Andrew and Chris chat about the last 6 months while the podcast was paused about their life changes and what's next! --  Use my special link https://zen.ai/IZRlmky_LXvVMZXT79w9ubbrDI2f1rs9x7GNcZloWeY to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.
Published 03/04/24
Published 03/04/24
Quick update on the state of loonie engineering and what to expect in the near future.
Published 07/17/23
Technical debt can slow down software projects. In this episode, Andrew Clarkson and Chris Naismith discuss technical debt, how to identify it, the impact it has on software projects, how to manage and mitigate technical debt, and how to prevent technical debt.
Published 06/13/23
Chris Naismith and Andrew Clarkson discuss how to have effective one on ones with your manager, and skip managers. How to remain visible for review and promotion time to attempt to maximize your potential.
Published 06/01/23
Chris Naismith and Andrew Clarkson discuss how to have effective one on ones with your manager, and skip managers. How to remain visible for review and promotion time to attempt to maximize your potential.
Published 05/30/23
In this episode, Chris and Andrew delve into the exciting topic of workplace culture. The challenges in creating a good culture, how to affect it and how to identify a current or potential bad culture fit in a company.
Published 05/16/23
Chris and Andrew discuss AI and how it's already transforming multiple fields, as well as different tools, their thoughts and where the future may end up for software developers.
Published 05/02/23
Andrew and Chris discuss their current side projects, what led them to start them, how they stay motivated and how side projects can help accelerate your career.
Published 04/18/23
Andrew and Chris discuss various levels of software testing, the common tools and benefits. Additionally they discuss their backgrounds with testing frameworks and how to improve your code quality!
Published 04/04/23
Chris Naismith and Andrew Clarkson discuss what the interview process is like as a software engineer. They share their past experiences on both sides of the interview, as well as what to expect for those who have never gone through the process starting at the phone screen to the offer/negotiation stage. They provide tips on how to prepare, and what to expect including some questions they have been asked. 
Published 03/21/23
As more and more software engineers shift to remote work, the challenges of being visible and effective in a virtual environment become increasingly important. Join hosts Andrew Clarkson and Chris Naismith as they explore practical strategies for making an impact when you're not physically present in the office. From mastering virtual meetings and asynchronous chat, to increasing visibility and demonstrating your value to your team, this episode offers insights and tips for anyone looking...
Published 03/07/23
Andrew Clarkson and Chris Naismith discuss the topic of building a strong network. They share tips on how to make meaningful connections, expand your network, and some dos and don'ts when it comes to first messages. They also discuss the benefits of communities, in person networking and LinkedIn profiles.
Published 02/21/23
Chris Naismith and Andrew Clarkson discuss when is the best time for you to start interviewing. They offer practical tips on knowing how to identify when after your bootcamp or current role is ready to move on. Personal growth, current job satisfaction and overcoming imposter syndrome are topics discussed in this episode.
Published 02/08/23
Chris Naismith and Andrew Clarkson discuss when is the best time for you to start interviewing. They offer practical tips on knowing how to identify when after your bootcamp or current role is ready to move on. Personal growth, current job satisfaction and overcoming imposter syndrome are topics discussed in this episode.
Published 02/07/23
In this episode, Chris and Andrew discuss the new job that's not all it  was cracked up to be. You've started your first dev role, but it's not  going well. First your PRs aren't being reviewed, then your questions  aren't being answered, the threat of a PIP looms, and you feel like  you're going to get fired. What do you do?
Published 01/24/23
In this episode of Loonie Engineering, Chris and Andrew delve into maximizing your value as a junior developer.They share tips you can implement from day one in your new role such as improving documentation during on-boarding, as well as getting to know your team to get as much knowledge as possible.
Published 01/10/23
In this episode of Loonie Engineering, Chris and Andrew delve into the concept of "building in public," a trend that has gained popularity among software engineers in recent years. Building in public refers to the process of openly documenting and sharing the development of a project, whether it be a product, service, or open source project. We discuss the benefits and drawbacks of building in public, and how it can impact a software engineer's career. We also talk about the tools and...
Published 12/29/22