What are your legal freedoms to speak on sexuality and gender at church and in the workplace? Andy and Andrew are joined by Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance to think through our legal freedoms when it comes to what we say and what we do on issues of sexuality and gender, both at church and in the secular workplace. The team discuss what the law says about all this, the implications for who we employ or admit as members in our churches, the need to be clear and consistent in wh...
Published 06/13/24
Published 06/13/24
How do we engage with a culture which holds such different views to us on sexuality and gender? It’s easy to feel hopeless or fearful as we engage in conversations with those around us on these sensitive issues, but in this episode Ed, Adam and Andrew help us to think about how we can do it well. In particular, what sort of mindset or attitude should you and your church family adopt as you approach these topics? How can you equip your church family to engage with and understand our cultu...
Published 05/30/24
How as churches can we best engage and help the next generation on the issue of sexuality? It can be an intimidating topic to tackle, but Andy, Ashleigh and Andrew encourage us that young people need the gospel as much as anyone else, and that it speaks good news into their big questions and concerns on sexuality and gender. The team also offer some practical wisdom on how we as church families can all play our part in proclaiming and living out the good news, as we navigate an issue wh...
Published 05/16/24
How should we approach a conversation with a gay couple wanting to get baptised or get their child baptised? What should we bear in mind when considering who to invite to formal church membership or leadership positions? How can we be consistent and loving in disciplining people who are living unrepentantly in ways that are contrary to what the Bible teaches? Ashleigh, Ed and Andy discuss the issues of church membership and discipline particularly in relation to sexuality and relationsh...
Published 05/02/24
What if there’s disagreement in our church on sexuality? Ashleigh, Ed and Andy discuss why this isn’t something we can just agree to disagree on, and some key principles to bear in mind as we work things out in light of that. The team then offer some practical wisdom on how to have these conversations within your church leadership team and as a whole church, including whether it’s helpful to hold events engaging with opposing views.  Resources mentioned and related Why Can't Christians Agree...
Published 04/18/24
In this episode we discuss how we can provide good pastoral care, both for those who are themselves same-sex attracted and wanting to follow Jesus, and for those who have gay family members and want to love them well. Andy, Ed and Adam share some of the things that have helped them most as they've opened up about their sexualities, the importance of doing simple things well and listening to individuals' experiences, and how showing love to the partner of a gay relative can point them to...
Published 04/04/24
What cultural and biblical context do we need to bear in mind as we teach on sexuality and gender? How do we handle the Bible passages which directly address homosexuality?  Ashleigh, Andy and Andrew discuss the need to approach these topics with both clarity and compassion, whether it’s best to do a one-off sermon or a whole series, and the importance of being aware of the people we’re speaking to and their experiences. Resources mentioned and related Born This Way. Really? Adam...
Published 03/21/24
In the first episode of this new series, we talk about why and how we should start the conversation on sexuality and gender in our churches. Andrew, Ashleigh and Ed share their experiences of what happens when you do (and don’t) discuss these topics in church, and why not being upfront on what we believe can be so unhelpful. The team also discuss how to engage well with our culture and our own church family as we prepare to have these conversations, making sure we’re clear on what we believe...
Published 03/07/24
Ashleigh introduces our brand new podcast series - coming 7th March!
Published 02/29/24
Our new series is coming soon, and in the meantime we're highlighting a couple of episodes from the vault. In our second series, we took on some of the most common questions we get asked about faith and sexuality, including this one: how important is all this? Anne, Ed and Andy discuss whether sexuality is really a big deal. Why are Christians obsessed with sex when there seem to be so many other pressing issues? Do Christians need to fall out over sexual ethics or is it something we can...
Published 02/22/24
While we work on our next series, we thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight a couple of episodes from the vault. In our second series, we took on some of the most common questions we get asked about faith and sexuality, including this one: isn't the Christian sexual ethic harmful and repressive? In the first half of the show we explore ways in which Christians and churches have sadly harmed people in the areas of sex and sexuality. We talk about how silence has made it hard for...
Published 02/08/24
In this special episode we say a sad farewell to our Content Director, Anne Witton. Anne shares her reasons for stepping down from front-line ministry at this time and talks honestly about some of the joys and struggles of her work with Living Out. The team discuss highlights of the last few years, share favourite resources and remember plenty of funny moments. Resources mentioned and related Anne's StoryThe Courage to Warn Anne WittonThe Importance of Rounded Stories Andrew BuntWhat Is...
