of grounding sexual ethics in the bigger picture of marriage, the gospel and God's creation plan for human flourishing. We also discuss how to engage with people who disagree with us on sexual ethics and how to teach well on sexuality as a church leader, with the need for it to be rooted in honouring singleness and church as family. Resources mentioned and related The True Sexual Revolution...
Published 12/08/22
Community paediatrician Julie Maxwell shares her experience of working with youth and navigating the transgender conversation. She gives some helpful advice, practical tips and resources for parents, youth leaders and others who are trying to support young people questionning their gender identity. Resources mentioned Parenting a Child Questioning Their Gender IdentityLovewise OnlineThe Cass Review (Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people)Irreversible...
Published 11/24/22
In this show we talk to Andrew Bunt about his new book, Finding Your Best Identity: A Short Christian Introduction to Identity, Sexuality and Gender. He shows how his own personal experience of wrestling with these questions has helped him understand what's at the heart of the struggle for identity. We discuss the ways that culture encourages us to form our sense of who we are and explore some practical ways that we can live out our true identity in Christ. Resources mentioned Finding Your...
Published 11/10/22
Today we're chatting to Ed Shaw about his experiences of coming to terms with his sexuality as a young Christian and how, as an adult, he became more open about his same-sex attraction. We also find out how Living Out was born. In the second half we discuss why permanent, faithful, stable sexual same-sex relationships aren't God's best for us, but what we can learn about intimacy in friendship from the good in those relationships. Ed then shares about why he's found it helpful to read LGBT...
Published 10/27/22
In this interview with Dan, he shares about how friends have supported him when he came out about his same-sex attraction. In the second half, he talks about how God brought him back from a period of sexual experimentation and freed him from shame and regret. Dan also gives helpful insight into his experience of singleness and how the church can support those of us who are unmarried. Resources mentioned How Can I Find Freedom from the Weight of Sexual Sin? Dan ReidWhen the Single Life Feels...
Published 10/13/22
Jo and Anne talk about their friendship and how Jo has supported Anne with her same-sex attraction over the years, as well as how they've encouraged each other to press on with Jesus. Jo also talks about her experience of engaging with LGBT issues in the secular world, particularly at her boys' school. She also shares about how she talks to her children about sexuality. Resources mentioned The Call To All Jo ArkellStewardship websiteAgapé Family Life website
Published 09/29/22
Stuart is the Director of True Freedom Trust (TfT), a ministry that supports same-sex attracted Christians. In this interview we talk with him about his work and the help that TfT offers. We also discuss Stuart's own story of becoming a Christian and experiencing same-sex attraction and find out what it is that enables him to press on with Jesus. Resources mentioned True Freedom Trust websitePurposeful Sexuality: A Review Stuart Parker
Published 09/15/22
Ashleigh shares her story of being a Christian teenager with same-sex attraction. We discuss how she shared that with friends and family, the support she received and how she now supports young people in their own struggles with sexuality. We also talk about how following Jesus has shaped Ashleigh's identity and why she trusts God's pattern for sexuality in a world that increasingly rejects it. Resources mentioned 15, Same-sex Attracted... and Christian? Ashleigh Hull Living In A Gray World...
Published 09/01/22
In this fascinating interview with Greg, we learn more of his story of reconciling his faith and sexuality. We also talk about how Jesus releases us from shame. In the second half, we discuss Greg's book, Still time to Care, which explains the history of the ex-gay movement, how terminology has changed and how we can move from a paradigm of cure to a paradigm of care for sexual minorities. Resources mentioned Gay Shame and Jesus Greg JohnsonStill Time to Care Greg JohnsonStill Time to Care: A...
Published 08/18/22
Church leader Jez Field shares why he found Glynn Harrison's book 'A Better Story' so helpful in understanding and critiquing our culture's take on sexuality. He also explains how he seeks to better understand our culture in order to be more effective in communicating faith, building relationship and making disciples. Resources mentioned A Better Story: God, Sex & Human Flourishing Glynn HarrisonA Better Story: A Review Jez FieldThe Life and Leadership podcastFrom Strength to Strength:...
Published 08/04/22