Published 01/22/24
Andy explains how Hebrews 2 speaks into his experience of suffering and temptation in the area of sexuality, by reminding him that Jesus has been tempted and is sympathetic when we're struggling. Dan's chosen passage is 1 Corinthians 6, which has helped him to see the worth and dignity we have in God's eyes, how we've been bought at a price, and what that means for what we do with our bodies. Resources mentioned and related Kitchen Floors and Gethsemane Andy RobinsonThe Plausibility...
Published 12/21/23
Ed is joined by Living Out co-founders Sam Allberry and Sean Doherty to talk about the early years of the ministry and some highlights from its history. They share the story of how and why Living Out started and what their expectations were when it was launched ten years ago. In the second half of the show they share their personal highlights, discuss the impact Living Out has had and express their hopes for the future. Resources mentioned and related £10 a month clubSam's storySean and...
Published 12/07/23
Adam explains how Romans 7 shows that God understands our experiences and the clash of desires in our hearts. He takes comfort from the fact that the Bible is very real about the struggles we all face but also offers freedom from condemnation for those who come to Christ. Ed has chosen Acts 8 as a passage as an example of a beautiful encounter between Jesus and someone who experienced the shame of not having children. He takes encouragement from the fact that Jesus – the one who was despised...
Published 11/23/23
Andrew and Anne each pick a Bible passage that has helped them persevere in living faithfully for Jesus. Anne explains why Psalm 63 has helped her identify and overcome idolatry in her friendships with women and encouraged her to hunger for God instead. Andrew's choice of Psalm 73 shows that God himself is the greatest gift to us and we don't need to envy those who have things – like same-sex relationships – that we think we want. Following Jesus never means missing out on good and ultimate...
Published 11/09/23
Ashleigh explains how Revelation 5 helps her keep an eternal perspective in times of change and makes sense of the longings in her heart. 2 Corinthians 12 is one of Andy's favourite passages and he shares how Paul's teaching about his thorn in the flesh is an encouragement to look to Jesus whose grace is sufficient for us. Resources mentioned and related Book of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1) The Bible ProjectBook of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated...
Published 10/26/23
Join Anne and Ed as they discuss some passages of Scripture that have really encouraged them. Ed's pick is John 4 and he explains why Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well helps him understand Jesus' heart for those who have sinned sexually and the beautiful way that he stewards his sexuality. Anne shares why Genesis 3 helps her make sense of life and God's purposes for sexuality and points forward to the hope of the gospel for all of us, whatever our areas of brokenness. Resources...
Published 10/12/23
In the last episode of this series, Andrew and Ashleigh seek to understand the connection between LGBT+ and mental health and share some of their own experiences. They explore difficult issues like the social stress model, family rejection and insidences of suicide. There are plenty of practical tips on supporting young people who wrestle with mental ill health and they show how the Christian gospel both makes sense of suffering and offers hope in the midst of it. There is also an interview...
Published 09/28/23
In this show we're looking at how to support young people who are struggling with their gender identity. We define the terms and share our own stories of gender confusion before discussing some of the reasons why increasing numbers of young people might be identifying as transgender. In the second half we get practical with advice about how to support young people experiencing distress about their gender, including how to respond with compassion, how to talk about identity and how to offer...
Published 08/31/23
In this show we discuss how to support young people who are experiencing same-sex attraction or questioning their sexuality. We look at how to understand the young person's experience and how to respond when they come out to you. In the second half of the episode we look at how we disciple and offer ongoing support to young people who are struggling with their sexuality. Discussion questions Has there been a time when you have had to share something deeply personal with someone else? Were...
Published 08/17/23
We talk about how we as youth leaders can prepare ourselves and our churches to care for all young people, especially in the area of sexuality. We discusss the importance of modelling godly discipleship ourselves and creating an honest and safe culture for young people to share their struggles. We also look at how we can engage well with parents and church leaders, communicate sensitively and ensure that youth work is an integral part of the whole life of the church. This episode features a...
Published 08/03/23
In this show the team discuss how we can teach on biblical sexuality to our young people. We talk about the importance of painting the bigger picture of sexuality throughout Scripture and setting it in the context of God's heart for his people and the gospel which is good news for everyone. We discuss how to tackle the passages that specifically mention homosexuality and give some ideas of things to think about when teaching young people about sex. We also discuss lots of tricky questions...
Published 07/20/23
In this show, we critique some of the commonly held cultural views such as 'I'm inherently good and know what’s best for me'; 'I won't be happy unless I embrace and act on my desires'; 'Love equals complete acceptance'; 'If something’s not hurting anyone, it can’t be wrong' and 'Porn is an expression of normal sexuality'. We think about ther kernels of truth underlying some of these ideas whilst highlighting the damage they've often caused and pointing to biblical truth as a better...
Published 07/06/23